fu manchu edition
old: eyosongive.us
fu manchu edition
old: eyosongive.us
anime tiddy :D
>Yorick is significantly underpowered
>will never get buffs because low elo players have no macro and can't stop him from brute forcing his way to a 12 minute inhib
>My biggest sexual fantasy is being a Void Monster and fugging MF
>Riot releases this skin
RIP my nutbladder.
>It's another episode of tristana and 3 tanks.
What champ do you wish to nerf to the point they will never be picked even by one tricks.
shauna vayne intensifies
I was a fraction too slow; Hopefully some weebshit general got pushed off the 10th page.
So why aren't you riding the freelo train of this patch /lolg/?
Post your favourite picture of your waifu or husbando you guys
Here's mine