Aniki edition
Aniki edition
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What do you guys think of the new MF skin?
The fact that this general won't win out is a travesty
just slow-bump it and we can use it when the current one dies
I wanna BEE with Lulu!
I'm fucking staying here until we come back to this one. Fuck vladfag, let's sacrifice her (with blood magic for irony) to bring back aniki.
He's never coming back
>post yfw next ultimate skin is a fucking chroma 3.0 like Lancer Blitz
I was right about the skin 2 days ago
its ugly shit with manshoulders
complete failure kek
>literally all of these are better than the actual product
What the fuck?
where were you when best male yordle was saved? fuck furries
So what's going to be this year's pool party lineup?
Literally confirmed tier:
Pretty possible tier:
Maybe possible tier:
Almost impossible but damn I wish tier:
>taliyah gets white washed for her teamskin
Annie hopefully
fuck zoe. You just know zoe will be yasuo 2.0 and rebuffed.
I love Kled, this is what he would want me to do.
Total insanity should be the answer right now, no backing down.
Some of you guys are neat, don't show up at Riot's HQ tomorrow.
This is for you KIed........I love you
they decided against hats or floaty bits at some point in development so you can see her silhouette better, looks like
>they didn't do a skin choice thing for yorick so we got arclight
>illaoi fans get what they want
Why do they hate us.
What would having those feel like?
>>illaoi fans get what they want
Can someone post Raindeer Poppy extremely cute and firm ass?
illaoi fans got a lameo skin when they could have had patrician treasure hunter
Samsung Xayah is the only thing I like that was shown today. The Samsung skins are pretty cool looking but goddamn does today show Riot has lost its touch on what champions deserve skins.
The only REAL skin Illaoifags want is necromancer/gravelord and we can't have anything with skeletons because of chinks
yeah, fuck furries.
no one wants a nigger with a nose bigger than Galio's entire body in the pool party line, fuck off
>treasure hunter
>not deep space
What the fuck?
I want to go swimming in Zoe.
>2 friends
>2 pending
Just accept it dude. These are only 4 people who consider playing with you again. It's not like you have >200 friends like the rest of us.
>Urgot is basically a plastic pool with the legs on the bottom and his boddy in the pool with a rubber duck moving around him throughout the game.
you heard me
>illaoi fans get what they want
Theres no way in hell Illaoi fans picked resistence/totally-not-battlecast
lots of back pain
constant jiggling with even the smallest movements
constantly getting in the way of normal every day tasks, knocking things off tables
impossible to find appropriately fitting clothing for
>actually landed a skillshot on Ezreal's stupid twink body
holy shit I hate this faggot, take that you boipucci piece of shit.
imagine being this delusional
>GGMF is already overshadowed by all of the other skin announcements
>face looks like shit and they're still going to all pat themselves on a job well done and put MF back in the vault for another 2 years
Fucking Riot. How could you do this to me
That looks fucking sweet. and they said its going to be cheaper then your reg ult skin too.
Illaoi main here, that shit was rigged, everyone wanted Deepspace or Adventurer
>zoe gets a pool party skin
>annie didnt get one
none of these remotely fits with pool party, are you stupid?
what do you mean vault? she had SG last year didn't she?
We're literally talking about it right now
Zoefags deserve to be shot on sight
Samsung looks weird but interesting, even though they white washed Taliyah
Gun Goddess Miss Fortune looks lazy as fuck on a champion who got a high quality skin less than 6 months ago.
expect the same for the other champs they mentioned
especially shen,he will get some dark-star tier shit skin
Atleast yall didn't get arclight illaoi
>tfw exclusively banning MF to punish people who bought her skin
> top, mid and jung all doing reasonably well
> bot loses one fight, blame each other
> bitchfight ensues
> lose game because both of them compete to ruin the game as much as possible because "this adc/support deserves to lose :)"
just carry harder haha
the only ones that i see possible are ahri urgot if they go full meme and irelia
the others range from totally unlikely, to impossible to totally delusional if you think danielzcuck is going to let his rock nigger in a swimsuit and not in a burka
I miss Elise top :(
>illaoi fans get what they want
That shit was rigged. The moment the polls came out Battlecast was in dead last, somehow out of nowhere it got to first.
>they white washed Taliyah
it was the only choice user, ugly girls have no bussines in league
>shard for Blackfrost Anivia
>already have it
th-thank rito
But that would have been better than Battlecast
where's my pool cleaner Yorick? The pool net is like the exact same shape as a shovel
fucking cancer im glad shes dead
but they should buff her a bit so i could play jungle again
>not just picking an actual good adc and destroying her in lane because she is a bad champion
why make someone dodge when you can make them regret their wasted $30 instead
>remove taliyah's awful nose and shitskin
>suddenly she's cute
you cracked the code riot
He is a great designer, better than most other designers in riot games.
>have this but Northern Front swain
>dust all 3 of my copies out of frustration
>he gets a VGU the next month
cant get a single copy now
If I pick Corki adc will my team flame me?
ppl always do that. give it a week
did climbfag unironically an hero?
its been like a full month with out him spurging in this general and i need more bronzies to bully sexually
Replace Zero Hour (top right) with the Green one and I'm good. Gonna get the skin anyway though.
These are the largest and best breasts in league of legends
Say something nice to them!
>Get access to skins and champs before they are launched on PBE
>Faggot has almost 0 competition
>Gets money from youtube ad revenue by just showing off skins
>Doesn't even need clickbaits because he has no fucking competition
This chink Jew skinspotlight has to be stopped.
he left to monster hunter general
dont be fooled eitherway he was only ironically memeing because he hated this general, so instead of making an effort to post good things, he tried to outcancer the cancer.
>complaining they made taliyah an actual cute girl wew
that is too original and funny for NUriot to make, just make Project nunu
Get off the Internet Daniel, not even your coworkers like you
only white ppl care about White washing.
little brown girls are top tier, user
it's just her ugly face that ruins her
>tfw since loot crates came out I never seen anyone telling people to refund that skin
>Zoe gets skin before Ivern, Kayn, Kled, ASol
>Swimsuit skin too
I wanted Deep Space
Taliyah and Gnar look great but you being an Azir boi, your taste can't be relied upon for anything.
GGMF looks fine, HOWEVER
>put MF back in the vault for another 2 years
She gets a new skin literally every year, less than that even.
>makes a shit champ
>refuses to buff her in the direction the community talks about because he knows best
>finally gives in but not after leaving her a mess
>then busts her kneecaps because he overbuffed her
yeah, he's great
wake up ;_;
who the fuck plays ivern?
>even though they white washed Taliyah
What do you mean, "even though"?
>All these look somewhat different from each other, and look fucking cool.
>Yeah lets scrap all that and just give her lazy recolors on her suit and her abilities.
Just Riot games.
The perfect skin would have been 1,2,5, and 6 (from left to right, top to bottom).
I saw him the other day posting on st0rmsomething tumblr page
>Taliyah and Gnar look great but you being an Azir boi, your taste can't be relied upon for anything.
I literally said, "The Samsung skins are pretty cool looking"
>Bought a skin yesterday
>Feel like uninstalling today
I dont even feel bad. There are so many games I wanted to play anyway
What a time to be a mid/bot main that plays MF, Zoe, and Taliyah.
Guess I'll start saving from now.
I actually like the final product EXCEPT Zero Hour, that one just isn't that good looking to me, but partly because I just don't like blondes honestly.
You also said "Samsung Xayah is the only thing I like today" FUCK YOU I HATE AZIR AND YOUR BIRD FETISH I'M ONTO YOU WEIRDO
Reminder that Zoe has been out for less than 3 months and she already has a full skin already made
The one who gets to breed this titty monster must be a lucky man.
>he hated this general
who doesnt
also, some user posted a monhun comic thing that he aparently drew
he said he hated it and didnt draw anymore because of autists or something
how come he wasted his time here being literal cancer when he could have been a respectable drawfag?
>Gun Goddess
they could've chosen literally any other name for the skin
yet they went with this
I am so fucking disappointed
They literally admited it's priced at 2775RP because it's just not up to par with other legendaries.
Her face looks weird, the animations are honestly epic tier (WHEN YOU CHANGE GUNS YOU LITERALLY ONLY CHANGE THE COLOR ON YOUR ANIMATIONS) and it has a bunch of chromas as its """"gimmick""""
But the WORST FUCKING PART IS THIS PICTURE. They had all these fucking fantastic concepts to work with and they chose four recolors? What in gods fucking name is this bullshit.
>SSG Skins look really cool
>Haru said he wanted a Rengar skin
>Riot Jews forced his hand and made another lame twinkzreal skin instead
Fuck this world
>this still exists
Mods? Janitors?
Somebody help me. I literally cannot stop playing Nunu. He's fun as fuck, and everyone underestimates him, so they let their guard down and you get a free victory.
He, RiotLyte and Certainlycancer are the worst thing to happen to league of legends not counting anthony burch
teach me how to jive.
>it's a Talifags get actually a better skin at a cheaper price than MFfags episode
life comes at you fast
No need to be a rude boy
Faker has wanted Ahri ever since Season 3's worlds. He's never allowed to have it because Riot insists on controlling his midlane pick.
>terrible at the game so I have no chests and no level 6/7 masteries
>14 ahri skins
>6 xayah and lux skins
>pedo bait zoe skin
>250 RP aurelion sol chormas
>9 more jhin skins
what a year for skins. give it up to Riot Games