/mhg/ - Monster Huntar General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳They found your Slashberry stash:capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/15/
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released:game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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hey monster fucker general which monster would you fuck today?
for me it's legiana, i just want to impregnate her she is so beautiful
god just imagine a legiana wearing odogaron slut armor..

you go into your private room.
you see pic related
what is your first response?


pls post monw weakness chart ty

Daily reminder that Discordshitters should kill themselves

mhxx looks great

and people say World GS is ruined

Lady kicks
It's a weapon that can only be used by female hunters in it's first form you get spiky heels that do slash damage with a bunch of kicks. but you switch forms for massive damage by inflating her toes to use as massive clubs that work like hammers.

The more times you attack the more sweaty the toes become and the smell adds buffs to other players near you...

Fuck wrong pic

Question what the fuck I'm looking at.

So do we have a fucking MHG squad or not? (World)

Put on my wiggler head.

sometimes I consider playing Frontier past the free stuff, then videos like this remind me. thank you.

No one join squad session and then invite mhg.


dead game

Do you take responsibility, /mhg/?

>Playing FU
>No Charge Blade
>No IG
Some games deserve to be left in the past

Draw inflating toes please?

I can't believe I bought a PlayStation pro for this game...

Jesus fucking christ. Is this what the BING BINGs are trying to justify?

I only remember being penetrated from behind by lance odogaron girl.

>bing bing

game literally isn't on nintendo consoles.

no SA too
it was perfection

Actually frontier is on wii u. It's going to get discontinued soon though.

i cant believe you bought into the pro meme either.

Does the legiana bonus helps with gems and rare drops? Or is it all placebo?

Isn't it on Wii U?

I stand corrected. doesn't change the fact that it isn't a nintendonly game. "BING BING" cant just be used for everything.

Yes. I turned it off also because it became extremely annoying the "sticky" aim to the closest monster, and I would end up dung bombing the one that I actually was hunting instead of B-52 for instance. I don't use radial menu because it locks my camera as soon as I press L1, and coming from older games, it's a pain in the ass not seeing what's behind you. I didn't make the switch to a dual stick controller just to have my camera locked.

t. poorfag

At least you can play PS4 exclusive titles now like uh.... Umn...hmmm..uhhh...
Ah bloodborne. You can play Bloodborne now user

No, it’s an outdated relic of the past

Haven't had much of a problem with it, I think I even rely on it now.
When I first was using the radial menu I'd have camera issues, but I know which slots the three things I use are so it's not so bad now. Everything else I still use the bar.

It increases the amount of quest rewards obtained, pard.

Is Maximum might worth it with the greatsword? I feel like with tackles draining stamina it wouldn't make a differences where it counts because you have to tackle cancel into true charge

Now that my three favorite weapons are ruined (GS/Bow/CB) in world, what new weapons should I try?

Play 3U on 3ds or emulate P3rd? I'd emulate 3U but I don't think my shitbox computer could run it.

If you consider OP and thus hated for being OP "ruined"

you'll be at full stamina by the time the first hit of the true charge comes out even after tackle canceling from base level charge

>frontier fights are so terribly designed that every weapon has to get a guard/counter move or stack evasion out the ass or else it would be unplayable

Yes, I'd argue it's essential

most definitely.

>the monster gets stuck in its own pitfall traps

Is this for slinger only? Don't tell me gunner reticles have some sort of stupid autoaim/aimassist as well?

>Dead game
Most selling MonHun ever made. Servers are over a million people daily.
Sounds like you’re mad that MonHun isn’t on the switch and that the 3ds MonHun is abandoned, just like your dad abandoned you as a kid.
MonHunW is the best one out yet and the best selling as well.

>decide to switch my LS for the IG for a bit to have some fun
>LR Barroth with a bone II IG just to try it out
>cart twice
>kill him in 40minutes

Jesus Christ is the IG this bad or do I really have to learn it at it's fullest first?

I think that I know now why IG users usually get kicked out of quests.

>Servers are over a million people daily.

all the weapons are ruined. they're all different from previous games. play something else.

Nergi is a fun fight and the best flagship since Narga!

There no reason to aed snipe or gp effectively now. Just grug ungabunga saed saed spam

From what i tried, they don't. It's slinger only.

>best one out yet
Not him, but let's not kid ourselves. The endgame is essentially non-existent. All you do is farm +damage buffed versions of monsters for gacha decorations in lieu of gacha charms. It's a very lazy cop-out for any sort of content in that regards, they could have just made the investigations give random buffs/resistances/immunities to the monsters and it would have at least made it a little less shitty.

Did you use the Kinsect to get extracts?

All the flagships between Narga and Nergi are leagues better than both of them.

Yes, but I couldn't reliably get red extracts. Sometimes no extract would be received even with a colored beetle in the hud.


Do what?

You are attacking with red extract, right? There is literally zero reason to attack without red extract on IG.

It's really not that hard. Get red and white elixir, get orange when it's about to run out. Mount monster, down it, Tri > Tri > Circle > Tri > Tri > Circle infinite until it gets up. If you're tripled up also mark a spot for your kinsect to wail on. It'll be a breeze.

inb4 nephlol chiming in with
>n-no this one dude did it naked....

I like the game but you're fucking delusional.
It has the shittiest roster since the first one and an endgame worse than Generations'.

No, really, they are. Lagi, Brachy, Gore, Sergerios, the Fated Four and Valfalk are some of the best monsters in the series.

Sorry dude, you're going to have to try new weapons now. But I share your pain.
I suggest hammer, it hasn't changed too much ans still has the old playstyle pretty much intact. If you liked head sniping, which I'm assuming so given your favorite weapons, then hammer is for you.
Just don't play online unless you want to bw welcomed to trip city

IG isn't that good anymore, but I think you're just shit with it right now, since you just started. 40 minutes is ridiculous, and red extract on Barroth is incredibly easy to get (assuming your kinsect isn't slow as fuck, but even then just go for his head when he's charging you).


MHW is the best HR game. It has its flaws, yes, but nothing that can't be ironed out with a G-Rank release.

That upswing charge animation looks unsatisfying.

I'm certainly shit with it now since I've literally never used it.

I'll try to get better at the kinsect thing since it's what the weapon really is all about.

Generations had a better ending game and more content, as well as more depth in terms of gameplay.
I hated generations, but I have to disagree that world is the best HR game.

Where is my 'Kinsect -- IQ' chart?

>Blos is the only CB meme
I like the gamma slit, and its not OP at all. Its a weapon class, not "a" weapon.


>arts and styles
Yeah nah
>ticket autism
>good endgame
Hell fucking no lad, that shit was offensively bad
>lol here have this respawning bulldrome
>lol capture it under trash conditions

Biggest flaw it has is no village/hub separation making solo too fucking easy.
I hope they give us a difficulty change function.

Fug, game reminded me I can level palico unity. What do I get for maxing this? Card background?

Is this what people who can't get good at MH sink their time into once they arrive at endgame?

IG is probably one of the harder weapons to use well.

Just learn and memorize where each extract can be extracted from on each monster Typically red=head, yellow=body/tail, white=legs/wings, green=tail if not yellow, but there are exceptions.
And upgrade your kinsect as much as possible, slow kinsects are the main thing that makes early game IGs liquid shit.

Why would you do this in the worst monster hunter possible?

You realize that arts and styles are now added in world as well right? Or are you just shitposting?
I'll take tickets progression over "hey this monster is purple and hits harder now lol"
Any day

And the fact that you're crying over challenging content makes me understand why you prefer world over gen.

>I hope they give us a difficulty change function.

This is probably the best outcome. As someone who often ended up soloing G-Rank for various reasons I've never liked having to deal with inflated HP by myself, and I'd loathe to go back to it.



>Couldn't reliably get damage extract
>Wonders why weapon does poor damage
IG is okay, but most of all its (fun). Gotta get red/white though, orange if you're in a group, then wail on the monster! If you're solo, grab the coral palico gear, those buffs help immensely, low stamina consumption and earplugs is easy mount time.

I just need my 50 guild cards.
What endgame? Farming for decorations? I'd rather farm for crowns then get my .005% dps boost deco

Nerg is a tragic pushover that rewards mindless spamming.

I'm glad wife beater told everyone to cap monsters now. You get your best chance for a gem from the gold reward, not the 3% at best from a carve. Much better than the faggot attacking the sleeping blos instead of the bombs, sending it into enrage where it carts them failing the mission.

Just use guild no arts if you hate arts and styles so much


>heal augment
>xeno SA

what kinda TA is this? how close to the WR is it?

What's the best LBG for dragons?

>mhw is capcoms best selling game of all time
rip mh

>literally just instant parry aoes bro
>no drawbacks at all ever
And frontierfags say World’s GS tackle is bad

>You realize that arts and styles are now added in world as well right? Or are you just shitposting?
If you think mantles or the new moves weapons got are equal to arts and styles, there's no point in arguing with you.
>I'll take tickets progression over "hey this monster is purple and hits harder now lol"
Tempered is lazy, no denying that. But it's not a detriment to one's enjoyment of the game, like deviants and their shit ticket system. The deviant monsters themselves are fine, some are quite good fights even.
>And the fact that you're crying over challenging content makes me understand why you prefer world over gen.
Nothing in Gen is challenging, what are you on about?

Not an argument, it's shit game design by virtue of existing. You can ignore any valid criticism with "just ignore it lol"
>tempered is lazy
you don't have to keep playing after xeno lol
>GQs are a pain in the ass to acquire and grind
just don't do them lol

If I hated world's lack of challenge, end game and depth, which monster hunter would you recommend to me?

More like long live mh

a different game. mh is for casuals.




The best selling mh game prior to this was p3rd and look at what happened