What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
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Pan-Arab nationalism
To get a face that looked less like a potato.
All arabs under one nation then?
Yes. A unified arab republic with a kind of secular, socialistic and fascist regime that starts as USSR's ally until it's able to aquire it's technology and than combine it with arab natural resources and cheap labor to eventually raise to become a superpower on it's own right with Africa as a kind of a protectorate.
The easiest way to achieve this unity was erroneously believed to be by destroying Israel as an easy first step which lead to them being unexpectedly btfo by the Jews, the ideology was thus discredited and all that was left were local corrupt dictatorships that continued to exist on a borrowed time.
It would be interesting to see how things could developed in an alternative history with Israel getting accepted into the arab league and contributing it's technology and economic resources but this was probably culturally impossible.
Freedom from Y*nkee oppressors
Cool. When are the Arabs leaving Egypt, then?
To remove Crumpet
You've still got the trouble of the conservative monarchs and Iraq not wanting any part of Nasser's plan.
He's right, the Arabs aren't African - they should leave Africa and go back to the middle east.
is there a bigger failed meme?
>They should leave
Oh yeah, let's just let like 100% of the population go and have the original people come back!
... Oh wait.
Like fuck, I know this is probably bait but still. Do it decently at least
What did he mean by this?
Jordan's monarchy was already allied to the republic and Iraq became baathist with a wing that was heavily pro union. If Nasser could have had the rep of destroying Israel as planned, this wing would have prevailed.
His problem was underestimating the Israelis by thinking that the 1948 war was lost because of poor management by the monarchy and disunity in the arab ranks, without giving any credit to Israels objective strength. Probably a byproduct of his own proud nationalism and the Jews bad reputation as weak fighters during the diaspora years.
>He's right, the Arabs aren't African - they should leave Africa and go back to the middle east.
The only thing arab about the egyptians is their culture. Many DNA tests have confirmed that moder egyptians are the descendants of ancient egyptians
He said that the people of israel aren't from the region and that their massive cultural/ethnical differences will lead to trouble with other countries.
Basically they left as semits, they came back as europeans.
In the context of the 20th Century? Possibly Communism and National Socialism, but only Ba'athist Pan-Arabism is still having detrimental effects on the world right this moment. There are at least still SOME stable Communist countries left in the world; every one of the Ba'athist nations has fallen.
But the Y*nkees helped him. He was trying to get away from the Eternal Anglo.
>watched a video recently where Nasser cracks a joke to an audience of uncovered women in western clothing and men in suits about the prospect of Egyptian women being made to cover their hair
salafism is a fucking plague
saudis out reeeeeeeeeeee
It's really a shame that only Jordan realized that Israel is more alike than different for all of their ethnic differences: they're modern and secular. Even despite being Jewish they would have been natural allies against the rise of radical Islam and the threat it posed to the Pan-Arabists' plans to modernize the region.
Such a damn shame to think of what could have been.
>Saudi Arabia still exists
Hashemite reclamation of their rightful clay soon, friend.
Too be based as fuck and smack the Muslim Brotherhood's ass.
Syria is still going
rip master miller
I took a class on Arab nationalism and a major critique of Nasser was that he was an Egyptian patriot first and foremost and that despite his ideological commitment to pan arabism it would always be with Egypt at the helm. The class discussed how Syria essentially forced him into the U.A.R. which really fucked his shit all the way up despite seemingly being the opportunity to put his ideas into practice. The war with Israel really put a knife in his legacy and Arab nationalism has never been able to revitalize itself since.
It's a corpse being animated by outside intervention.
Literally Weekend at Bernie's: The Country
>It would be interesting to see how things could developed in an alternative history with Israel getting acceptederadicated and Nasser's vision reach completion
Fixed that for you
>Israel's technology
You mean American technology stolen or borrowed.
John McCain pls go and take your Israeli money with you.
>/pol/ opinion discarded
user even the most charitable description to Assad is that it's locked into a 3-way stalemate in its civil war.
>/pol/ opinion
You don't have to be a Nazi to see how Israel has contributed to the destabilization and problems in the Middle East. Likewise more people than /pol/ hold the sentiment that Israel's creation would have best been prevented.
Make Egypt Great Again aka MEGA
>muh it was israels creation that destabilized the middle east
>it should have been prevented
Yeah because the middle east wouldn't have become a shit region full of failing states,warmongering tribalistic people and plagued by outside interests. Its beyond me how one can assume that without Israel the middle east would be significantly more stable. Yeah the palestinian refugees sometimes were destabilizing but apart from that ?
-Pan Arabism would have never been able to bridge the huge differences of the Ayrab Nations
-without israel as common enemy there are a gazillion other ethnic tribal and religious conflicts waiting to happen: see the current shia vs sunni situation,secular modernists vs religious traditionalists etc.
You're a retard if you don't think radical islamists are Israel's useful idiots.
Yeah by erasing its national identity and leaving them confused to this day
His own power, mainly
Well, half of it, and its infrastructure and economy is destroyed. Assad's arab nationalism has also been wrecked by every ethnic group making its own militia and local council.
I believe Russia is even pushing for them to reconcile with the Kurdish faction in the north and rename the country from Syrian Arab Republic to just Syrian Republic.
>implying islamism was a serious threat to the middle east in the mid 20th century
pan-arabism was one of the biggest causes of instability and terror in the Middle East for most of the 20th century, almost every pan-arab/baathist leader in the middle east was sponsoring a militant group to cause unrest in a neighbouring or rival country. this trend continued until the islamists grew in power by the '80s
Yeah, it's bizarre seeing right-wingers on the internet supporting people like Assad. Back in the day arab nationalism was a boogieman ideology that was portrayed as destroying the middle east and handing it to the USSR.
Thats because you're uneducated, Arab NATIONALISM although generally supported by the USSR (because the US was sucking Israel's dick) wasn't communist at all, in fact both Nasser and Assad quelled communists in their respective countries. Likewise the support for Assad stems from his support and protection of minorities which include Catholic and Maronite Christians, something the Sunni rebels will not provide.
>Thats because you're uneducated, Arab NATIONALISM although generally supported by the USSR (because the US was sucking Israel's dick) wasn't communist at all, in fact both Nasser and Assad quelled communists in their respective countries.
Except he never claimed that either of the leaders were communist
>Likewise the support for Assad stems from his support and protection of minorities which include Catholic and Maronite Christians, something the Sunni rebels will not provide.
are you claiming that the only reason Assad is standing right now is because of the support of around ~10% of the population?
>why would right wing nationalists support other nationalists? It makes no sense!
>lemme pull a random bs figure that doesn't refute his point regarding the general demographics supporting Assad
To take the Detroit lions to the Superbowl with a roster of nothing but WRs
It only became a threat because pan-Arabism failed like it did. Would we be worrying about ISIS now if Ba'athism wasn't totally discredited as an ideology after getting its shit kicked in by Israel 3 times in a row?
Regardless, I'm just lamenting Israel being singled out as the scapegoat for the whole rest of the Middle East. I'm glad Jordan at least realized that they had more in common with the Israelis than they did Mubarak or Assad.
>Regardless, I'm just lamenting Israel being singled out as the scapegoat for the whole rest of the Middle East. I'm glad Jordan at least realized that they had more in common with the Israelis than they did Mubarak or Assad.
i think almost all middle eastern governments have made some sort of backroom deal with israel at one point. anti-israeli hostility is nothing more than a facade now.
>Syria essentially forced him into the U.A.R. which really fucked his shit all the way up
I thought the Syrian portion of the UAR was Egypt's bitch boy. Why was it bad for Nasser?
>>why would right wing nationalists support other nationalists? It makes no sense!
it actually doesn't because nationalists above all people will look out for their own countries interests
/pol/ doesn't support hardcore zionists does it?
I have actually seen *some* anti-semites on /pol/ drift toward that position.
Basically drawing a distinction between zionists as being good Jews (because they're fellow nationalists, socially conservative, and want to segregate jews from the outside world) and its the"internationalist jews" like George Soros are the bad jews that are trying to ruin the world with multiculturalism.
Yeah, but Jordan's done it openly.
>Assad's arab nationalism
they've long since abandoned that for alawite supremacy along with guaranteed support from other minorities fearing retribution in case the regime falls and sunnis take control.
>sunnis take control
there are alot of sunni fighters backing Assad including high ranking officers
when did this meme start
>alawite supremacy
Well, there's a lot of nepotism which does mean the Assad family (Alawis) are over-rerpresented. But it's not religious supremacy, many of the top government positions are held by sunnis and the majority of government troops are sunni.
around the same time as salafism