Again, positioning is key. Think about where your opponents may be, where you are, where the storm is, where the next circle is, where high ground is etc.
If you're not super confident in pushing the remaining players for the win, just wait it out and play the circle game. There's 2 main ways to play:
1. Get centre-ish of the circle as soon as you can, build a base if you need to, and then hope the next circle is on you. Being in the centre increases your chances of having the next circle on you.
2. Play the outside of the circle, near the storm, that way one side of you is protected by the storm so you know you won't get flanked from behind.
I think option 1 is better for late late game, and option 2 for mid/late game.
However, if it's late game, and you hear a fight, it's often more beneficial to push them to try kill the remainders while they're weak rather than letting them heal up and then having to fight them later.
Also, if there are mountains in the circle, try to get up on them. But when climbing up on them, try to do so from the outer edge, the side closer to the storm. It'll be less obvious to other players.
Also, make sure you have enough materials for late game. Practice your building if you need to. You should be able to build a 1 by 1 (aka, a tower) super quick and without thought.
But overall, just practice. Just keep playing. If you get a few kills and get to the last few it means you at least have some idea of how to play the game.