>Even the greatest Moslem empire was white.
You can't make this shit up.
Even the greatest Moslem empire was white
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course, the ruling class consisted of a bunch of converts.
>implying the goktürks just replaced all the byzzis overnight.
are u retarded nigga ?
The ruling class was heavily oversaturated with greeks and other dhimmies/converts especially later when the Padishahs became really disconnected with the society.
Obligatory WE post too
The Caliphates werent empires, they were hegemonies
negro are you seriously mentally retarded ?
Yes the ottoman empire was real the the sultan was also the caliph. What's your point? They were two separate titles. The umayyads werent an empire. It was made up of seperate emirates and sultanates that swore allegiance to the caliph in the same way catholic kings swore allegiance to the pope. The same is true of the Abbasids. All the giant caliphates that stretch from the atlantic to fucking china werent singular political entities.
>They were two separate titles.
> Turkic peoples are white
> They originally lived in a desert
Turks are brown ya dingus and have always been
the thing was the ruling class saw themselves as as distant from the local where they came, the devshirme created the ottoman ruling class identity. see all those balkan grand viziers who were all to happy slaughter balkan people
wow ur dumb senpai
dont bother replying to my post
>Turks are brown ya dingus and have always been
well, early arab sources say that they had a hard time telling turks and tibetans a part
>cockroaches think they have genetic heritage from horse riding steppe nomads still
Didn't horny Arabs import too many Circassian women and soldiers that they took over the empire? kek Then Turks repeated the same mistake
it was also the continuation of the roman empire
makes u think
These threads are almost as bad as the blacks who claim "We wuz kangs n' sheet."
The Ottoman Empire has existed for centuries and the racial populations in it have changed over time. Orignally yes, many there were white, but the empire contained black North Africans and olive skinned people. Over time, their skin gradually became more brown and it was essencially how Turkey looks now when it fell. When you say even op, you come off as though you think many other great empires that were filled with culture were white and while this is true, great empires such as the Monguls were brown and yellow, Chinese were yellow, Indian were brown, Romans were olive, Zulus were black, and every old American power was red. Honestly, it took until the rise of the Holy Roman Empire for whites to become a powerful race and until the invention of firearms to become the most powerful.
"If She Ain't White she Ain't Halal"
t. Sultan Mehmed the second
>Turkic "People"
Pick one friend
Greeks/Turks are pretty brown
>Turks are brown ya dingus and have always been
You obviously never put a foot in turkey
whatever you say
>>Turkic "People"
Turkic "People"
Fuck off we were multiracial before our ancestors migrated from central asia.
t. Izmiri
there are ethnic Turks who are white, pic related is one of them.
there are also ethnic whites with blonde/red hair + blue eyes in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and used to be even India (see upper castes). you can look this up, and it's related to the spread of the Indo-European Language tree 2,000-4,000 yeas ago.
pic related, one example of a pakistani
You're certain thats not a circassian?
Kalash people is one example.
Actors in Turkish TV shows are really white - like that guy who played Suleiman the Magnificent.
>Actors in Turkish TV shows are really white - like that guy who played Suleiman the Magnificent.
geee, I wonder who is behind this thread