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Rs07/vsg - Vidyascape General
first for "sorry it's /vsg and not /vsg/"
>two fucked up generals up at the same time
you people can ruin anything and everything. well fucking done
kay catz oh
one was a shit meme by a gay faggot, not our fault, homo
hey man i heard guacman was making a thread so i acted fast
everyone knows "killallkikes" is animosity's cc dude
estonian pls go
i mean i'm not estonian it was just kind of obvious
le white supremacy meme
you are tho, you hab same character
thats what i thought baka estonians btfo once again
animosity here
i would kill myself before making an ironman account
>4:20 AM
*giggles like a schoolgirl* well hey babe don't forget ur lunch, hehe *kisses forehead* that's my boy
dude can I come on your butt
What is this supposed to be?
me too
thanks. It means a lot to me.
Mama Luigi.
Stop masturbation. Don't try to jack off. This behavior will effect your brain. After stopping this behavior for a period of time, your brain will be fine. Take care of your body, and also don't hurt others' body.
Everything you do, God is watching.
but I'm hurt
I thought you quit
I'm not allowed to leave
Never forget the hall of cost
(((God))) is a Jewish concept.
>brings god into it
Every single fucking time. Fuck off christcuck, god isn't real.
Everything can be entirely proved by science, conservatism, selfimprovement, everything.
dude what about ghosts
atheism for the masses, occultism for the elite
yea definitely
have you read about the pyramids?
and their connections to the inner earth and temples to the benevolent gods that rule us? yes
what the fuck is this virus shit
quality russian monero miners
You're dumb as fuck for taking a shitpost into consideration like that
ha ha, benis
who's this? starlight?
what exactly is going on in this picture? is this legal? does animosity exploit? baned?
yes to all
pm oven dodger
poopy dodger more like it lmfao