Justify your homophobia
Pro tip: you can't.
Justify your homophobia
Pro tip: you can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm afraid of cocks.
You guys dress weird.
God hates fags
fags spread HIV intentionally
fags are the west's new god
Dicks are scary
Cute boipussi is hard to resist, therefore, it should never be on offer.
Being a fag is degenerate
Homosexuality is a malformation of the brain causing it to develop like a woman's. Objectively people would be happier if we found a way to prevent it.
Thanks for sharing and all, but the problem is, we DON'T have a way to prevent it.
our only biological purpose is to procreate.
Lacking the biological incentive to copulate with the opposite sex is a biological defect since that makes one not naturally incentivized to procreate.
Masculinity is good. I prefer feminine things being masculine than masculine things being feminine by far.
Gays are OK but i couldn't spend very long in their company and prefer when they actual natural and not over the top flamer. Really i hate anyone in life that puts the sexuality first and foremost in their self actualisation.
Players, PUAs, Gays, Sluts, EVERYONES MUST KNOW I'M A VIRGIN/can't find a man.
If I'm not in immediate danger of getting some of dat ass I don't want to know about a persons sexuality and no one gives a shit about mine.
Gay men especially could have it all. Two dudes in love. No hormonal, nagging attention whoring yang element. The sort of life this video vaguely implies: youtube.com/watch?v=Rhl5K0mTSKY
but nah two gossipy women men playing the victim as hard as they can.
that doesn't imply they have the brain of a woman
>Really i hate anyone in life that puts the sexuality first and foremost in their self actualisation.
This. Doing you the honor of /thread-ing you.
We, as a species, are meant to procreate, you can't do that without a women and man. They go against biological desires, which can have affects on the individual.
That's the most Veeky Forums thing I've ever seen.
Some people shouldn't propagate their genes, if three generations of gay people stopped breeding then the gay gene would no longer exist.
It harms your chances of genetic survival
>They go against biological desires, which can have affects on the individual
what "affects" on the individual other than the obvious fucking someone of the same gender? if you guys are so concerned with genetics than this is actually better than the old way of pressuring gays into getting married and having children. in this case they pass the "gay gene" but now that they aren't producing children they'll die out.
Hypothetically in a future where all gay men inject synthouterui® and have gay babies, would it be acceptable?
Yes, but that will most likely never happen.
Oh, please. That's not worth a /thread.
It's a lot easier not to make your sexuality the cornerstone of your identity when nobody gives a shit. Legitimately nobody gives a shit about YOUR sexuality. When you're gay, in America, anyway, millions of fucking people do. The fact that you and may not give a shit means literally nothing.
When people will despise you regardless, you have nothing to lose by turning yourself into a caricature.
but watching a baby come out of a tight boipussy would be too hot
Faggots are hedonists.
Hedonism is degenerate
Faggots are degenerate.
It is good to oppose degeneracy.
It is good to oppose faggots.
Instead let them covertly live as straight people, procreate and propagate their genes
at least we'll never run out of scapegoats
>implying anyone is actually afraid of gay people
I love the contemporary progressive world of ideas, where intelligence isn't determined by genes at all despite having high heritablity estimates but faggotry is genetic despite heritability estimates for it being quite low.
>When people will despise you regardless, you have nothing to lose by turning yourself into a caricature.
But here's the thing, not every American is the bigoted stereotype you're making them out to be and the LGBT Community™ does in fact alienate a lot of people who would otherwise be sympathetic to their cause by celebrating and promoting lewdness.
>It's a lot easier not to make your sexuality the cornerstone of your identity when nobody gives a shit.
While I'll concede that I'm too foreign to the plights of the homosexuals to know of their plights, and be enough of an authority on the matter to dispense "/thread"s as I wish, I still think you're being awfully insincere too. "People give a shit" about homosexuals, or at the very least in my country (which I should have you know, only legalized being ga in 1982, meaning we're not exactly "progressives"), only care about gays because of how blatant gays are about flaunting their sexual orientation. You're implying that people care this much about where people stuff their penis, and that it leads to homosexuals needing to base their personality on that, but from what I've seen, it works mostly through the reverse of that, with people only becoming aggravated about where you stuff your dick because every facet of your personality placates it on others to know where you stuff your dick.
Probably 50% of the homosexual-"haters" in my country would probably disappear over night for example if the Gay parade were less obnoxious, for example.
But again, not an authority. Just throwing out there what I've seen and heard.
Homosexuality cannot possibly be genetic, because if it were controlled by a gene or allele, it would be removed from a population within a single generation, as it results in no offspring being produced.
Thus, homosexuality is a choice, a fetish that is becoming increasingly normalized in Western society through propagation by the media.
ITT: Babby's first human genetics
PROTIP: Google Scholar is ------>
Exactly, if you look at actual papers on the matter you find out that the evidence that homosexuality is genetic is close to zero.
Why do gays speak differently? Is it a conscious effort to signal their gayness for mating purposes or something they pick up from being around other gay people?
I'm a fag but I hate 80% of fags.
Nah lot of bullshit and not to take the bait but since it ties into the conversation you don't know my sexuality and it's certainly not socially acceptable or easy to talk about but saying makes sound like a fucking Pedophile who are the ones that get the real persecution.
If we actually lived in the world you guys and got scanned for sexual deviancy we'd all be in the same internment camps.
My opinion to homosexuals was positive before a close friend of mine 'came out'. He spent a year accusing everyone of being homophobic and hating him because he was gay (we'd been friends for years no one else changed) and then lo and behold lost all his friends. I've had no stomach for behaviour like that since.
My opinion of a person actually goes up if i find out their homosexual. Quite a bit probably simply because I couldn't tell a mile off.
I'm ok with gays. They've introduced me to some hot women I managed to fuck.
Mental illness should be treated, not accepted. Homosexuals should be treated like people with compulsive disorders.
>doesn't post any
But if you're familiar with the literature, surely you must know the names of studies you could bring up at any time?
mike pence stop shitposting on Veeky Forums i know VP has no job but to sit around and wait for the pres to die but c'mon man
Homosexuality IS a mental disorder, by definition. The only reason it was removed from the DSM was social pressure, which incidentally should tell you all you need to know about the intellectual integrity of psychology in general.
If you're a heterosexual you're a cuckold by default. Women are not humans.
I just hate them.
Nobody said "every American" was a bigot. Certainly not me. If you think I'm stereotyping people, you're hallucinating; I didn't paint any sort of picture of "bigots" in my post, didn't make them out to all be rednecks, etc. There are teachers, loving fathers and mothers, criminals, lesbians and trans people, literal prostitutes and porn stars, military heroes, people from every walk of life who hate gay people, or are repulsed by them. Good people and bad people.
>the LGBT Community™ does in fact alienate a lot of people who would otherwise be sympathetic to their cause by celebrating and promoting lewdness.
I don't disagree, but I am not talking about a rational, tactical calculation here, it's a gut response. I'm not endorsing it, I'm explaining it -- if you can act like every other dude and people still call you a fag, then there's a certain temptation to be like, "Oh, I'm a fag, am I? Let me show you how much of a fag I can fucking be, then."
Btw, you didn't ask for any study before so you should stop behaving like a passive aggressive bitch.
If this is the best anti-homosexuality argument that can be mustered then I can't say I'm very impressed desu
Because you're probably a degenerate yourself, even if not a faggot.
Honestly I have no problems with homosexuals and never did. I think they deserve all the same rights etc. My best friend in high school was gay. That being said, I think the flamboyance that a lot of them adopt, while entertaining, can be very annoying and unnecessary. I know there are a lot of gay people like my best friend who act "normal", and those flamboyant guys irritate them because it makes people think that gay people are in your face annoying.
Its like that key and peele sketch where one flamer keeps calling his coworker a homophobe and it turns out the guy is in a serious relationship with another dude.
Being too proud and in your face about something turns other people off of it.
Thats my only critique.
100% of "gay-speaking" people are gays but not all gays have the gay speech
t. non flamboyant faggot
well first homophobia implies i fear gay people, i simply disagree with that lifestyle
as for why. its is against my religion (im a baptised christian), spreads diseases, and takes fertile young people out of the gene pool to die without propagating there bloodline.
>it would be removed from a population within a single generation, as it results in no offspring being produced.
I agree that it is not genetic, but just playing devil's advocate...
Society has demanded for millenia that men marry and create families, so even if they are """""born gay"""""" there is pressure to reproduce anyway.
I don't mind gay people, but I hate faggots.
Just like how I don't mind black people, but I dislike niggers.
You also don't necessarily have to be gay or black to be a faggot or a nigger.
Humanity needs to die so being gay is something good
> there's a certain temptation to be like, "Oh, I'm a fag, am I? Let me show you how much of a fag I can fucking be, then."
And this is why gay culture is obnoxious because it gets off on being transgressive thus further justifying the stigma against it.
No, it is to survive by which reproduction is an extension.
gayfags = redditors
they're faggots
Not genetic but congenital.
One of my best friends is gay and I didn't know until I met him with his bf. He also hates flaming homos with passion and says it's pretty common between his kind.
My nigga Sam "slay all the kikes even the tykes" Hyde made some pretty good arguments.
Well aw man how can I argue without all that evidence
I am for anyone loving anyone, and what someone does in their bedroom doesn't concern anyone but the consenting people in their bedrooms, but as soon as you start getting a train of retards in leather underwear licking plastic cocks in the street, in front of children, saying "this is normal XDD" it's too much.
TLDR; fags are okey as long as they keep their shit private and don't advocate their way of life
I'm afraid of homophones, you looks stupid if you fuck them up and sometimes it just accidentally happens when you're typing at 80 words a minute.
Solid argument. I just blocked all my gay friends on facebook, I lost a bunch of other friends when I commented "Gays don't slay, we should slay gays"
Glad I got those degenerates out of my life. Seriously, some would say my life is in pieces, I say I cleaned the swamp of degeneracy in my life.
Homosexual males tend to have more unprotected sex with multiple partners than heterosexual males, due to the fact that pregnancy is a real an immediate fear that everyone know of, while STDs need more education and understanding.
A culture that openly accepts homosexuality, instead of demanding it be kept in the shadows, accepts the spread of AIDS, herpes, and the clap.
It's not really homophobia if I hate everyone that has anti-creative sex, makes their sexuality their whole character, and has poz parties
>our only biological purpose is to procreate.
Except humans evolved as pack animals. It's why men without children are willing to die to protect the pack. It's why humans have higher rates of infertility than any other mammal. it's why homosexuality exists, to prevent members of the pack from leaving the pack for another pack with a woman they have children with.
Humans did not evolve for individual survival, we evolved to make the pack survive. The gay uncle theory says that homosexuality exists to, as I said above, prevent men from leaving the pack after impregnating an outside member and joining her pack, as it was men who usually left packs to join others.
>biological purpose
How to trigger every biologist: the post
One easy step
>It's why men without children are willing to die to protect the pack.
this is not at all true lol
>homosexs exists to keep men together
Everything evolves for individual survival, pack survival is only a thing because it facilitates individual survival, we aren't a hivemind.
How in the fugg do these homo genes get passed on??
This is completely anti-Darwinian.
straw man
>gay people won't have sex without my permission
>How in the fugg do these homo genes get passed on??
you're thinking of genes in too simplistic of a manner. there's more complicated ways for traits to be passed on other than at the base pair level that determines whether you get blue eyes or brown eyes. several genes together that have other purposes when combined can have another affect. genes can affect the likelihood of a behovioral trait developing from an environmental trigger, etc.
We always hated the flamers, majority of us aren't limp wristed faggots. It's just that the media promotes that stereotype as the "norm" and even encourages flamers to be proud of being cringeworthy queens.
Seriously, just look at any Gay Magazine - they talk trash about manly gays and their "toxic masculinity", even calling them "heteronormative" and whatever buzzword they can think of while all the borderline trannies are praised.
I'm gay and I hate flaming faggots more than any straight person ever could.
I'm not endorsing the post you're replying to, which takes a whole bunch of speculation and acts like it's established scientific consensus, but this ...
>Everything evolves for individual survival, pack survival is only a thing because it facilitates individual survival
is objectively fucking wrong, man. Sacrificing yourself for your family or for your community doesn't facilitate YOUR INDIVIDUAL SURVIVAL -- that's almost a tautology. But it often does facilitate the survival of your genes. Which is what the guy you're replying to is talking about. I'm not sure you understood his post.
They aren't right to trash the manly gays, but "flamers" shouldn't be bullied either. I remember in my school there were a couple of kids who were feminine and people would bully the shit out of them, it's like picking on the weak and for shitty reasons. One of those kids was in my own class. The other later came out as gay.
It wasn't healthy kidding around with jokes, real bullying with threats and sometimes violence - you know how kids are.
Fuck off Xard.
Because they like to get shit up their urethras.
Female homosexuality is fine though
Allah hates fags
>this is not at all true lol
So you are telling me that every person that wanted to go to war in the history of mankind have all had children? You mean to tell me when any type of "pack" is established, even something like inner city gangs, where the members will die for their brothers, is not something natural? People are willing to die to protect their pack, and that goes against the idea that we are made to survive and procreate as individuals. Just saying it's not true doesn't make is so.
>Everything evolves for individual survival, pack survival is only a thing because it facilitates individual survival, we aren't a hivemind.
Except you just contradicted yourself. Hives don't exist for the survival of individuals. but you just said everything evolves for individual survival. Pack animals are between solitary animals and hive animals. A lone soldier dying to keep his sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews and cousins alive DOES protect the genes and ensure they are passed on.
>How in the fugg do these homo genes get passed on??
Being homosexual is a most likely a combination of many genes that makes someone more likely to become gay with the environment triggering if homosexuality arises or not. We don't know yet, but it's obviously not ONE gene and it obviously permeates all of humanity. Look at Bonobos, who are our closest relatives except for chimpanzees.. They have gay sex all the time.
>This is completely anti-Darwinian.
Only if you don't understand the concept of evolution.
>making massive leaps of logic and not having reading comprehension
Down's syndrome.
Gay men are basically fucking 24/7, not being productive, and spreading diseases.
>It's why men without children are willing to die to protect the pack.
Except that isn't the case
>It's why humans have higher rates of infertility than any other mammal.
Wrong again.
>it's why homosexuality exists
Alright mate, you need to stop searching a reason for everything. Homosexuality doesn't exist because it got a "purpose" but because it just happens by luck.
I think most gay people don't realize it.
This is just a theory of mine, but epigenetics may play a role too:
maybe the genes that cause homosexuality are usually suppressed, and under a specific set of conditions they can be activated. So this is why a perfectly straight father can have a gay son.
The environment may also play a role.
>Except that isn't the case
Volunteer soldiers exist.
boys are cute
can't tell anyone, since I also like vagina and want to marry and have babies one day, and women generally don't see themselves marrying a homo lala man
therefore I am afraid of the homosex
>Lacking the biological incentive to copulate
Your implication is that women lack the biological incentive to copulate then.
>not wanting to have a bi threesome with your wife and a cute gay man
What are you, a faggot?
>irrational fear
No. Disgust.
I don't hate gays, I hate the homosexual act itself. If they stop their behavior, and feminine demeanor, I would feel nothing.
As it stands, one cannot seriously be called gay without the sexual act itself.
Disgust cannot go away, until gay sex goes away.
Read the MPC thread
I have nothing against anyone. I find gay culture generally fucking retarded however.
>you can't.
Considering I'm gay, no I really can't.
that's a reason to be more homophobic
I'm probably the most homophobic person I know and I'm astoundingly gay
Shoving rainbow dicks in kids face's isn't the same as giving a speech about how it's okay to be gay to teenagers.