Fighting Games General /fgg/
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first for niggers get out of my general
Given the sc1/blade setting hwang is more likely. If any of them get in. Always seemed to me like people didn't like those two.
second for spics get out of my general
Can we fucking clean up our act here? We just scare everyone away from the general. How about a nice /fgg/ logo and put all sniffposting in the discord. We need to grow fighting games and we are doing it all wrong.
reddit fags go and stay go. we dont need you and neither do fighting games. they can drop story and single player shit for all i care and sell bare bones multiplayer + training from now on for half the price
Fuck vappa. So sick of you fucks ruining everything.
>people before ae
>"god i hope they will fix netcode and make a good patch i dont care about arcade and story stuff"
>they didint fixed netcode
>people now "god i hope they will fix netcode"
Reee vappa
Anyone else teabag alot?
Only if you can beat our most degenerate poster in a FT10.
You'll niggas better be inclusive.
and patch is shit though
>didn't fixed
Stopped reading here
Dumb ESL vappa
>ZERO (0) LP shitter noob
>create a lounge with "Anybody is fine" as the message
>the first guy who gets in is a 1 bar Argie with 4000ish LP
how desperate must south americans be for matches if they are willing to play me over a literal 1 bar connection
I felt bad for him so I played a game with him anyway. feels dizzy now
everyone who complains about netcode in any game ever has subhuman internet or is on wifi.
I will never be inclusive to a bronze player like Xavier Woods
also what the fuck is his character even supposed to be what a shitty wrestler
>fix the netcode
why not just give people an option between delay and rollback? it's not even that hard to do
t. intermediate programmer
thoughts on this ninja?
Does fatfeels have a new discord alt? We should blacklist him from the cheezcord desu
SFV has better netcode than DBFZ
The only think spics play is ASSFAGGOTS so I can understand him.
>everyone knows about one sided rollbacks jive
Good thing i know you faggots dont play street fighter or i would be very upset
He's the tsukkomi of the New Day.
When I want to practice a new character I like playing against complete newbies because while they move around and try to beat you, they don't read inputs like the CPU so you can actually do setups and frame traps, but that the same time they are easy to beat and cut some of that frustrating time when you're learning a character and loses most of the matches.
i think its that funkyfister fag.
it really doesnt
have you ever actually a played a game on a 1 bar connection? you won't be able to do shit except your normal attacks
>I will never be inclusive to a bronze player
lol who cares nerd
Is it really a thing outside the US though? Maybe a crossplay issue when you're playing the game on a toaster?
Because whenever I get a lot of lag in a match, both me and the other dude often do the customary jump back to the corner and then start mashing jab.
Final round player count
>Jive 374
>DBZ 312
What went wrong?
Into the trash
>Play against a spic 4,000 miles away from you on wifi
>Blame netcode
Wasn't that the tournament that had entrance fees for dooberz only?
jive: free
dbfz: entry fee
Just trying to make people less depressed.
I didn't notice the 1 bar bit, my apologies
who here memorizing basketball player names to make their matches more exciting??
lol????? Why are you spreading misinformation? That was Winter Brawl not Final Round.
250 fight money has been deposited into your CFN account.
fake news is vappa's modus operandi
Post merk.
no, db is a fee but sfv is free you fuck
is this one of those falseflags they plan in the kappa discord?
I can play people 4000 miles away fine on dolphin
yeah man wtf i actually just dropped dbfz and moved to jive because its free. fucked up man but jive is actually way better than dbfz so i thank them for opening my eyes.
Anyone SFV EU?
>All games are on PS4 and cost $10 apiece to enter unless noted otherwise.
wait so broski is without a sponsor again? wtf
Who cares, DBZ is the top game at the biggest regional in Chicago
KoFXIV new characters were even more boring and forgettable than the SFV newcomers lmao
>this shit taste
>dank pathetically spreading fake news
>Huge obese cow tits
>bone pelvis
>high thigh gap
>zone curve
>built like a male
You're either a homosexual or a pedofag. Only option left is to kill your family and yourself. We don't need gutter trash like yourself reproducing. I doubt we should worry, it's not like you will ever leave your 4 wall room. Just a precaution though. Can never be too safe though. Especially when lonely dweebs pay for something that is typically free and might get a whore pregnant.
urien is unga
>mui mui
Marie Rose should be in Tekken
please stop projecting
whole game was forgettable. i think its probably more dead than TFH.
DBZ won't compete against Jive or even Tekken if it doesn't have a tournament circuit. The fact that this is a big event on both the TWT and CPT means that people are coming from all over and that isn't going to happen for DBZ tournaments unless it's like EVO.
Literally who?
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
>Do people still play this game?
Religiously in Japan in the arcades, and by many in the USA online and offline.
>Isn't ST really hard to learn?
A oldman fallacy, it is actually one of the easiest fighting games to become proficient at.
>What makes Super Turbo so great?
Every character is viable in the roster, tons of different play styles, many years of work and fine tuning from SF2 onward. The chess of fighting games.
>It looks ugly/I heard it's broken/etc
Just try it out.
>Why play ST?
Once you establish your game in ST, you will find the reason why almost every single fighting game on the planet has been inspired and influenced by ST. If you get good at ST, picking up other fighting games is much easier.
>I don't agree with any of this
I'm old and don't give a shit.
Most people play on Fightcade or Fightcade 2. NOTE: Fightcade 2 uses a different romset than Fightcade 1.
Fightcade ST ROMS (you need both in the ROMS folder)
Fightcade 2 (still a work in progress)
Fightcade 2 ROM
Sirlin's ST Tutorials from Capcom Classics Collection 2
ST channel with up-to-date uploads from Gamestop Versus matches from Japan.
Yoga Book Hyper (the ST bible) strategy sections for all characters (flow charts, combos, strings, all you need to get started, etc).
ST website with easy to use menu's for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players.'s mega guide to all things ST.
holy shit dooberz is fucking dead
Stop spamming this shit, no one wants to play your dead kusoge.
You are the reason the fighting game scene has gone to shit.
Birdie is such a piece of shit character.
did SFV invent v-triggers?
I like jive but most characters in it are
add Kemonomichi to your pasta, it's been the biggest non-evo ST event
>Please stop projecting
That's not a "get out of jail free card." People normally say that when you hit the nail on the head and they can't find a way around it.
You could apply your own advice and stop spamming that every time the guy tries to promote his game. I'd rather have people talking about the games they like than people like you in here.
Yes, SF5 is the first video game ever to have supers.
babbies first general
Hey buddy thanks for the reply!
Here is some recent gameplay from Japan!
Why are Daigo and Tokido playing jive at Kemonomichi instead of a high IQ game like 3S?
Jive is 3S without the parries
Top vappa.
How is that a male bod?
>gorilla range normals
>uncontrollable unga
>if you get blown up you get access to AYYYYYYYYYGISS REFLECTAAAA
urien is the bigger piece of shit
Post cfn. i guarantee you're another capcuck stream monster
what's the best fighting game for feet lovers?
>tits and hips with no muscle
>built like a male
Are you from Bangkok?
anyone here not shit at ST that can help me train for a money match
based xyzzy
Urien is a piece of shit too but at least he doesn't have zonk & actual automatic anti-airs
triggers are essentially inverted ultras.
ultras were mostly one activation special attacks and one of them gave you a power up state like feng shui engine.
triggers are mostly feng shui engine like installs with some special moves triggers.
I'm tired of being a fucking NEET loser
I only started playing this online because my roommate got the Snes classic with the first version of ST on it and everyone in the room had a blast playing it because anyone could win since the damage is so high and the rounds are so fast. Even as the resident tryhard in my group of friends I lost several games to my mashing friend who loves blanka and honda.
People should know that it isn't just gods playing this. There are also beginners like me who suck but still take rounds off vets because thats the explosive nature of the game.
What is this, a bot making automated answers?
>Once you establish your game in ST, you will find the reason why almost every single fighting game on the planet has been inspired and influenced by ST. If you get good at ST, picking up other fighting games is much easier.
Change that to SF2.
why did they change birdie from a cool evil punk rocker to a stupid fatass gorilla glutton in jive
that's what your get when they want characters to have universal footsies normals. Everyone ends up unga with the strongest more obvious than others