/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Never give up edition

> Play Demo Day 19

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> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

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> How to Webm

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I made a poll the other day on /g/ if they would be interested in watching developing my C engine live, and most said yes, if anyone is interested, my twitch name is sirevilpudding.

I would watch it if you were working on Godot live.

Ignoring the fact that licecap hates gradients, do you guys like this UI?

I would not think to click on the portrait to open a combat menu.

Having to click something to bring up such a basic functionality is weird. Also that animation needs to be way faster.

i'd advise you get rid of that background, up your font size and switch to something solid and contrasting.

>that nose
>that background
did Knuckle Sandwich get a major overhaul


C is meant for simple command line tools or embedded programs with extremely specific jobs. It's not suited for engine dev which inherently has lots of moving parts.

And yes, I'm aware that there are complex games written in C, but it's still not the ideal choice for a new project.

Why tho.

Did Unity change what Time.deltaTime does? My level with rising lava used to work with deltaTime, but now I have to switch it to .time

Tutorial should make that a non issue I think but also see below

Hmm, great point; I think I'll pull out the basic commands into the main UI and put the submenu (items/moves) into this current box. I'll probably make that exist in the orange box but have it stay open by default.

Thanks anons!

delta time is a pretty well established concept. I don't know how unity could fuck that up.

Because complex systems is exactly the reason the object oriented paradigm invented. When complex programs are written in C they almost always use an object oriented approach, but that's not ideal since C doesn't have any built in support for object oriented designs so it's left up to programmer discipline.

hey guys, does this kind of look have potential? What do you think about it?

maybe make the center of animation be on top of the enemy? Would sort of put attention on your opponent and look cool too then

>so it's left up to programmer discipline
And what's the problem with that? You can write shit code in any language.

Interesting. I've been thinking about finally just jumping into C because it's always appealed to me even though I know it's smarter to go C++ or C# I just don't care!

Unfortunately that means I have no idea what you're doing haha. I like your setup though.

really hard to see anything but the boundaries of the track/10
It's aesthetic and it'll probably play fine but I imagine it will get repetitive if you can't actually clearly see the backdrop for the different levels

Because it can't be statically checked and enforced by the compiler.

Jesus, I know this is an amateur game development thread, but come on, if you're going to try to program at least read up a little on the topic beyond basic syntax.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Tiny Combat
Dev: user
Tools: Unity 3D, Blender
Web: N/A
+ Demo day build released!
+ Multi-lock launcher and "Macross" style guidance missile added
+ Added mobile anti air tank
+ Ground vehicles can now fire weapons and can be destroyed
+ Added particle effects and sound effects to almost everything
+ Air brake to slow down faster
+ Tons of little bug fixes
+ Padlock camera

No fiting pls

Hey guy, stop posting this in every thread.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Deadrinds
Dev: LoneBuckshot
Tools: Unity
Web: lonebuckshot.com
+ World debugger done
+ Finishing battle debugger
+ Working on battle stats calculator for balancing

>C doesn't have any built in support for object oriented designs

don't give up

Finally finished this handy console/debugger tool which dynamically loads scene event data. Instead of replaying parts of a level to get to the possible problem, now with a click of a button I can set various level variables, teleport to maps, start any event in the level etc. Also working on a battle testing system similar to RPG Maker where you can load various units and start a custom battle to test unit balance.


As the other user said everything outside of the track is really dark. If this is a night level that would be fine, but have brighter day and dawn/dusk levels as well.
Also I feel like there's clashing aesthetics, all the foliage is just 2 quads in an X pattern, even the trees. Which doesn't really match with the detail of the car. And the car looks cartoony with outlines and somewhat flat colors. But everything else has a much more realistic texture.
I would say to at least have the trees closer to the camera be modeled, and give the environmental textures more of a simpler painterly look.

Would it not have been easier to just implement a console?

To be honest I don't know where I'm going with this.

Definitely, but I wanted to explore Unity's UI system and possibly some neat things that can be achieved with it's UI components.

I'm trying, but finding assets that fit your requirements versus just making your own is a difficult path

I want to make an RPG but I can't come up with fun gameplay

You can steal mechanics from gun games, user.

fights are realtime pausable
characters make their own decisions but you can say generally what you want done and someone will get to it

Hmm. I see Ill keep that in mind. Kinda hoped that using LUT and exaggerating colors on textures might make it look "cartoony" enough to fir the car, but guess not. Anyways thanks for the answers ! And yeah it supposed to be sunset scene, so its pretty dark, but guess too dark for a video game and no headlights to compensate for it

Look at how disorganized this suggestion is. Try saying something more coherent and put together than this.

absolutely not, it was a half-thought impulsive comment. Kindly place my testicles in your mouth.

Is this a fun idea for an RPG (gameplay mechanics)

A cross between real time pause and turn based, by which I mean, each character gets a move and an action like Xcom. Not grid based though, but path length based.

So character with highest initiative goes first (or cycle your characters like xcom?) -> can move X units -> can use ability

This might get fucky for enemy AI though..

Yeah fuck I suck at game design just kill me

Colorblind event to circumvent the color-based puzzle is now in.
Almost as hard to do as the puzzle itself but now I have a solid base for NPC interactions, it checks and changes resources, changes dialogue based on whether player has what's needed or not, and gives items.
Also made the number of resources the player has show up when an option that spends them shows up.

why aren't you using marmoset toolbag 3 yet

I think your post was disrespectful and you should apologize to him.


is this halo 2 fangame?

Eternal Sonata if i remember right does something like that
Battles are in a big circle arena
Each character gets X amount of move-distance so they can either move in to attack, away to zone/heal etc

Woops tahnks

Oh no, it wasn't a single-time mistake

Oh god this is hilarious, saved.

I quit my full time job to become an indie dev

>trusting brazilians to make games

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Infinity Spire
Dev: SDC
Tools: LuaJIT, GIMP, Love2D
Web: n/a
+ New engine is effectively at the same point as the old engine, super fast development
+ Got a little bit of art direction going
+ Proper design document made
- Couldn't churn out anything interesting for demoday :(

----[ Recap ]----
Game: ProcGenLab
Dev: Nori
Tools: UE4, Blender, GIMP
Web: norimousedev.tumblr.com/
+ Uploaded Demo Day build!
+ Added speedometer to vehicles
+ Made the GameState handle all of the initial game/terrain setup
+ Added character ragdolling from being hit by a car
+ Characters can now get up from being ragdolled
+ Started working on item previews for the inventory and equipment panels
- Demo Day feedback unanimously agreed that the controls were super janky so I'll have to focus on fixing that


Dynasty Warriors but challenging and skill based

cuz my game is 2d

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Crystal Chrysalis
Dev: Kada
Tools: UE4, Blender
Web: kadadev.tumblr.com/
+ More work on city scene

>find a spelling mistake in a Unity public or serialized variable
>have to reconfigure all of your prefabs that use that variable

your are wellcome

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Witch Aces
Dev: Kada
Tools: UE4, Blender
Web: kadadev.tumblr.com/
+ He-111 interior
+ Bug fixes
+ MG15

Is this how elbows work?

no, look at model wireframes on sketchfab and learn about deforms.

Shuzo Matsuoka committed suicide last month OP.

Bone goes in the middle

Could you update his Wikipedia page then? It must be outdated.

>not naming it "str" to avoid this issue

that explains all the knocked off zelda graphics

literally did not even notice the enemy there

Anyone have ideas for simple materials to use for steel?

Will substance painter work with lower poly counts?

Remember that game where you fly on a broom, and I remember it was first person, and they ran and jumped way far through the air and landed on the broom in the air? And there was barrel rolls and shit


Oh, trust me, I've read up on that more than you did, and I've been using C for most of my life and it's pretty easy to follow your own coding conventions. C++ would bring me 0 advantage beyond some useful libraries.


I've made an object to fade in the classroom's room number when you're in the doorway, and then fade out when you're not in the doorway. I was wondering where I should put the room numbers and how big they should be. Should they be right in the door way, in the corner of the screen on the gui, or in some kind of banner on the top center of the screen?

0 advantage besides probably doubling or tripling your effective rate of production

You have no reason to think so beyond your own productivity in C.

If someone would be kind enough to answer my question about Tiled and converting it's file format to C#/Monogame, it would be appreciated.
My question is, weather or not I did it the best way possible, as far as Horizontal/Vertical flipping and rotation are concerned?
See Tiled stores both as three booleans, where one is Horizontal flip. One is Vertical, and one is Diagonal. You can only get 90 degrees of rotation this way though.
In my code if a tile has just it's Horizontal and/or Vertical bool set to true, but not the Diagonal I just use the Horizontal and Vertical effects. Simple enough.
But if the diagonal is true, I cobbled together this logic...
If (hFlip and vFlip) = flip horizontally
If (!hFlip and vFlip) = flip both horizontally and vertically
if (hFlip && !vFlip) = don't flip at all
if (!hFlip && !vFlip) = flip vertically
after rotate the image 90 degrees.

It hurts my sensibilities of clean code. Is there a better way?

My item inventory is working (it has some glitches with stock) but it's currently working and allow any kind of item in it.

q8 m8

>he pirates photoshop


what does this mean exactly? rotated 45 degrees?

Photoshop is cheap, I have it legit

Now i realized there's a problem with the cursor position in the video, in my editor the cursor looks a bit more up. Weird thing.

I've thought about trying real time grid based before as well. Could be fun.

Just store an integer value "orientation" and #define keywords like FLIP_HORIZ and ROT_90 to make it readable.

FFS, lock the view when using menus!

ok, it was only for testing purposes

I realize this is not a legal thread, and I realize that parody is somewhat protected under US law. But in my game I plan to have parodies of rather known people as sort of powerup givers. How far is too far? I don't want it IN YOUR FACE, but I also want it not to be too obscure....Thoughts?

I guess an example is in order. Not anything I actually plan to add, but if I added a short, muscular npc who half of his face doesn't move, does that easily read as Sylvester Stallone, or do you need more to shoehorn it in?

Technically a Diagonal flip in Tiled's case is either flipping it Horizontally and rotating it 270 degrees clockwise, or flipping it Vertically and rotating 90.

I never heard of Broforce having any issues and its full of very overt references to 80s action movies and characters. It just never names anybody by their real name.

Shouldn't be a problem, you do have an LLC, correct...?

Would it not be a dandy thing, gentlemen, if one could simply load up a videographic game which depicted the sport of Golf, on the occasion when weather would not permit one to visit the course?

Yeah that was Liqs game

Should probably just allow drag and drop instead of making the player click on move.

What if I said in my game you can do anything?

>he makes pixel art in GIMP instead of just building Aseprite from source
What kind of absolute retardation is this?


I wanted this game to happen :(

what happened to that funny looking wiener game?

look down

its like overwatch but you play as famous mass shooters

Oh man, lots of good stuff