CUTE & ADORABLE edition!
CUTE & ADORABLE edition!
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I lost all my files
post lamb to refill my lamb folder ty
>kaisa has 2 passives
the powercreep is immense still
>Ate lamb yesterday
Wonder if she'd be offended or not identify with lambs at all.
>tfw no qt petite gf
I'd eat lamb to be honest family
you know rule 34 conditions you to obsess more over a game because your brain starts linking the game to your sexual pleasure receptors, so you are less likely to seek women IRL in the future the more and more you jack off to it
Well, that goes without saying.
how am i supposed to get an S+? i have twice the vision score of everyone else in my game and got assists on baron as well as all the mid and bot lane turrets; help
Reminder that Riot has already confirmed that Kai'sa is gay.
>no champion that can disable enemy passives
>no champion that can purge buffs
>no champion that can copy any skill in the game, with obvious exceptions like toggles passives and transformations
no shit she has a void dick to impregnate women with void babies
void dicks have a bunch of spikes that would kill you, void pussy on the other hand, probably just filled with acid to burn ur dick off
idk where im going with this
Kai'sa is for Kassadin
are you retarded
>pussy juice thats corrosive acid
>dicks that have grown immune to such dangerous substances
i gotta give it to em. natural selection sure worked out didnt it
I never seeked women IRL before I started playing this game anyway.
I'm already too fucked up for a real relationship
I already have a boyfriend
the past tense of seek is sought :)
>no support from the order of Shadow who casts enemy spells by using living shadows to shapeshift into a visage of enemy
>no qt evil ninja grill who could temporarily turn into a living shadow of Urgot and use his killer drill ult and jaws of death someone then go back to being a qt ninja grill
Go write something for gurosmut user and get a free skin or something, you got something going there.
here is the stats of that game if anyone is willing to help sry for shitty crop
higher kill participation i guess
Does Redemption lose damage if you use two back to back or just the heal?
but i sold my account already for like 50 bucks
I dont understand this sometimes.
Watched my friend lose a 4v5 because his botlane was complete cockmonglers that were premade and got raped like 20 times.
Statistically you should literally be able to get carried if youre even going afk.
Yet every game where i dont tear the enemy apart 1v9 is impossible to win.
I NEVER ever get carried by my botlane or anything.
Then i watch games where botlanes carry 4v5's, is this some joke?
>15 cs
cropping? for 200, alex
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get an evil skin sometime (id also settle for mafia chromas or something that makes SG look corrupted)
get a friend to test it with!
>get a friend
You are capable of making friends right user?
That Kai'sa was probably filled with so many painful void cocks she swore off males forever. The strong tangy nectar from void pussy is probably delicious to her and has based her sexuality off of this.
This all changes when she sees her first human (yordle??) cock. Much smaller, softer and without any spikes. She'll have a natural biological urge to taste it and fall in love with it. Being used to the powerful void cocks, she'll go overboard on the human dick and milk it to near death.
Afterwards of course she experiments with human pussy and finds that the taste is a lot more mild than she'd enjoy. However it'd be much softer and more enjoyable around her ovipositor. It's less of a juice vacuum and more of a loving firm massage to her.
>2 redemptions on the same team
>Champions besides support building Redemption
Actually, what champions can I build Redemption on? Some toplaners I assume?
j4 buffs when also when is the patch
>no barbarian berserker champion whose undying rage allows him to cheat death
when was this
How do you manage to get permabanned from league? All you have to do is stop typing after you get the 2 week ban.
>caring about the CS of a support that isn't using targons
ivern dumbo
>having more than 0 cs
Is this a joke
>Make simple mistake during early game
>enemy junger: "?"
>Go full fucking ass hole mode with warwick
>Kill everyfucking body and carry
>Keep spamming ? everytime I kill someone that trash talked me in early game
Is there a better way to start the day?
How do people manage to get fat? All you have to do is stop eating after after you get full.
Yeah but that's fucking Ivern. I obviously meant non-supportive champions that wouldn't normally build it who could.
>x9 shaco
No in 2018 we call them "trolling" and "autism".
>trash talking is an eating disorder
Why does no one play kennen?
>press R, press D, win tf
Support junglers like nunu/ivern
When I asked her to marry me and she said yes!
In a game that's 30 minutes long there is always an opportunity for the support to pick up some CS, which they should because team gold is important.
They don't get full because they eat high calorie low volume food where their stomach is still mostly empty at the point where they've eaten their appropriate amount of calories.
>No point for Lancer Zero Heca because arcade exist and the champ is irrelevant as fuck.
>No point for soulstealer Vayne when Project exist
>No point for hextech annie because she has shit ton of other skins that are better, maybe just buy her because she looks like a little sister from bioshock.
>No point for hextech kog because pug'maw exist.
>Nop point for dreadnova darius because dunk master exist.
What the fuck do I use my gemstones for?
>champion who has a stealth blink manages to get outganked by a champ who can't do shit until level 6
>censoring name just to hide pathetic match history
seems about right
Champion who has a friendly fire cc
>taunt one person eve style proc it and then watch them loose control and attack the closes team mate
or an ice slipping mechanic
>champion makes an area of ice has a cc where he can know the enemy champ and force them to slide
Dunkmaster is one of the worst skins in the game.
a free chest and key?
>W:36 L:60
I find ranged top lanes cancer and wouldn't wish a ranged vs melee matchup to anyone, not even my worst enemy.
>No point for dreadnova darius because
>W:36 L:60
Leagues pathing system makes ice slipping physics akin to a platformer impossible
>80% win rate with brand over 30 matches
>like 35% win rate with every other support
Am I retarded or is brand just OP
>j4 buffs
idk probably when they rework him
Wednesday. Kaifu time!
>play him top
Haha Sion and Nasus
>play him mid
Haha literally anything
Always the chest and key. Then see how much chests and keys are inside the chest.
Eating disorders aren't real.
>Gathering Storm
What is wrong with you, dunkmaster is the best darius skin.
Definitely both. New Liandry made DoT super busted.
Not bad but second place to space pirate darius
Give me an official source
t. doesn't watch Teddy play
>be me playing my legendary sivir top against a nasus and a kha6
>he withers me and kha finishes the job
>they flame my pick and call me a dumbass
>after that i play super passive for the rest of laning phase
>meanwhile nasus is free stacking
>i just split like a retard until the 40min mark
>400 cs
>nasus flashes on me
>i spellshield his W
>kite him with my ult and blade of the ruined king
>emote spam on his dead body as his team watches a 850 stacks nasus die 1v1 against an adc
i love this game
>Dunkmaster is one of the worst skins in the game.
Is it really a skin line if only one motherfucker has it?
>True damage
Gee boss idunno
one for all with Zoe, everyone builds redemption. Drop 10 simultaneous redemptions.
Dread Nova >Mountain Dewrius > Game of Thrones > King Darius > shit master memeius
>my adc is afk for about 5-10 minutes because of connection problems.
>1 v 2 in lane
>proceed to make some decent calls throughout the whole game
>fiora is 0-3-0 at midgame
>we group
>i manage to spoonfeed her some kills since cait is afk farming botlane to catch up XP
>she snowballs from there
>make a few picks lategame
>we get baron
>perfect game for me
>0 honors
support life is suffering.
>games are incredibly drawn out
>not taking GS
He didn't say it was a skinline, you did. Are you retarded or does /lolg/ really project THAT hard?
Because for some reason, massive retards get angry at a recreational activity that is supposed to be fun and have the uncontrollable urge to flame people.
Pug'Maw is a shitty skin.
Annie I'll give you because she has Super Galaxy, but its more "Super Galaxy Annie is for people who can't get Hextech"
>Stepping on the ice is a knockback at low speed, with a long distance
>dick lane opponent
>build damage
>they build ninja tabi+bramble and completely run me over
>Yorick is super fucking weak but retards lose towers to him because they have no macro, keeping him from being buffed
Welp, time to go to bed. Fuck you all.
I asked her to marry me and she said yes.
Hello /lolg/!
Have a pupper.
Fuck off waifushitter
>Playing an aa reliant champion
>in the bramble-vest age
lmao'ing at your life kid, just pick a poke lane bully and collect your elo
A chest and key, like the at least 20 I've gotten from free boxes. That said, I do like all the Hextech stuff, just not enough to pass up on the chance to get other skins.
you went wrong by trying to have fun
just pick a tank like sion and build banner zzrot!
God I hate when faggot support main whine about their teams. If you are so critical of your ADC then why do you stop playing the easy that gets carried every single game and play ADC, top, mid, or jungle and carry the game yourself?
Oh that's right, you can't do anything except sit in a bush, spam skillshots and ward the river. ADC is too hard for you. Until you play a carry role, stfu and only use the chat feature to say "gj" like the walking ward you are.
>waiting for DMP buffs
>pick Jax jungle
Huh, didn't expect that.
not him but everytime im filled to support i pick poppy and perma dive them until they ff
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
Systematic eradication of xenos with Kai'Sa!
And yes, she's happy to be on the rift.
Stop using that word wrong.
Cute pupper!
even if my support bullies me?
The sounds of Dreadnova blow it out of the water, understandably. If I had been saving my gemstones I would've tried to learn and see if I like Darius just for that skin. It saddens me that I don't get to face off against it much either.