He has all those things to make up for the butcher woman making fun of his small penis.
Dominic Thomas
I wish the mods for 4 were extensive as the mods were for New Vegas and could keep me going. There just isn't enough content to keep me interested. Most of the mods are just guns and graphical changes. Still no meat and potatoes.
Brody Mitchell
Smells like victory.
Adam Hernandez
Did Creation Club ever produce full story mods? I refuse to make a Bethesda account just to see vague descriptions what they are selling
Hunter Russell
>not siding with the Institute and demanding they use the synth tech to make you a fully functional 12" cyber dong
Justin King
Reminder that Sarah is best girl and would love you unconditionally.
Lucas Perez
>needing the Institute to give you a 12" dong
Jason Gonzalez
Hudson Brown
she absolutely would not love me
Jonathan Allen
>When your dong gains a centimeter on level up
Blake James
thats not Curie, thats just a braindead synth. Now THAT is Cvrie
Cooper Perez
sometimes girls ain't got 12" dongs, and you gotta install one
Wyatt Ortiz
>not posting superior image of robo waifu ready for sexual
Joshua Edwards
>not a fully functional tight cyber boycunt
step up your game son
Connor Murphy
As long as your loyal to the Brotherhood and the pride, she would.
Dylan Howard
I am unlovable
Wyatt Peterson
People claimed to love Charles Manson and Hitler. Someone could love you
Gavin Bennett
How can a big metal ball be so adorable?
Alexander Allen
>no lewd mods for curie >no lewd mods for codsworth
I wanna fuck the flying robot octopus
Levi Evans
>Not being a high INT character and crafting cyber dongs yourself
Jace Nguyen
Charles Manson got married in prison, there is absolutely no way on earth that someone out of 7 billion people would not love you.
Cameron Young
Jaxson Thompson
but user Every thread is a CVRIE thread
Luke Kelly
>we could've had a romanceable robutt >beth forces us to turn her into a potatoface I will never not be mad
Ethan Ramirez
Just stand in some radiation for a while, it's less expensive. >cyber boycunt >not just fucking regular boys What are you, gay?
Luis Turner
Y'all motherfuckers need to up your resolution game, I always see people posting that Curie for ants.
Henry Morgan
curie for ants you say?
Jose Nelson
>not wanting an additional hole to take cock >not wanting a hole that can orgasm multiple times in a row >not wanting a sensitive clit
Honestly if the Institute was real and they could leave out the uterus I'd go for it
Jose Jenkins
Curie is annoying. Once I get her affinity perk, I dress her in a Vault suit and send her back to her Vault, never to see her again.
Lucas Hughes
Hunter Jones
Understandable, have a nice day, user.
Jack Cook
her perk is useless anyway, you can get a stimpak armor piece which is more effective.
Hunter Bell
>needing an extra hole for more cock >not being able to orgasm multiple times already >wanting a sensitive clit Haha vaginas are gross, ur gay, user
Tyler Hughes
stop bullying me
Brody Gonzalez
Josiah Morales
Eli Roberts
you will never find dialog like this in a bethesda game.
Juan Martinez
Tabegoro by Itou Eight
Noah Gomez
Oh woops, sorry user, I thought you meant this one I don't actually know where the Poison one is from.
Blake Richardson
I probably would have went with synth Curie on this current game if I didn't already have Nora.
I want to side with the BoS during this game but I don't think I'm DEUS VULT enough. Is it possible to play as a uh...BoS member that just wants peace with the Minutemen and Railroad, and doesn't want to kill all synths? I'm still gonna blow up the Institute and possibly not evacuate the place, though. Or can you still evacuate them under the BoS run?
Some of the scientists don't seem so bad, and killing innocent children (when my SS realizes the Institute has a few families living there) doesn't seem like something he'd want to do as a nice guy.
tl;dr is it possible to play as a reasonable BoS member or do you have to do the ending with the Minutemen?
Carson Allen
What, did you expect a pacifist route in a BETHESDA game you buffoon? Buffscale the buffoon thinks Bethesda included pacifist routes
>remove clutter >what's left is still rusted and beaten up garbage >call it "pre-war"
Tyler Garcia
Yeah, you can still evacuate the place during the attack, there's no marker for it, you just have to do it.
Jacob Wilson
>I probably would have went with synth Curie on this current game if I didn't already have Nora. let's keep it that way, you aren't worthy of her grace
I kinda want to RP a little bit on this. Once Nora and I get into the Institute, we will part ways. My SS wants to stop the institute for harming people and fucking around with FEV. Is dissapointed in Shaun but would never kill his own son. Nora on the other hand will stay in the institute to be close to Shaun, perhaps trying to talk him into not hurting so many people, etc. The two of us will get into a fight and split up.
I'll join the BoS and when I storm the place with them, I'll run into Nora tending to Shaun on his death bed. She'll have also been accustomed to synth Shaun by then, and already accepted him as her son. In the mean time before then I might let my SS screw around with synth Curie with a little side affair, but towards the end he'll run into Nora, Shaun, and synth Shaun. He won't gloat at Shaun, instead apologizing for how everything went, and asking him for the evacuation codes so no more lives have to be lost. Then I'll reconcile with Nora and take synth Shaun to the surface to live as a family.
Not sure what I'll do with synth Curie though, I can see my SS just using her to sort of get back at Nora, or just to get his rocks off. Perhaps in the best scenario they simply remain friends, once she realizes my SS is happy with his new family.
John Hughes
you're a weird guy, buff
Brandon Campbell
Actually is there a mod that lets your faction simply take over the Institute?
The BoS could use the damn teleporter as a more practical means of moving shit around but that makes too much sense, doesn't it?
Daniel Bailey
For you
Liam Sanders
I'm the best modder around.
Tyler Rogers
Gotta love free master lock picks without the perk.
Connor Hill
David Cox
Cute hat, user
Benjamin Collins
How long do you reckon can you eat that thing? Three days?
Adam Morales
>he would commit adultery on Nora weak af Buff
Ian Perry
More like a whole week
Henry Rogers
Maybe, it would take some work to properly preserve that. What would Yes Man say?
Carson Hill
Josiah Foster
Is it still adultery if its a robot AI uploaded into a synth?
Kayden Turner
Well someone could bullshit it out with "It's just a sextoy darling." Though I'm not sure how Curie will take that.
Elijah Wood
implying nora wouldn't be the one banging curie to begin with
Blake Butler
It depends does the robot enjoy the dick?
Aaron Hernandez
synths are persons, so yes
8 INT my ass
Jackson Morgan
>Several Buffs >Anime posting Just what is going on in MY thread?
Jonathan Perez
Fuck off Todd.
Eli Hill
What are some mods or ini tweaks that would give me better framerate?
Christopher Edwards
I don't know what you're talking about, user!
Ryan Campbell
I was just joking
I consider synths people. They're just a little weird with how they can have any AI put into them.
Gabriel Rogers
Asher Bennett
>considering synths people Bruh
Carter Nelson
overseers guardian or spray n pray
Colton Howard
spray n pray
Parker Martinez
>they're just a little weird with how they can have any AI put into them. Gen 3s are real human beings with ICs (synth component) inside their brain that allows them to be reprogrammed. Any non-synth human with a synth component inside their brain could be just as easily reprogrammed. The only problem is that the synth component must be installed in a very delicate region of the brain, so it's impossible to install it in a fully formed brain, the brain must instead envelop the synth component during its formation process to avoid cortical damage, and that's why the Institute developed Gen 3s. The synth component can't be installed/removed without killing its host because it's located deep inside the brain.
They're literally human beings specifically designed to be slaves because of the synth component.
Jonathan Martin
I know they're human beings. Maybe possibly mutant because of the FEV used to make them, too, though.
I kinda wish the game had more weird stuff like putting Sentry bot AI into synths or Eyebots to see what happens.
Leo Rogers
Be honest, do you play with aim assist on?
Colton Sanchez
>Put Enclave eyebot programming into synth >it makes a beeline for Chicago >only communicates in beeps and boops Sounds cute desu
Logan Butler
I thought CoD games were the only ones with aim assist
Chase Evans
They're as much of a human being that a human being can be thats been genetically modified from birth. It's the ultimate eugenics method and will spell the end for normal human reproduction. Normal humans cannot compete with whatever comes out of that institute lab, because whatever comes out of that lab will be superior to random genetic selection as the machine creating the human will be able to select the genetics it wants.
This ties into Fallout 1 and the Master's desire to create the superior being, but failing. The Institute succeeded where the Master failed. This should get your neurons firing somewhat.
Oliver Perez
Up to 8% of the human genome is comprised of retroviruses. Different human populations carry different types of retroviruses in their genome, which technically makes us all mutants according to your own argument, which is actually true, because there's no real "genetic standard" for any species, aside from being a group of animals that share very similar, yet still different genetic traits, but not so different as to sexually isolate them.
Samuel Nguyen
This guy slaps your scribe's ass, what do?
Chase Williams
present my ass
Ethan Gutierrez
When strolling through the Wasteland I have absolute silky smooth 60 fps, but whenever I get to Lexington or some other larger city, I drop to around a reliable 20. How can I improve my fps in cities?
Landon James
Take him into the gym showers desu
Jason Cook
There's a bunch of mods for that, mainly ones that remove dumb rubble you wouldn't even see, things like this: nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9835/
Shadows are the main problem in cities though, so just lowering shadow quality does the trick generally.
Jayden Hughes
What mods would be great for a supervillain run? I already have RobCo Certified.
Jaxson Diaz
I'm already at 1024 shadow resolution, but thank you for the mod recommendation.
I still don't understand why you are supposed to get an advanced stealth tech armor in a place with enemies that have 5000% perfect vision and no amount of stealth can hide you from any of them.
Brody Thompson
From what I remember, I've only done it once on my intial playthrough because I ahted killing Danse and the fate of the Lyons clan, you can argue and reason (with high charisma) when things seem unfair, but sometimes you just have to follow orders. You are just a soldier after all.
You kill kids in all but the cuddly Minutemen ending and a Brotherhood ending where you trigger the warning to be fair. There are kids in the Prydwen, cadets you actually take out on mini missions (generally not dangerous ones), once you are a member. It's actually breddy heardwarming.
...wait... true nature breaking through. WHERE IS YOUR GODAMM POWER ARMOR, MAGGOT?!
Nathan Butler
I can appreciate a man of roleplay. I also appreciate that you releaed the FO3 Enclave Officer cap long before the gorgeous outfit was released for FO4. I love that cap.
Hudson Cooper
Which is better for FO4? Texture Optimization Project or Optimized Vanilla Textures