Crimson Lord reigns supreme edition
Crimson Lord reigns supreme edition
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xth for waifufags killing themselves
Unpopular opinion:I like road warrior MF over all her other skins
Give Annie more skins
Why don't you 1v1 me and see who kills whom
Not while cutest girl (Ahri) is still around!
i wanna show them city slickers what a real star guardian looks like
Lé@güe óf Légéñds Géñéral - /lólg/
>visible muscles
>cutest girl
Reminder that Annie is the official /lolg/ waifu
Meowscular Chef Kled WHEN
>implying everyone doesn’t just type in “lolg” to find the thread
you seem really upset
looloo buffs when
Feels good.
Dragonslayer shyvana WHEN?!
kobold kled is a good idea
Translation: I want to be a hipster faggot.
You mean her base skin?
heh. i'd rather have something where he's still fuzzy.
kobolds are ok but they ain't fluffy.
at this point though, i just went a decent Kled skin because Sir Kled is fucking terrible and it feels weird maining a champ without using a skin
but there's lots of different types of kobolds. some are fluffy!
why tf would riot make rocket girl tristana's Q so fucking noisy? wtf is that ear rape
Post em
> our top laner dc's 1 minute into the game
> can't remake because he was connected at the start
> slog it out vs their team and hold until they try to baron and steal it
> can't end but are winning fights and stalling till vayne gets big
> finally force a good enough fight that we steamroll their base
> irelia reconnects literally as we're hitting their nexus
> actually gets the win after being dced for 35 minutes
in other news rhaast is disgusting. wish i could play him more often but getting to your form swap is a headache
where the fuck do I make this
I can't find it on eyoson
is elise legitimately undertuned or am i just a shitter
BIG DAMAGES junglecuck puke
how's silver?
Since we're jiving about skins, what's your dream skin lolg?
She's undertuned but she's my waifu
can we please not ignore the fact that taric had a muramana in LCK this morning
the former
i dont watch that stuff
but context pls
why did he build it
how do I become a jungler
should I make an alt so I can learn while playing against bronzies? I'm plat 4 and have been a mid/support player for 3 seasons.
isnt that a standard last item for taric
>Hitler Good Goy
How do I wreck enemy adc and get rolling? I feel like 99% of lanes are a stalemate where nobody dies until jungler intervenes and someone finally gains an advantage.
I feel like there is something Im missing. Gold III shitter btw
cause taric spams spells and auto attacks
so he bought mana and damage
Its actually very comfy! thanks for asking
should i get viktor or is he useless in this meta?
also how is bard?
i haven't played in a season
i know but lizard kobolds are the most well known ones
ragnarok online has the cutest doggo kobolds though
tear taric's always been a thing, he's super mana thirsty
they just upgrade it as a last item to either muramana for better auto damages or seraph for better shields/heals
Play like 100 jungle games and you'll get it a bit.
Viktor just got buffed, he's pretty good. Bard just got buffed a bit too but hasn't really changed.
Its a standard last item for taric you mong
>wake up
>mf skin revealed nice
>it's an ultimate
>for fucking mf
>top lanes get cucked
>it's also utter shit
why is brad pitt purple, is he cosplaying as mundo
>not updated
No way I'm gonna get all the splash arts myself
It should just be Legendary if anything but those aren't chromas those are her different "forms" since the armor/guns are slightly different.
I am a mid lane god
that’s humphrey bogart you fuckin IDIOT
chromas have been changing things for a while now
It's not just straight color change
so what kind of armor or resistance do i build to protect myself against varus?
it feels like adcs now don't do dps they do one shots per second
but my team has to be with me for those 100 games and I'm pretty sure they'll be angery as heck. can I park myself in some jungle streamer's room and observe?
Chromas don't change the shape of the model, they might alter the clothing or something but the basic shape remains the same. All of her guns are entirely different and we can probably assume each form will have drastically different VFX to go along with it.
Sure but it's not really a subsitute for playing. There are so many things to try to keep track of that you really have to play it.
he's cosplaying as humphrey?
post opgg
maybe eyoson should update
they don't even have the omega squad skins
*Steals your top laner ultimate skin*
Fortune doesn't favor fools!
of all possible amazing things that they could've done in top lane like nagakabouros touched gangplank or some shit they make chromas for miss fortune
actual garbage company
>IWD makes 7k off donations a month not even including the money he makes from subscriptions
>he’s a shit tier autismo streamer
>god knows how much streamers who are actually likeable make
this is actually just bullshit
life is legitimately not fair
He can build for Magic or Physical damage so you should respond accordingly
Tabi's a solid pick regardless
>ugly face
>pandering to titfags
>dude chromas lmao
fucking riot
>bodysuit fag
My dick is gonna force me to buy the shitty new MF skin
>MF without a silly hat
>have to dodge a practice tool match because the fucking rune pages bugged out
>get a leaver timer
I still don't understand how and why I won Riot's competition.
Like wtf my story is too hipster.
>this desperate for a pat on the back
nobody cares roastie.
what the fuck is this
>Wake up
>New MF skin is an ULTIMATE
Nigga this is gonna be the first ultimate skin I actually buy she looks 90s Jean Grey as fuck
actually I want the opposite, tear me apart
word cloud
Stop playing my champion thanks you mentally ill tranny
Riot has wordclouds based on algorithms that take words used to talk about champions on their boards. the more word is typed the bigger the word is on the cloud
I despise these people
nobody cares what you want faggot.
apparently its just taken from in-client surveys I dunno where I got that algorithm shit from
I can't wait for CaptainFlowers to cast a bronze 5 game tonight.
I was gonna buy it anyway because MF is one of my favorite ADCs and most played champs in general but okay. Sorry I ruined your morning nigga.
This is actually a cause for concern though. But Secret Agent has been growing on me lately. It's probably because I rewatched Thunderball recently.
Wow you put words together. you're so creative and talented.
That's more wrong than you realise.
Here you go.
I like your champions user.
Fast Food Manager Azir and Delivery Girl Sivir
Released on father's day with a Kassadin/Kai'sa bundle skin.
a good illaoi skin instead of the garbage one we're getting
udyr is the top retard
stop playing rumble
tHaT's MoRe WrOnG tHaN yOu ReAlIsE
you're still a faggot for acting like a faggot every time you announce your presence,regardless of your guana filled batcave.
Then who is the jungler? ezreal?
Does anyone actually think Vladimir is good for lower elo players like LS's tier list states. I think he's too hard.
I recognize that art!!!
Vladimir is one of the most braindead champions in the entire game and anyone who says otherwise is either lying to themselves or retarded enough to still do well on vlad
LS says "his combos and engages might be hard to pull off"
of course
riot saw the opportunity and decided to make another skin for adcfags to throw money at with the excuse that ez is also played jungle
LS is known to be fucking retarded
Its why Reddit likes him
If only she wasn't so abysmally bad.
>t.400K mastery points diamond mf main
no, he's cute.
but all that means is you have to learn the champion before you're good at him. like any fucking champ in the game. hello?
You don't like pressing Q in lane and pressing R out of lane
and nothing else?
How can you people play a single champion so much and not get bored? after 1-2 games i have to switch to someone else
xth for veigars venis
and loolools veigarina