Mud therapy edition
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Mud therapy edition
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>None can stand against Taeshalach!
Remember to respond to this post if you stood against taeshalach today
Who is the Wilhelm II of Warcraft?
My team is losing =/
How do you motivate people to try really hard in bgs?
Used my boost on a paladin. I chose paladin because I can already play it. My other paladin is on the wrong faction and a dead server.
But now I have to redo my order hall quests. Gross.
>He isn't 110 on every allied race
LOOOOOL What are you even doing with ur life? Start working on it!
what a waste.
i want to stick my tongue in this elfs butt
Not really it's expensive to server transfer+faction change.
>trial of style is fun and interesting new content
>great vehicle for bringing old transmog items and unused set recolors
>only happens like twice a year
Holy shit, my order hall on dalaran is ALL horde. Is dalaran turning into a horde only server?
>all these ERPing losers who are afraid of playing the actual game gushing over trial of style
nobody cares
jesus christ are you always this boring? no wonder nobody likes you
Which is more fun, arms warrior or ret paladin? Wanna play as a 2Hander
There's not enough space there for both our tongues buddy
>win trial
>accidently removed winner buff
I want my shirt pls
>trial of style is fun and interesting
trial of style is a part of the actual game, autissimo.
call them shit and sperg out
>Tragic figure who has a temper
>Got entangled in a war he didn't really, but in a way wanted to start at the same time
>Resigned from his post seeing his people revolt.
>Exiled and left to chop wood his entire life
>Disgusted of what his country became in later years
Literally nobody in Warcraft. This would require writers with a brain.
Legion is literally done
If you haven't finished mythic Antorus at this point you never cared, there's nothing left to play
>nathanos is calling the horde team shit in his announcements
>horde is winning all the time
I find arms more fun.
Forgive me Padre for I have sinned. I'm abandoning Alliance and rerolling Horde.
I'm a hardcore raider and even I haven't finished mythic antorus
I still don't think they will be an alliec race they look too good.
Just don't let the door hit your on your wait out.
Doing what? PvE or PVP? I personally prefer Arms for both and am qutie interested in the BfA changes.
>Tragic figure who has a temper
Egotistic aristocrat who may have been mentally ill for real
>Got entangled in a war he didn't really, but in a way wanted to start at the same time
Started a war he really wanted to start, and not even for a good reason, but purely out of spite
>Resigned from his post seeing his people revolt.
Ran like a rat from a sinking ship that he himself sunk
>Exiled and left to chop wood his entire life
Wasn't punished nearly harshly enough for his crimes
>Disgusted of what his country became in later years
Could not accept his direct responsibility for all of Germany's troubles in the XXth century
I'm going to vehemently deny that they're going to be a Horde race.
Ret. I just started playing battlegrounds with it and it's so fucking easy and fun. Just build holy power, judge and then templar's verdict their face. Their HP just vanishes. I went 6 kills 0 deaths on my first match and we won.
>elfs in slutmog win 90% of the time
elves are the best!
>horde get furry bait and transborne
>alliance get snakebros and fatbros
Will we ever stop winning lads
How does Tirion even come close?
To add to it
>Son commited suicide not long after he abdicated, fearing the decline in status and the wrath of the people
>War is more or less a huge family fued
>Cousin and his family got killed by revolutionaries who are rising in numbers in your country as well
>Write a letter to the new leader of the country you once ruled to congratulate him in his conquests, get told you're an old fool instead.
>Request not to get a military burial with the new leaders goons presebt
>Got it anyway because the new leader of the country you once ruled was a petty queer who wanted to spit on you even when you were dead.
Specifically Night Elves.
That's why I'm switching to Horde. They look amazing and I'm not even a furry. I want to play that race exclusively because of how adorable they look.
>search vulpera porn
>tfw all nelves get fucked by Tauren
>Body build for hulking beastmen
i fucking love art like this.
Sorry I meant I don't see htme as an allied race not alliance race.
Do you think the Sentinels had sexual intercourse with Tauren tribesmen while their husbands were asleep?
Typical Horde power fantasy. When will these pathetic fucks ever give up?
just won the trial of style, did you get your shirt yet?
Same. I hate furries with a burning passion but that strong red colour as well as their cuteness make me consider it.
So it's all up to how the community will precieve them now: if they are as cancer as people see female worgen on RP realms I will never roll one, but anything less and I will.
they were too busy fucking each other silly.
maybe the odd deviant wondered off to sink into abhorrent degeneracy and fuck tauren, but the vast VAST majority of night elf females are bisexual, with most being lesbian. And they're all racist as fuck so they'll probably only wanna fuck each other :(
Reminder that Elune is a giant moonkin and both of Azeroth's moons are Moonkin eggs.
What fun/interesting/instructive podcast/youtube channel should I listen to while I grind rep ad nauseum?
Currently watching Half in the Bag
>wildkin/owlkin/moonkin are "favored by Elune"
>artifact ability is literally shooting enemies with a fucking moon
deepest lore
Paladin if you are a boring, grey wearing faggot. Warrior if you mean to slice motherfuckers in 2.
>And they're all racist as fuck so they'll probably only wanna fuck each other
My experience in Stormwind told me otherwise
King of Darnassus reporting!
Why do asians love blood elves so much?
Can someone explain the lore behind Nightborne Monks? How did the pandas sneak past the bubble to teach them kung fu?
Are you memeing? I'm not sure I'd be into tinfoil alt-right propaganda
because anime
>and u can haz it all
>my empire of dirt
coming 8.0
You don't have to agree with the crazy man to find his ranting entertaining.
Will it come into play that I really hate America and don't really like Russia either?
More like Illgay lmao
They certainly learned martial arts after joining the Horde.
They liven on wine for 10k years, guess they some of them wanted to drink something new. Pandaren brewmasters had the answer.
Maybe, for good or bad.
Here's an actual serious suggestion for a podcast to listen to - Adventure Zone
Nightborne females are basically the same as bored upper class housewives who are fascinated with yoga and Chinese mystical gobbledegook
>only happens twice a year
>nothing brought up in
2 Wins in a row, soon to be on a very giant streak. Watch out /wowg/
>10k year old
>looks 18
>worse version of a tier set
I was one response who was memeing, but if you want to listen to someone intelligent listen to Jordan Peterson if you like things like psychology.
>worst class gets one of the best outfits
>only version with boots that doesnt look lke poop
>thinking it's full tier
>red and white is worst version
kek, all the other colors are poop, gaudy blue or for the alliance gaudy purple/gold. The only version that might be better is mythic antorus. Elite isn't better at all and would only be for the prestige of owning it.
Besides, I've won with 2 different mogs, and have 14 more to win with~
>using that set on anything other than a human male
They don't make sense. The reason they have monks is because Void Elves have monks, and the reason Void Elves have monks is because the Nightborne have monks.
It's a cycle that feeds itself when Blizzard would have been better off giving neither monks because it makes absolutely little sense, especially when they can get monks but Lightforged can't.
You are all scrubs gloating how you won trial of style. I won it first time when it was around on all 4 armor sets and got enough tokens to buy then current set for each and new ones when they added them. So this trial of style is kinda pointless when i have everything from before.
>playing the most boring race in a high fantasy mmorpg for more than your first week of playing the game
I want to wear this set as a fat Kul Tiran, enter Cathedral of Light and insult everyone who goes in there.
This is definitely an updated goblin rig. Yeah yeah, universal skeleton shit, but their animations are less stiff than goblins. And there is no reason Blizzard would make a fucking animation like this if they didn't have plans for the vulpera.
Is there trial of style achievements or is this all worthless? Every single set you can get there you can already get out in the world from different pieces, once you have the shirt you're done right?
I have one human character out of 10 and he's a rogue. Nice try though.
Magic elves are the most boring fantasy race in any fantasy setting
elves are succubi, beware
Not as bad as humans
Especially when the humans have 0 edge to them and are basically all good guys, what the fuck kinda fantasy world is that
>being a human rogue
>not being a belf/panda for maximum damage in pve or an orc for maximum buttmad in pvp
With my f-friends!