Gets BTFO by Napoleon during Revolutionary Wars

>Gets BTFO by Napoleon during Revolutionary Wars
>Get BTFO ny Napoleon at Austerlitz
>I d-didn't want to be Holy Roman Emperor anyway being Austrian Emperor is great haha
>Gets BTFO by Napoleon in 1809
>Here h-h-have my d-daughter Napoleon fuck her with your long French dick
>Finally doesn't lose against Napoleon (only won because of Russia and Great Britain)
>B-better take in Napoleon's son (who was also his grandson)

Was he the most cucked man in history?


>Holy Roman Emperor
>Not Holy
>Not Roman
>And not an Emperor
Hmm... I don't know...

Napoleon himself?
>Literally hangs on to a woman that cucked him. Repeatedly.
Besides Austria as an Empire far outlasted the French """"""""Empire"""""""""""

>Besides Austria as an Empire far outlasted the French """"""""Empire"""""""""""

The Austrian Empire was created by France through the destruction of the HRE

The fact Napoleon's wife cheated on him never ceases to amaze me.

Like, you're married to the most powerful man on earth, he has fought and toppled empires, and he's changed history. He's one of the greatest emperors ever, and somehow he's STILL not good enough for you?

I don't understand women at all.

she didn't get the tingles from him bro

He was just one general among hundreds when they married and she cucked him
She stopped cheating after he had become an emperor (she was old roasties anyway) while he did

Also the Austrian Empire was a fucking joke. It spent it's 100 years of existence just struggling to hold onto its territory in the balkans and constantly showing itself to be totally irrelevant in Europe. After Wilhelm II was crowned, it basically just became Germany's little bitch

It struggled to beat serbia, and needed Bulgaria's help.

Just proof that, no matter how great you are, if you're a manlet you'll always just be a manlet


this is disregarding the fact that napoleon cheated on her many times over too

it's politics bro marriages aren't based around love and the ones that are don't last

Austria was effectively its own shit ever since the Thirty Years War ended and the HRE truly became "Clubhouse of German States." There's a reason why modern historiography calls the Austrian Archduchy, k.k. Austria, the Austrian Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire as "the Hapsburg Monarchy."

Napoops and Beauharnais did marry for love initially.

and see how that turned out

>Here h-h-have my d-daughter Napoleon fuck her with your long French dick
Napoleon was Italian.

All three are wrong

I sometimes wonder if Napoleon wasn't the rage of the Byzantines given human personification.

>humiliated and destroyed the aquatic kike
>destroyed and disassembled the >H>R>E
>humiliated the Papacy

Rage of the Byzantines sounds like an awesome title for a book/movie/game

You forgot
>Had thousands of Turks murdered out of hand

Who is the aquatic kike? Not a period I'm overly familiar with.

Spain, maybe?

>Who is the aquatic kike?


that explains the french dick
no one handles french dick like italians

Given the context I'm assuming Venice?

Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser.

He reigned until his death, a feat that proved to be unattainable for napooleon

And yet Napoleon is actually remembered by most people, and he changed the course of history. Meanwhile, Francis II is only remembered by history buffs, and mostly only for losing to Napoleon.

Maybe he was a shit husband.