>20 min ago "The team has been monitoring Ranked Play since coming back online last week. We are currently looking into potential issues surrounding Legend rank. We will update as more information becomes available." source: us.battle.net/forums/en/hearthstone/topic/20761947532
"Yarr" wow could they have tried even less with the new voice line? What about You're the Captain Now or I Used to be In Charge
Joseph Jenkins
Wait, what's the issue with Legend rank?
Joshua Bell
Quick make a new thread before too many people read the end of the last one
Noah Collins
The rigged mechanics of it are being exposed hard. Brodecucks on overtime today
Daniel Myers
>When someone tries to queue in legend, they hit another match within the first matchmaking window … against a nonlegend opponent. If this isn’t always the case (I haven’t seen two legend players queue against each other yet), then at the very least it’s the case the vast majority of the time (a lot of this is hidden due to the ability to play in offline mode, though from streams, it appears most opponents are around rank 3). This means that you’re going to be hitting opponents with a much lower MMR than you have, and unless you maintain a crazy winrate, you’re going to drop ranks. This can be seen in Tyler’s spreadsheet, Gyong’s stats, and Siphwi’s stats.
Jose Russell
RIP lil buddy
you'll always be in charge of my heart
Luis Murphy
just as cancerous as the rest of the game
Andrew Adams
I wish they didn't kill off quest rogue even more with the patches nerf, and now they're burying it and spitting on its grave with the coldlight HoF. They obviously immensely regret ever printing that quest.