Nerf this knife eared piece of shit edition
>Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
>Mega of cool stuff:
Earlier boards.Veeky→
Nerf this knife eared piece of shit edition
>Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
>Mega of cool stuff:
Earlier boards.Veeky→
Other urls found in this thread:
why are ratos so cute
>Norscan scum
Anyone else getting random visual bugs like black spots on the screen like missing textures or something that are fixed in one spot or the screen sometimes going completely black and slowly getting back to normal?
is it possible to increase the hero power of an item i have? i got two oranges early on and my blunderbuss has good traits but its only power 43
any way to remedy this?
That's a High Elf, not a Wood Elf. I think we'd be OK with a High Elf in the party. At least their snootiness would be warranted, and they'd have more than two insults.
I just played a game as huntsman with the repeater and why is it so much worse than the same gun on bounty hunter? coach gun is worse than dwarf's shotgun too. this class would be garbage if not for the broken active.
>Dipshit elf kills one (1) marauder
>Gets instantly BTFO by a dark elf fucking shit and has to be saved only to get BTFO again because a lord of change just walked in the front door
the absolute state of elves
What would a high elf her careers/weapons be?
Best talents for Foot Knight
so are they shitter tier now then
We'd have a sweet dude and one of them would be White Lion.
Still though, orange dust is orange dust, which can be used to reroll max level stuff for the traits you want.
Why SHOULDN'T the Skaven inherit the world?
>level 12 now with moustache man, dwarf, and witch hunter
>still haven't touched elf or wizard because they're ugly
witch elf reskin when?
Obviously when they inherit the earth they will either kill everything off or keep species in giant cave pits to breed for food n research, Then they'll kill each other off , over and over again, until they eventually snap and destroy the world through warp fuckery.
>give potion to someone despite own low health
>they immediately die after using it
They kinda should, it's the cool, plausible and bad ending.
Feels good having 700 legend crates on reserve for when red's/hats/skins are added on the 8th.
the meek, not the squeek
is it really hard to 1 man veteran? asking because I just had a run where I was the only guy left and I fumbled halfway through. I mean I'm pretty good normally but under pressure I tend to fug up
Because Skaven rely pretty much entirely on other people for everything. If the whole world were skaven the world would be gone in a few years. Either from horrible experiments and plagues, or just from it devolving into cannibalism because rats can't feed themselves.
whats a good weapon to deal with armor for elf
just had some guy on war camp do almost 0 damage to boss and said he can't do anything to him
want to see if he is right
So just out of morbid curiosity, is there a 'canon' difficulty for V1? Like were those guys strolling through on easy with all the supplies they could carry, or were they struggling through cataclysm the whole way?
enjoy playing by yourself lad
For anti-armor
Glaive > Wardancer Blade > Spear > Sword > Dual Daggers
Why is every Slayer so fucking bad?
How do they make it to level 12 on dwarf while getting surrounded and pecked to death even on recruit without learning anything?
Cataclysm was the real game
>pecked to death
He did good.
>finally give elf a go
>the spear is the best melee weapon I have ever used in this game
It's no wonder people flock to her. Why can't every weapon feel as good to use as the spear?
Discord for finding groups
>discord for finding groups
>of autists with power trips
Fixed that for you.
If you don't like it then report my post instead of shitting up the thread. There's a reason I don't bother putting it in the OP.
Do not post that discord in my thread thanks
>instakilled by the arena door closing on me
Because some people are just terrible.
How does someone get to 25 on elf in Champion difficulty but still not know that medpacks reset their downed count and complain that you used an extra pack on them because they can regenerate and don't need it despite having already gone down once?
> Hear you shits talking up the fucking halberd
> Craft a 204 power one for kruber
> It takes 3 hits to kill a basic bitch chaosfag
the fuck is wrong with you niggers?
>but still not know that medpacks reset their downed count
I know about this because a buddy told me, but I've never seen it communicated anywhere in the actual game.
Nigga just oke with it
Is this one of those 'u tk him 2 da bar??' scenarios or am I just very sleep deprived?
Am i the only one that thinks that any map they've let us play after the closed beta ended has been shit? None of the new maps are any fun to play.
>dwarf goes down
>he's holding a grim and tome
>elf revives him
>elf who isn't holding anything finds the medkit I marked (I have a tome)
>dwarf is ahead and can't backtrack to get it
>elf has 75% of her health
>uses medkit on herself instead of dwarf, who was like 20 feet away
I mean, we were on our way out on Empire and made it to the portal, but holy fuck. You are the one who revived him. Why would use the damn medkit instead of on the person who you literally just revived?
*teleports behind you and casts lesser confusion on your entire team so they won't even look in your direction until you've gone 100-0*
> Playing IB dwarf
> Elf is being shitty by running ahead, getting his health chipped, going down and then hogging all the healing
> Finally have enough of his shit
> Grab a grim and a tome, run back and get myself killed
> They all get wiped next horde
That felt SO FUCKING GOOD holy shit
I didn't know that. I'm still new-ish and never played the first one, but I thought you only had to worry if you get downed again before healing. So if you only use potions after you get downed, you can still insta-die after a while?
Which hero is the best to jam Dark Synth to while playing?
I have literally never played warhammer anything, much less vermintide, before the closed beta, and I figured that shit out before it was over. The fug?
Healing with either a Draught or a Medpack will reset your downed count.
You can go down,
3 times in Recruit
2 times in Veteran
1 time in Champion+,
before insta-dying
As a good habit it's best to save healing items until after you have been downed and gotten back up, to clear your grey health and reset your count.
Empire in flames is a top tier level, festering is terrible and War Camp was interesting.
Oh, yeah. I did figure that, but from the way he said it, it sounded like only medpacks reset downed count, and not potions. Glad to hear I was worried for nothing.
>literally never played warhammer anything
What did you mean by this? That specific mechanic is not some kind of warhammer staple.
Fucking perfect
Why would I ever use the dorf flamethrower over the pistols?
pistols are great for taking down specials at range, thinning hordes at range, plinking bosses out of melee range, and have infinite ammo.
>try to do the warband camp as IB with bots
this was a fucking mistake holy fuck, there has to be something wrong with the bots AI when it comes to dealing with situations around bosses
>fight troll near the tree
>takes literally 10+ minutes to kill it since it keeps focusing me and bouncing me around the swamp like a gromril pinball while the bots do absolute dick or take 30 seconds to fight off 3 skaven
>manage to slog through, rescue the couple of bots who died
>eventually reach ribspreader
>yet again it feels like the bots don't even know how to target him properly
>the rare moment he isn't immediately slapping me across the arena the second I waddle back over to him is spent pushing the bots shit in
>sienna and kerillian aren't even attacking him, just flailing at the adds
>the most useful bot is kruber, solely because he got hemmed into a corner and just stood there blocking the boss
>they slowly all die off leaving me to 1v1 a still 50% health rbspreader+adds
>make a good go of it, get him down to 25%
>eventually just fucking die because I'm not getting enough free moments to both get my stamina back and actually damage him inbetween him and the adds attacking me
I didn't expect bosses to be quick without a dedicated boss killer but I didn't expect it to be this fucking bad, what a fucking waste of time
I never played VT!, why the picture of feet?
I met the elfiest elf player to ever elf today
Elf feet when?
elf makes my peepee feel funny haha
>unlock 3rd Sienna class
>want to try it out
>first quick match puts me in an in-progress group, 50m away from the end gate
Free xp though. They didn't have any grims, but all tomes and 2 loot dice.
>second attempt get Backend Error right after it loads the map
Does Unchained special do damage to yourself? Something tells me its going to take a while before I can try in-mission, as matchmaking is being slow as well.
Warhammer: Age of Reckoning was such a great game. Shame the new head of game development literally torpedo'd the game because he's an unlikable cunt who couldn't get along with anyone on the dev team, and was fired shortly before the game died.
One of the few mmo's where I actually had and regularly played multiple characters of different classes on both factions...
Is it a good idea to keep the passive regen trinket on an Ironbreaker once I move into vet? It's super good on rec but I worry I might get fucked by the increased potential for being bursted down on higher difficulties
>infinite ammo on the pistols
>implying the drakegun doesn't
I don't understand your point user? With the drakegun you specialize in crowd control. Saltz and Kruber both have great boss killing power.
I'm pointing out that the pistols are great for sniping, and unlock most other sniper weapons, the pistols have infinite ammo.
>the bath in Bardins quarters
>he hasn't routed the pipes coming out of the furnace through it for easy heating and to show off superior dwarfen ingenuity and engineering
wasted opportunity desu
>he doesn't like La Drang
>he doesn't like Hue City
>he doesn't like Khe Sanh
What are you a draft dodging hippy?
Is Slayer just shit? I keep trying to make it work, but I can't seem to even out damage my IB, and that's not even using Drakegun much. I just don't see a reason to run Slayer, I can dish out the same damage but provide way more crowd control and I can be a tanky wall when we need to pick people up.
I actually think I prefer mine. Heat really isnt an issue, and I don't use the Drakegun that much.
>room is kinda chilly
>turn on Vermintide 2 and just let it idle
>bathed in warmth
Thank fuck the game is so poorly optimized that it makes my computer a furnace.
Which 25 BH talent is the strongest? The Double-Shotted one seems incredibly weak since it did around the same damage per pellet, but only 2 pellets. Buckshot seems good but Encore sounds nice too.
>those 3 hits come at roughly the speed of a single swing from the warhammer.
>Fully AP
>Ridiculous range
The fuck is wrong with YOU?
Dwarf/Mcgoober/Elf all have that one class that is way over powered than the rest
imo Slayer is currently one of the careers that's just pretty much unserviceable. Nowhere near durable enough to function as it should and nowhere near strong enough to make up for the complete lack of a ranged option. You CAN make it work, but you end up putting in a shitload of effort to just be on an average with other classes/careers.
>people leave before getting their experience
You faggots do know the projectile these guys grab you with can be evaded with a strafe dodge, right?
is anybody else experiencing delays since maintenance
even when I'm host or at close range its like a half a second delay
everything on my end is working fine even checked other games
Waystalker isn't overpowered, it's just not utter shit like her other two classes.
Hopefully that knowledge will become m
>Spot the elf
Blunderbuss Kruber is so much fun it should be illegal. Reminds me of supports back in killing floor, where you could just instagib a fleshpounder with a really precise shot.
>ck2 mod
>total warhammer
>l4d warhammer
Battlefield warhammer fantasy when?
Hopefully that knowledge will become more commonplace as we move into full release. Admittedly it really is something you need to be told, rather than realising yourself. At first glance it makes sense that you wouldn't be able to dodge a spooky wizard grabbing you with his force powers, so most people don't even try.
>Elf host goes down 3/4 of the way through the level
>not even dead
Which is better. Unchained or Pyro? I feel like Unchained is better for shitty teams because of how tanky it makes you but Pyro lets you spam more.
However I feel like pyro is more ideal with Conflag but it's a shit staff right now.
Really the problem I have with it is I never see him do it. He always teleports behind me and starts succing silently.
>soften them up on approach with an AA12
>run right up to their face and fucking pulp their entire head with two barrels full of buckshot right to the chin as they sprint at you
pure kino
Okay. Explain how elf is at all overpowered.
Dante Must Die mode: Do it without complaining about the people who pick her.
> Admittedly it really is something you need to be told, rather than realising yourself.
Honestly if you've got even a modicum of awareness it should have been plane as day that shit is a projectile the first time you actually see the grab in action.
I like you.
Pyro is better till 25. Once you hit 25 Unchained all the way. Use fireball or bolt, nothing else.
Self regeneration with very respectable ranged damage and one of the best performing and feeling melee weapons in the spear.
They're really not the same, but I will agree unchained is better for shitty teams, as properly holding a choke against a horde is generally what pubs are the shittiest at.
You can generally count on someone to take a 360 boss no-scoping specialization, which is what pyromancer is generally best at.
What happens at level 25?
You unlock all the talents. Unchained is made good by her talents, and she's shit to play without them.
Adjust your audio, the rambling followed by that teleport sound is obvious as fuck even in the middle of a shit show.