Bjergsen Edition
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Evelynn is cute ! CUTE !
I unironically love these Bjergsen posts. They're funnier each time.
Vladfag becomes a Riot writer. How do you react?
I dont follow bore-sports so they just annoy me
Should I get SG Ahri since its discounted or should I opt for something else like memestar or mozilla ahri? I can only choose one.
cant be worse than nu-lore
Holy shit i just realized all the three demacians in Galio's splash are black, purge riot.
>Buffing a 51% win champ
>Is an adc
Time to drop the game.
I want to dress KIed in cute clothes, then take them off!
Be jealous because I'm aspiring to become one there one day.
SG Ahri, more bang for buck.
Where are the Caitlyn buffs? She needs a 50%+ winrate too
>tfw love Taliyah's look and personality
>suck dick with her (and most mids in general)
>flaseflagging as someone who is falseflagging as /pol
gb2 /pol/
they are not even black
They're not. One looks black but that's probably because they're in Galio's shadow.
I feel like Caitlyn is fine, she just needs a tiny bit more damage on headshot is all. Maybe make traps last a little longer.
Other than that, I think she's in a nice place right now. Compared to Sivir that is.
Just keep practicing. I'm terrible at mid laners in general but her entire kit feels so natural to use
50% is balanced anything below needs a buff (unless it is a high skill champ that got a low wr because shitters love to play him/her)
but they are going to buff twitch lol
fucking twitch
Who honorable here?
NA gamers LUL
Evelynn is the purest! purest!
Dodge, y/n?
dios mio.......
>(unless it is a high skill champ that got a low wr because shitters love to play him/her)
Did that, thanks.
Although this is kinda irritating
It's the right thing to do, anyone who plays Vayne top has legit autism.
Has Riot fixed leveling rewards yet or do you still get awful champion shards that are worth nothing for the first 30 levels?
SG Ahri is her best skin. Might as well get it discounted.
True. Oh well, least queues on EUW are somewhat fast, even at 2:20am
I'm in the mood to int
I have a d5 acc I don't care about
do I just hardint
it would be her best skin if it wasnt for the clipped tails and annoying VO.
I got it for free from hextech and I dont even use it.
Ahri has a ton of great, cheaper skins.
its fucking easier for new people to get champs now with the new system
Yeah, its 02:24 now.
>champs that you most likely do not like
>barely change anything about Volibear
>winrate skyrockets because people actually start playing him
>brain dead tank is easy to play and itemize more at 11
>people already calling for nerfs
Can't wait for lane Nocturne to become a thing once he gets buffed.
where do you live?
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
I'd post mine, but stats have probably changed by now.
Eastern europe, obviously. The western department of Mongolia, otherwise known as Finland
Not really. The VO is fine and the effects on the skin make it worth it. I've got Popstar with the white chroma, Foxfire, Challenger, and Academy along with SG. All of them are fairly lackluster or showing their age. Arcade is probably the only one I might compare to SG but the SFX on the skin are really obnoxious.
draven only btw
Get slowed fags!
>Find land
>eastern Europe
really makes me think
>>barely change anything about Volibear
>give him another way to cc people and double the damage on his E
its all subjective
everyone with even a smidge of taste recognizes that the VO is what breaks her.
Why they choose an annoying bitchy character, is dumb anyway. People dont like those types of people for a reason, just because its a skin doesnt somehow make it bearable
You and me both, buddy
Winrate only correlates to the amount of people who are actually playing that champ
Tons of people playing new Volibear, winrate increases because of extremely low skill floor
Tons of people playing reverted Rengar winrate drops because of shitters playing snowballing assassin
wanna fuck?
t. lewdposter
Sorry, I'm too busy on my island lane.
That fixes next to nothing about what was bad about Volibear. His problem was he literally had to run up to you and you could kite the shit out of him, just like half of annoying bruiser top laners
soooo is nidalee into bestiality ?
>It's all subjective!
>But your taste is shit if you don't agree with me!
lmao it's pointless talking to people like this
Anyway her VO works well with the skin. I like the attitude she gives off and it was obviously written to be tongue-in-cheek so I can appreciate it as such. Pulling the "everyone agrees with me!" card when the opinions were fairly split from her release is idiotic. You're free to dislike it but that doesn't make your opinion any more or less valid than mine kiddo.
>tfw no Hunter champion
ur taste is shit
dont talk about skins again
is it okay to max W on ziggs, get everything that helps me push and ignore my team?
Righteous Gloryhole and/or DMP has existed for how many seasons now?
>Urgot getting cucked out of items because Gnar is a little bastard, or ADCs become unkillable with them
shiv into runaan's is best build desu
SG Ahri is fine autist
What are you reading, /lolg/?
>High damage ranged bruiser that takes true damage from behind
I want it.
"oh shit he is right better call him an autist"
It makes sense why people lean towards that for you and possibly a lot of people honor you for it, too.
nigga what connection does ahri even have to the spirits?
Nidalee is into my dick, and my dick is quite a beast. Make of that what you will.
>Toplane being fucked over by ADCs
Is this anything new
>implying urgot isn’t gnar jr. with a stronger lvl 1
Pretty much this yeah, The E change and his Q buffs were what finally made him viable again, espically because of Aftershock. Were we still on the old system I'm unsure he would be this present in the meta but the current runes are what allow for this. Frankly I think the changes are perfectly healthy to him and shitters need to stop crying
invent a new skinline faggots
winner gets a (you)
This is what the ultimate waifu
you may not like it but this is what peak waifuness looks like!
back the fuck off she only fucks me and my dad
Prove your opinion kid
That's not Evelynn
you posted a picture of Sona
this is unironically the best original comic from this shit game
>lock in trollpick (Vayne top, TF ADC, etc)
>people who are unsure about their ability to win will be more likely to dodge the game
>people who are confident in their ability to carry the game will be less likely to dodge
>this phenomenon means that by trollpicking I will play with more confident players (like smurfs and players that often carry) on average
holy shit I've cracked the code. Now all I need to do is find a trollpick that I can play reasonably well and elo gains will be mine
I'm frightened, but fascinated.
"Me and my dad" is what I call my left and right balls, respectively.
ok listen up to this original idea they're basically the default skins except purple glowy particles with shitty voice filter what do u think?
all on red
>Kindred adc
nvm all on your team
operative skinline
just a bunch of waifus in incredibly tight black leather bodysuits
>that laugh
>got the legendary
>gave her a legendary in that line
But the latter two could've been forgiven if she had this:
Is Kled worth investing into? He looks fun.
this is great
we charge 1350 RP for it
you get a promotion and a brodate with burch whenever you want
fkn good
sex sells my dude
>guy dies 12 times
>argues that it's okay because they have 5 kills and zero assists
imagine being this retarded
He may not be right, but they're closer with the Sona pick than you are with the Evelynn pick.
the fact that gnar can build steraks but urgot cant really activates my almonds
More damage on earlier traps would be nice. The bonus damage was pretty much halfed since last season at level1.
Other than that the nerfs to fleet footwork is something to look forward to for caitfriends. The 30% effective healing for minions should be less meaningful for a champion that takes less poke because a range advantage over ranged chanpions.
sure there was a time where they perma banned your waifu too user
I want League of AoE back.