/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:>12M download campaign
Master missions giving out 3 fragment permanently
More exclusive lines for costumes

>Kiara is always in the gacha
All 3: 7-8,13-14
Lostman: 9
Lip: 5-6,11
Suzuka: 10

7 gold servants getting SQ
Kiara, Marie, Martha, Scheherazade, Carmilla, Elizabeth, 1 unknown class SSR

>Release of FGO Camelot Stage Blu-Ray and DVD Gatcha
Gawain, Lancelot, Bedi and Tristan always on rate up
Artoria (Lancer): 7
Mordred: 6,7

>Winterfest 2018 Gatcha
Nitocris (Caster) is always on rate-up
Cleopatra: 5-7
Ozymandias: 6-7

March 2018 Monthly Mats
>Forbidden pages
>Proof of hero
>Yggradasil Seed


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View listdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


hi bros I like you all :D

You didn't have to make a thread early just to post some homoshit

The sooner we escape that thread the better

Why shipping Arash and Dantes?

Waku waku, curryfags. You are jobbing now to my machine-gun EX-ranked Balmung


>sooner we escape that thread
>all the posters there will migrate here too
What did she mean by this?

A toast for our beloved general and community, /fgog/
Here's to a thread filled of quality content, insightful discussions and good feelings.

Homo thread?

>mysterious SQ comes out
>it's archer nobu
>the 5 star joke in GUDAGUDA was true
>she finally got her fifth star back
>everyone's nobu gets "grailed" to 90
>GUDAGUDA 2 rerun announced
>GUDAGUDA 3 confirmed
How would you react?

>Ko Gil
>Fergus Lily
Who else is gonna get a CE?

Is it possible for me to beat the first act before the 1/4th ap event ends? I don't know what the game is like past london.

>welfare servants
I'll fucking kill them I swear

>ironic homo meme image xdddd
Fuck off, Luvia wouldn't touch a whore like Rin.

What about the people that already grailed nobu to 100? Do we get 2 grails back?


I struggled doing Camelot with a full team of level 50-60 servants so I had to level them up for Babylon
For Goetia I had to use a random solo Herc with bond CE in the support list, my team didn't cut it

A Hijikata one made by the Hakuoki artist for maximum pottery

What if I didn't get all of Nobu's ascension items?

Saberbros...soon...soon it will be OUR TIME

Yeah I guess

You can't do the SQ because it requires max ascension.

A Roman/Merlin one

Sushi is pure

Bros, why can't Illya's infinity mana wand be used to instantly delete every problem in GO? It's got infinite mana

She did one last year it's not that crazy

I hate you. Die.

Pure nudist pervert

>best saber is female
>best asassin is female
>best ruler is female
>best avenger is female
>best alterego is female
>best lancer is female
>best archer is female
>best rider is female
>best shielder is female

>best berserker is male
>best caster is male


Because a certain old fuck wants his entertainment.

I like girls. They make my wee-wee strong.

Oh come on. Luvia lives for that ho. I bet she touches herself all the time fantasizing about Rin putting her in her place.

Best Archer is male though

Medb isn't the best Rider.

that strange feel when I commissioned both of these pics

Um could you please stop posting this irrelevant character until true benkei comes along

Actually I did, please don't impersonate me.

>best archer is female
>best assassin is female
>best rider is female
>best lancer is female
All wrong

>paying for art


What artist puts their twitter tag in a commission?

user pls

>best saber
APEX male
>best assain
King BROssan male
>best ruler
BROshirou male
>best lancer
BROculin male
>best archer
GilgaCHAD male
>best rider
OzyCHADias male
>best shielder
BROchilles male
>Best berserker
BROculin male
>best caster
CHADlin male
>best avenger
CHADtes male
Wtf i love male servants

What FGO does right, and it beats almost every other collecting RPG out there, is making each character feel unique. Even Pokemon fails at this, with you being able to train hundreds of the same mon as if they were mere tools.
Meanwhile I just know my Bedivere or Robin Hood are the same I got from the very first day and you can gradually make them better, bond with them and remember good memories now.

I dunno if I explained it right, but I grow very attached to the characters and I use some of them despite having better options. Good voice work and stuff

>>best saber is female
Lancelot and Yagyu are male.
>>best asassin is female
King Hassan exists.
>>best ruler is female
Maybe if you like 2000 turn battles
>>best avenger is female
You got me there.
>>best alterego is female
No shit
>>best lancer is female
>>best archer is female
>>best rider is female
>>best shielder is female
No shit.

What? Gil is better.

I'm probably boned without stopping to farm embers. Also I'm not sure if any of my servants are particularly powerful.

the kind that also mentions it being a requested image when tweeting it?

You are just jelly she has like 5 NPs

She's gonna be Grand Rider Genghis Khan and there is nothing you can do about it.



Nudist mind


>Lancelot and Yagyu
>King Hassan

Maybe back in 2016


Holy shit you have bad luck. I wanted to cheer you up but out of those only Enkidu is considered particularly powerful, having a Buster Up skill and a single target NP


>sushicuck proxies broke
Giltard BTFO again.


A-user, there are plenty of cute girls in there but it seems you have exceptional luck at rolling bad servants. The best you got are Lip and the book, and Martha depending on the situation. Enkidu is your best SSR; Semi is underwhelming and Schez and NEET are notoriously bad.


The doujin was disappointing. The Martha and Shuten one were much better.

If only we also had voiced cutscenes. It doesn't even need to be everything they Key parts are good enough

The future is female. Accept it already.

>have 3 of the worst SSRs in the game
I'm no gameplayfag but I really hope you like them and rolled for them. If you got then by chance, then you got fucked.

Holy shit user level your servants
and use 3* and 2*

>jetkek bringing up proxy failures

I find it impressive that he managed to roll the worst servants OF THE WORST CLASSES. Assassin really sucks if you´re not one of the select few OP ones and Caster only exists for Waver and Merlin

Forgot to say, Ibaraki is pretty good too, but you are already leveling her up.

Sorry, my bad. I accidentally wrote "Karna" when I actually meant to write "Enkidu".

I'm ready to be fucking let down.
>It's either not Seibah or it's a retarded ass buff that does nothing to her

What event do you think it would cause the biggest shitstorm ever on this game?
>collabs with something outside TM
>someone finds out that rate ups are fake or that accounts have SEEDs like in Dokkan
>a really stupid story plot twist along the way
>pvp implementation
>Quick Merlin gets actually released
>being able to turn your servants into GRAND with some ultra rare resource, rarer than grails
>Nasu dies along the way
>new rarity servant rarer than current SSRs
>a new servant gets released and its BETTER than Merlin
>Merlin gets buffed
>Sieg gets released AND Jeanne Alter is tsun for him

Im pretty sure Im missing out some possibilities, but you get the idea, what would the be the biggest FGO shitstorm ever?

>Having gender

>it's actually a SQ for Mashu to make her a 5*

I really hope they don't release the White Day stuff on the last second like that year

that's some kinda bad luck you got there user but I reckon you could probably make some kind of halfways decent setup with Ibaraki as your damage dealer and Lip tanking hits for her when her def buff is down

What will you do if the mystery servant is Arthur and he ends up being stupidly strong?

>Check the last thread
What the hell?

>Ushi is a nudist
wtf, I love ushi now

I-I just got a quartz account when Assassin of Red was announced and ended up having to roll really deep to get her. I guess I will have to pour all my hopes into clayman then.

>and use 3* and 2* Like some sort of peasant? Awful.

>someone finds out that rate ups are fake or that accounts have SEEDs like in Dokkan

Ultra Instinct Beowulf killing Fenrir.

Shitpost. Why even ask? I don't know what else you'd expect to hear.

Are there Roman CEs with anyone but Da Vinci, Mashu, and Fou?

>doesn't provide a single one
KEK, Gilcuck self-owning once again. Like clockwork.

tfw no deresute collab

>Like some sort of peasant? Awful.
oh shit boys he doesn't know

Why would they buff outside the story unlike every other upgrade she has gotten?

>he reads older threads he wasn't a part of
The fuck is wrong with you

>and use 3* and 2* Like some sort of peasant? Awful.
Go back to play GBF

>5* Summer Gilgamesh and 4* Summer Zerkerlot
>Gil's NP is summoning a lot of water-guns and giving them to Zerkerlot to shoot down the enemy as a team
>Lancelot's NP is hacking a surfboard and tag-teaming the enemy with Gilgamesh on his golden surfboard

>King hassan
>maybe back in 2016
This this how you BTFO youreslf

>being able to turn your servants into GRAND with some ultra rare resource, rarer than grails
This will probably happen.


With these servants, calling you a peasant would be a praise.
If you don't want to be a peasant and use 3*/2*, get lucky.

>accounts have SEEDs like in Dokkan
Wait, what?

>posting meme list


Make a gacha and say it includes Muramasa but it doesn't actually include Muramasa. Would cause the biggest shitstorm. You can replace with Muramasa with any other highly anticipated, popular servant. I just couldn't think of anyone.

Their servers malfunctioned and it was showing different gacha rates for every single player, that weren't the official gacha rates they advertise, meaning they tweak it and to some players for example Freeza was showing with a 0% chance to roll meaning they wouldn't ever get him even whaling.