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based EG

>the number of players playing doesn't matter in a game with ranking based match making

what did they mean by this?

first for liquid will bounce back from this stronger than ever screencap me right fucking now


>wake up
>liquid has been patched out
Can you admit they were a patch team now?

They were great at exploiting the le epic memefight meta with free gold and xp everywhere, and now they're falling apart the moment free xp was removed from bounties.


>can't refute an argument?
>call it bait

NA DOTA is the Achilles heel of Liquid.

wasnt coL suppose to be the bounce back game?

>lost 80% of your playerbase in half a year
>"s-shut up, its not dying"


Nobody said that, you're just delusional if you think 400k players is anywhere near the point of significantly impacting queue times
(and before you le epic screencap a long search time, you know full well that's due to many factors that are not solvable by simply having more players, unless it was literally MILLIONS more)

>post about all sorts of shit on /d2g/
>shit about politics I don't understand, people i've never met, religions I've never studied ect
>post this one thing that sends you into a seizure for some reason

If you are gonna keep dodging the rest of my post don't reply

math is hard

Suggestions to make /my girl/ a better hero?

I think her current Aghs upgrade is completely pointless, I wouldn't mind having the aghs upgrade either increase the amount of hits per second, or perhaps let her cast it a little bit aways from herself (500 units).

I also want her to be able to cast Forcestaff on herself during the ult without canceling (probably not feasable)

Change up her Frostbite to be able to self-cast it to provide her with some well needed armor/physical immunity.

I also think passives are quite boring, what if the aura had an active component to it too (think drow aura active, nothing major) to give team the same mana regen she, herself gets from the passive for some amount of time.

Got any other suggestions?

Now it's time for the real OG to win.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them

>its not impacting queue times
>it literally took me 10 minutes to find a game of all pick on US east


do you know why valve went from a static number used for MMR to that stupid ass emblem system?

to hide MMR discrepancies in match making

What about making the ulti castable on an area rather than centered around you? (still channeled though)

except time spent in game had gone up despite the player base losses
ranked matchmaking is healthier than ever


is this what the 50% conspiracy has evolved into?

>or perhaps let her cast it a little bit aways from herself (500 units).
I covered that in my suggestion, I may have been unclear tho.

yea he is a retard
Feb 2018 had 779,299 players
Feb 2017 had 1,040,877 players
Feb 2016 had 1,248,394 players
Feb 2015 had 1,262,612 players
Feb 2014 had 738,682 players

The problem is Benaroya hall captured dota and we must go back to the proper stage

Feb 2018 had 686,588 players
Feb 2017 had 744,468 players
Feb 2016 had 738,969 players
Feb 2015 had 455,508 players
Feb 2014 had 119,764 players

What really makes me angry about that beard is that it looks so unkempt.
Even a small mustache can work but this looks like he took a bunch of pubes and randomly glued them to his upper lip

lmao mineski manhandling the bh

i look forward to the damage control when the ti prizepool comes in under last years

Oh oops, I just missed that completely somehow. Obviously I think it's a good idea haha.

how come dota 2 has curses? We have shit like western teams and chinese teams take turns winning a TI, A, B, A, B, A, B, etc.. We have shit like you can't win 2 TI's

This is amazing

>manta on gyro
fuck is wrong with you mushi

779299/1262612 = 0.617
yep as you can see math is hard

Make her a real maiden

I mean, maybe. It can't grow forever, that's childish thinking.

very unlikely, it is gambling, Valve will force it to be more than last years by exploiting people even more

because dota is an ever evolving complex game
its hard to build a dynasty when you dont know what next years gameplay will be

>hardest game in it's genre
>a lot of the player base are spergs that offend thin skinned pussies
>valve refuse to make the game a skinners box by making every hero free
>assfaggots aren't the hot shit they once were
>mass bot bans
>mass trading restrictions

There are so many factors in dotas declining player base, you can just say "hurr patch X killed the game". Also it's one of the few games that are open about it player numbers. Blizzard pussied out because being open about their numbers made the jews nervous, riot has always had a special relationship with math. The rest aren't even remotely relevant.

>exploiting more people
>there's even less people playing now than ever

that one week drop tho

2015 to 2018 is half a year? math is clearly hard

>>hardest game in it's genre
>dotards still believe this

Damn I just realized VG are going to win TI
Could be worse honestly, Big Dick Lanm and cutie pie Paparazi

said literally every ti and every ti dedgaem shitters are eternally BTFO

>OpTic Gaming vs. OG 5h 15m
fucking christ the game i want to watch is the last one, i need to wake up early tomorrow fucking valve

Most people who play the game don't care, the prize pool is large because 80% of the playerbase only care about hats and daily quests and hardly watch esports.

Did I miss some patchnotes a while ago? Is using voice chat in Dota now only possible when you have a phone number linked to your account? I press my PTT key and it displays the spech bubble icon, but it's striked through in red and my team can't hear me.

Help me, I want to laugh at my retarded teammates.

i didnt suggest that was half a year
just pointing out that even taking the peak pop by our current pop doesnt make for an 80% decline

see last year had the biggest prize pool, even though it had less players than the previous years

Hey, dead game spammer
Can you post an in-game screenshot? Like in a lobby with bots

reddit forced valve to ban """toxic""" mic users

hes from Venezuela and currently in a 6month vacay from dota

>my game isn't dying

reminds me of shadowverse fags.

He can post a pic from a private lobby right?

This year they are deviating from their immortal chest strategy so who knows.
Check your setting, you only need a number for ranked.

forgot to ask this earlier but what is wrong with Matumbaman? I was watching the shots of the players during the draft vs col and he kept fidgeting and doing random stuff with his hands and making weird movements like he couldnt just sit still

is he retarded?

i doubt he even has the client installed anymore

even worse, he is a Finn.

considering the only game alive according to you is pubg, i'd rather stick to dota

>check shadowverse
Yep, It's our favorite venezuelan

1. Liquid eliminated
2. They have one last chance
3. Their faith depends on the outcome of an upcoming match

Which one is it?

the latest adderall shipment didnt arrive in time for the lan

Yep, and it might have something to do with more people playing the game enough to consider buying the compendium. But hey, nevermind that shit about the game also getting more profitable for Volvo because higher numbers are necessarily better, right?

>Is using voice chat in Dota now only possible when you have a phone number linked to your account?
No. check open mic threshold

belief in allah is the surest way to victory kuro
you know it in you heart to be true


>Yep, and it might have something to do with more people playing the game enough
what? The game last year had less players than previous, but the prize pool was higher

Valve does not need more players since they have the power of gambling to get the prize pool to be higher. Which as I said, is evident as last year the prize pool was the highest even though it had lower player numbers than previous years.

>Liquid lost to EG and CoL
Uhh, Euros?

Bounty nerf killed GH and MC.


its just Liquid giving NAtards free DPC points

havent you heard, pubg is dying, fortnite is the next big alive game

Cute girl, source?

but fortnite isnt transparent with their player base

my neighbor

classic mushit choke

>dedicated venezuelan dead game posters
Literally the only remaining vestige of starcrumps.

>this damage control

>have linkens
>still fail to get bkb off
my god mushi

can we just eliminate both these teams and save the time tomorrow

hey if you don't want them we can just take them back, like we thought you guys could really use a hand

>x is also dying meansw dota is fine
>the state of nu-d2g

where is the middle east region on that pic

Both these teams should be eliminated and lfy should take their place



>sea us actually just 1 final away from doubling NA in points


Every time mushit builds shit like manta linkens bkb on an agi hero he does 0 damage and loses. When will he learn?

lay off the koolaid ee

why does anyone still agree to play with mushi?

watching him play is just sad at this point

he won't, he knows he's so shit therefore he builds as much crutch as possible

no one here is from NA stop posting about them. It's all falseflagging NA doesn't come here anymore for obvious reasons.

Why even bother?

Yeah, right, this has nothing to do with the possibility of more people investing in their accounts because they start playing more regularly in the last year despite casuals abandoning Dota for something less intensive and generally cuter (LoL).

gotta start somewhere hater

I'll bite. What's the hardest game in this genre then?

thailand server in hon

You have to find 9 other players.

Smite you nu-male


is that also because you cant find 9 others to play with
