Is he /ourguy/?
Is he /ourguy/?
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>muh modern war
I thoroughly enjoy the channel and recommend it whenever possible. It's a great mix of good information, good humor, and serious moments that bring you back down to reality.
He does other history stuff too
i always wondered if there are any other channels like him
Been watching this all day to day. Its great. Just facts and anecdotes. Never puts his slant on things like Crashcourse did.
The end of the Tolkien episode was great. Overall good stuff
>the horrors of modern war ablohblohbloh
Yeah, we heard you first thirty five times nigger.
hmm... I was wondering when the pointless nitpicking would start.
Still, we got six posts in - Veeky Forums is improving.
Is it just me, or does he look like a raging alcoholic?
I started this a bit ago, and I like it, but I didn't feel like the pre-war stuff was enough. There was like those two videos, and maybe I just didn't get it, but I feel like he makes it sound like a big accident and kinda laughs it off...
Watch the BBC's 27 part 'The Great War' on youtube instead. Tons of historical footage, replete with quotes from primary sources, and manages to convey a greater gravity to the conflict than Memey Nidel does.
Is it him or Battlefield 1 that's to blame for all these new 13-year-old WWI experts?
Definitely the video game.
It's fucking annoying as shit.
All cancer leads back to video games.
Video games were a bad idea.
I want off this ride.
Non, it's that WW1 is a hipster war. Everyone is bored of the dull WW2 where everything was rainbows and unicorns while WW1 was a *real* was with *real* horrors.
Everything I know about WWI I learned from season 4 of Blackadder.
Except his show also has both of those.
>Memey Nidel
I like him, wish he look at the Middle East theatre a bit more though
>Except his show also has both of those.
Sandwiched long shots of his face giving dull, uninspired monologues
Anyone in humanities needs to be a raging alcoholic to maintain their sanity, particularly with all the radical left and right wing bullshit being spewn around right now
Too true.
Nevermind even having to deal with radicals, just being even slightly aware of history and watching the news is plenty enough reason to drink.
>Are we seriously doing this?
>Does anyone remember the last time?
>And we are doing this again.
this post reads like something a redditor with an inflated self opinion would write
Your post reads like faggotry.
What's your point?
Are you now, or have you ever been, an active member of the website
Fine, yes, I use reddit. What's it to you?
Senator user, I may assure you that I am not a card-carrying Redditor. You may have a look for yourself, I carry no such card sir.
Dude, fucking put on a fedora and relax. I promise you once that brim slips beyond your eyes and back up again you will never go back to this shitty site.
Better deddit than reddit.
What are you? Some kind of Pinko? Just because you only "browse" Reddit doesn't mean you ain't a bit Red!
Hey buddy I love Reddit. Browse it all the time. Dabble in the comments section. You know, a pun here, a pun there. It's good fun. A lot better than this greenfag KEKED website.
See you at the House Un-Chan Activities Committee, you're going on the List you Red sonofabitch.
Veeky Forums literally knows I'm shitposting right now.
I hate him and Dan Carlin. I hate Americans talking about anything.
i converted to zoroastrianism after playing prince of persia.
So much this. Its better in every single possible way and has lots of primary sources, whereas Neidell seems to base all his episodes on 3 or 4 secondary sources.
Hardest I've laughed all week, thanks user.
I had a sociology professor who got visibly upset whenever someone tried to talk about something being "right" or "wrong", and once sid that if that's what they care about they should take a course in ethics because we're here to deal with sociology, a social science whose result don't give a flying fuck about what you think about them.
im bored as shit with WW2 its like everything interesting is suppressed in my country (USA) in order to sell the state's narrative
You need to unironically neck yourself along with the other newfags (redditors, frogposters, /pol/, etc.)
I used to see falling into drugs and heavy drinking as a weakness, but I think I would've handled my studies around that insanity a lot better if I just indulged.