End Times Edition
>Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
>Mega of cool stuff:
End Times Edition
>Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
>Mega of cool stuff:
Other urls found in this thread:
stairs lumbahfets, stairs
what if the elf is forced to have sex with every other party member, including sienna haha
that would be so gay haha
>posts the discord
Shit thread
heathen mayfly
>coop game where there is no place for people to congreate
Its like everyone is on recruit/veteran and is waiting for game to die out in a month
So how long until this shitty general devolves into discord drama, roleplay and attention whoring?
We already have the discord on the OP
Update now
>promotes a place run by an autistic ban-happy retard where at most you'll get 2 groups going during a whole day with the same people in them.
seems like you're helping that fantasy of yours along
The only even remotely possible new heroes (if any) are Ogre Mercenary and maybe other non-Bretonnian humans, stop asking for shit that makes no sense either lore-wise or simply because of the location.
>points and complains
>offers no solution
I bet you wish you could ban me you autistic fuck
Did anybody manage to run this shit on DX12? My game crashes as soon as it starts unless I've set it to DX11.
>coop game where there is no place for people to congreate
you do not wish to play with these degenerates, have you seen the way they talk in this general? absolutely autistic
>tries to create a solution before there's a problem
Usually the Discord is pretty chill actually
It has some massive spikes of spergery every now and then though
Grail knights when
I'm friends with this dude and he actually told me he is trying to become a mod on Veeky Forums so he can just ban people from this thread.
A pastebin with names of people that run champion+ difficulties.
Also you can just post on the fucking general and ask whos running what you play
You don't need an attention whoring shit app to "get a group" you autistic fuckwit.
>That feel when I rather use a power level 5 rapier rather than a 200 falchion.
Why is every other weapon so boring?
>it's a slayer rushes ahead of the group episode during the cart part of ussingen when we haven't even finished the scripted horde
convinced to level dwarf up to slayer and get rid of these shitters
>wanting to play with people from this general who think waystalkers are overpowered and fireball siennas are balanced and huntsman nerfs were unjustified
lmao no I'd rather take random pubs
>creates a problem
>complains when noone finds a solution other than accepting his problem
t. irl nurgle fatfuck
Shallya best girl
Sounds like a good slayer
SlayerRunningOffIntoDeath.jpg (pretend it's the actual picture)
Why the fuck can't you use unchained's active when your overheat gets triggered to cancel it? It literally goes off and dumps all your overcharge but you still blow up.
This makes no fucking sense whatsoever, when you look at the career it feels like that's what they were going for; you keep your overcharge high to benefit from the passive bonuses and in case you get fucked by something and top your overcharge off you pop your ability to not die, and play safer until you get it back, but no, get fucked.
Fatshark get your fucking shit together.
And make staves other than fireball useful while you're at it.
And make weapons other than dagger useful while you're at it.
I'm always ready to roleplay about unwashed skaven cocks.
Grail knights are CHOSEN tier so never.
How do I make saltzpyre not shit?
do you think tom (the discord admin) likes anal haha
just for laughs haha
>Not using the flail and going full Belmont
If only you could chuck holy water at people
>game released in 2 days
>90% of sienna's weapons are trash
I-it's going to be a-alright right?
>Empire in Flames
>blow up the manor
>Faggot Elf: "rush"
>get wiped
>can't even keep up with a elf
honestly dude k y s already
>some dipshit who banged some bitch in a lake
>on the same level as actual chosen of the gods
this is what bretbabs actually believe
Is it bad to like playing Kerillian? I see a lot of hate here, but she's got shitter-friendly equipment and I like her accent.
I actually like her as a character, they just have to tune down the MAYFLIES and LUMBAHFOOTS massively and she would be more appreciated for what she is.
We need more stats in leaderboard such as:
1. Damage taken
2. Enemies knocked back/down
3. Attacks blocked
Any more suggestions?
I hate Kerillian simply because of how unforgiving she is to play so she breeds shitter players who only care about themselves. Really bad design on her part honestly.
She's a real bitch to be honest. Not even Orion in Total Warhammer was as much of a douche compared to her, and that guy is a supposedly one of the biggest douches in the faction.
Nothing comes to mind that's even half as important as the three stats you mentioned honestly.
Don't you mean forgiving?
> Elf uses his f into my drakegun flame to score trash mob kills
The absolute state of autistic elf shitters
First run with the Off Balance falchion. Did 70% of Bögvarr Fagcheeks' health in one F. Without the shotgun talent.
new update?
>Grail Knights were among the most devastating cavalry in the Old World, living saints infused with the power of an elder God
same as Chaos edgelords
>easy mode the character
>attracts copious amounts of shitter kids
>annoying voice lines
All wood elves are massive bitches though, they hate pretty much anything.
Literally just saw elf spamming arrows down a corridor that was on fire already, how can you be this bad?
Remove it altogether
Maybe something with bosses as well?
Do you honesty think someone from Bretonnia would work together with A: an elf and B: a magician? The entire nation and the people (and the players who play them in wfrp/wfb for instance) are extremely one track minded and refuses to cooperate with anyone else.
They are, but Kerillian is on a whole another level. She never fucking stops talking.
>Champion difficulty
>it's a ''I'm boosting my low level friend who also happens to be 12 years old xDDD'' episode
my favorite
Yeah but that's the problem I mentioned: It's not the quality of the lines but the repetitiveness of her worst ones.
>still mad he got banned for being a giant retard
Not really that important, simply because it'll always be BH or MH anyways.
lol bretonnians are run by wood elves
T. Tree niggers of athel loren
>start of this beta, 60fps with no dips on any map in any situation
>now, same settings, 35fps on against the grain during a horde
>B-but other elves are worse so it's okay!!!
Kill yourselves
Well, not only dmg, maybe total boss agro time, how much time you kept boss busy.
>see dwarf friend spamming drakefire hot air to mobs
>throw my fireball of armor piercing and destruction in whatever he's aiming at
>everything dies
>I get top kills and damage
>he get second bottom
>not fucking rushing
>some elven slut
>elder god
*tips helmet* M-lord...
Lesser beings struggling against their fate, amusing
Why don't you kill yourelves
>gets hooked
I could easily be solved, by her no fucking talking more shit about her team mates and more about making war cries.
Shit like
>Morai-Heg take you, rat filth!
>Kurnous, guide my arrows!
>Isha, preserve me from the dark one!
It would at least give some insight on the Elven pantheon as well as her culture. But all she does is talk shit to her teammates.
That'd be more interesting but much harder to calculate I think.
breakers on suicide watch
Asur character when? Wood Elves are ebonics-tier when it comes to banter. At least High Elves put some effort into theirs.
>tfw no swordmasters
>still comes here to defend the bans he hands out for little or no reason
Stay in your containment discord you loser.
mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly mayfly
SLAY the knife ears
im tired of the same 3 maps so im taking a break till release
hows total war: warhammer 2?
say that in my discord, not here
see what happens
Lets do a direct comparisooooooooooooon
CHOSEN: Weapon skill 6, Strength 4, Toughness 4
GRAIL KNIGHT: Weapon skill 5, Strength 4, Toughness 3
Go play as best Elves.
Chaos warriors and Pactsworn/Mauraders killed.
At least compare lines said that were written by the same people at the same company
I thought it was a meme, but try crafting a legendary bolt staff with less overheat on it. It's not as good as fireball, but it's fuck tons of fun, and breaks up the monotony of fireball spam.
Haha imaging the party snapping after being constantly insulted and raping elf until she's a mind broken slut
That would be pretty gay haha
Elf and Sienna really like each other, those two probably already do it
Yeah, thanks for the EAC patch, fuckshark.
Had played 20 hours and come across one cheater and the map immediately ended itself when the elf shitter started throwing Donkey Kong barrel numbers.
Were any of you lads getting frequent cheaters?
This seems like pointless overkill considering the performance hit.
You have brain damage if you actually think EAC is causing you to lose 30 fps.
I only ran into one cheater who was unsurprisingly an elf spamming her skill with no cooldown
Does hero power actually increase your strength in any way? Or is it just a number.
I've been avoiding Champ to avoid the cheaters. 90% of them are congregating there because it's pointless to cheat for Recruit or Vet rewards.
See, not even a fucking competition.
Its close, on the charge the Grail Knight has more strength because of his lance but in a Vermintide scenario he wouldn't have a horse to charge on
>my discord
And that's the problem. You genuinely think you're gonna create a "chill" place when you treat it like an experiment for your bloated ego.
Read the FUCKING tooltip.