Free on steam. Beta update coming.
Post them server IPs.
Free on steam. Beta update coming.
Post them server IPs.
Other urls found in this thread:
>top server full
>bottom one empty
NA Servers
>"I don't want to be the first one on a server. Someone else has to be there first before I can go" the post
It's probably too early to fill. The update will be out in 3-4 hours when more people are on, so servers should fill.
Obviously. Who wants to play in a server with less than 10 people?
Well how can the player number go above 10 if there aren't the first 9 players there?
You're 100% correct, I'm just saying that it's less fun.
Be the change you want to see. Join the server and spread the IP.
Lets join and see if there are enough on to fill
New cool server
is shy guy on a stable build or is still a bug fuckbest?
about to come to stable I'm pretty sure
I got in (13/20)
We got two cool servers up now then, radical
>close elevator doors on doc
>he clips right through them (16/20)
> SCP-914 recipes change
look how i stacked these ammo boxes!
>RNG makes it so you can lose cards
like the dboys and scientists didnt have it bad enough
it'll just make it more interesting I think
How does 096 play?
Bob is a team killer. KOS
is wet twink an actual wet twink?
If so, hit me up
Jesus christ stop being so butthurt, you have been consistently namedropping people every single thread
That flashlight model, kek
If you don't want attention, don't seek it
Wait so the update is rolling in a while?
In around 3-4 hours.
Oh nice, around when I finish doing my schoolwork.
Hope we get some changelog sooner or later.
wasn't it GMT+1 i.e in less than an hour from now?
Sorry 5:30 pm GMT+1 NA
>be chaos insurgency
>at gate B alone
>find tonnes of ammo from corpses and cover the floor in it
>106 walks in
>say "welcome my son to the church of the ammo"
>"for years, we have worshipped the sacred bullet"
>run into the elevator and escape
fuck this game's so objectively bad yet I can't stop playing it
player interaction makes it good
>he didn't at least TRY to UV map it
this triggers me so fucking hard god damn it
any EU right now?
everyone is trying so damn hard now
game is dying confirmed
it's happening now
wet with what, is the question
Fuck man so sick of hearing 173 behind you, turning to face him, then getting killed by his 3 seconds of uninterrupted movement.
also how there's no collision with SCPs so the moment you slightly clip inside peanut he can snap your neck
That at least makes sense so 173 doesn't block doorways like the exit to 914 and such.
Does anyone have the new 914 recipes?
Gib update plox.
>yfw the new "recipes" are just converting people that hide in the chambers into flesh heaps
>stuck in the first ntf elevator, door wont open
if you cant kill yourself leave and rejoin, thats the only way
Well to be honest its actually really cool that he managed to make it playable and fair from a gameplay perspective, kind of hard when the majority of SCP are over powered motherfucker who could cause end of the world scenario if they really wanted to. Also the problem you speak of seem more related to ping issues than anything else, will probably be solved when there can be official dedicated servers for the game or people don't go play on other continent hosted games and/or don't play with potato, but even then it won't change much since the game still in beta and prone to massive changes. Just like with the 096 update that caused shit load of lag for no reason, there are part of the script which have to be changed as they encounter problems with new patches.
That is intended for balance purposes, due to the static when seen nature of peanut, it would be nigh impossible to time your attacks properly as to kill peoples, imagine if you were a z-bois but going exponentially faster the more damage you soak up. Wouldn't be fun at all and peoples would instantly quit over playing as peanut, which defeat the purpose of this game.
after update
is that fucking DSP?
Update servers! The shy guy is free!
>tfw still at work
it's here
if you don't see it restart steam or visit
steam://open/console & type in app_info_update
Post SCP Copypastas for intercom comedy.
>scps camping the offices when they KNOW they're dealing with insurgents and not furries
every fucking time
>Be Larry
>Get BTFO by tesla
updated servers where?
EU server
While you update servers, don't forget to add
allow_scpsl_staff_to_use_remoteadmin = false;
to your config files
post NA servers that have updated
>just me
anyone else getting a 'wrong server config' error when trying to connect?
>grill announcer
are you on stable or beta?
update came out literally a few min ago, gotta leave the server time to update and/or the admin to update them, no idea if its automatic or not tho
I'm coming in 10 mins
it doesnt have as much impact as WE'RE DETONATING THE ALPHA WARHEAD IN T MINUS 90 SECONDS desu.
What's the issue?
Taking down and 147 servers now to update
restart the server so first round its not a single peanut going for the lone dboy
>(somewhat) mindless killing machines killing mindlessly
Is Lanky in the update? Was he changed in any way from the beta?
Think lanky got his rage reduced by a few seconds but that was it and yes he's here now
it's just a stupid, deliberate choice given that they will inevitably lose health to kill people that they don't even need to harm
he was already nerfed to hell and they nerfed him even more? really?
shyguy was weak as fuck in the beta tho, why the nerf?
So Lanky is in release version, not just Beta?
>reeeee why won't they let me live
git gud
>Lanky was weak in beta
>he got nerfed even more
He might end up in shared last place with Guard and Larry in my personal "best roles" list.
Wooden flashlights are all the new rage.
who the fuck works on sundays?
why is the spectator camera on 173 so retarded? is updated
i thought he was pretty solid in the beta desu, not nerf worthy but i deleted a squad of 6 or so chaos in 1 autism rage once EU
i mean this isn't something that keeps me up at night, but it is pretty frustrating when they camp both of the gates and make the game less fun for everyone involved
>cheaple the redeemer
>Implying SCP give a shit if some dumb humans brainwashed themselves into believing they were victim of the situation and/or buddies with them
Humans are still humans, useful or not. servers
All updated, no servermod so servers will crash more often, nothing I can do until the updated version is released.
The thing is on his own against CI/NTF that know to shoot and spread out can fully get away with lots of free damage when they just hide and wait the rage to end. They just run up to him and fill him with lead when his rage is on CD period.
I want to kiss wet twink
Get in here boys
Don't Veeky Forums this up any more than it already is