Shadow Broker Base Edition
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Femtur Pastebin:
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Shadow Broker Base Edition
MEG's updated Pastebin:
Femtur Pastebin:
MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
All previous Collages that we know of:
Previously on /meg/
Night time, commander
I can't believe it's new thread time already.
Hello....dead person...
5th for spiky girlfriend
Overrated. Here's the real beauty of Andromeda.
Hey /meg/, recently got a new PC and can finally play Andromeda. Any tips/enhancement mods I should know about before starting?
Check the Andromeda Nexus to see if anything catches your eyes. Unfortunately, I haven't played it so I can't give any info on it, sorry. Aside from some cosmetic mods.
heres a tip, dont play it
10th for Jack
if only cora actually looked like that, instead of the fucking mannish hag we got
There's only one true Andromeda waifu.
>Hey /meg/, recently got a new PC and can finally play Andromeda. Any tips
Yes, don't.
>Hey /meg/, recently got a new PC and can finally play Andromeda. Any tips
>Yes, don't.
I'm surprised we reached a new thread without hitting the bump limit.
Today marks six years since the release of Mass Effect 3.
Worst femtur, It took us 10 years to get one and we got the absolute worst
not even a birdfag but I would have liked Vetra to be more your typical Turian than just girl Garrus
Synthesis is the best ending because it stops the conflict between alien races and finally understand each other. It also makes you immune to diseases
Citadel is the best ending.
Mass effect should have ended after 1
the only pro-argument for synthesis is, that you can potentially produce offspring with a turian
>you'll never permanently alter every being in the milky way galaxy so as to be able to make EDI pregnant
I like you.
Image limit that is, man I'm dumb.
I like you, user.
Is her anus blue?
>tfw no Legion to impregnate
Fucking suitrats
Stop this thought, Legion is a pure platform.
hello /meg/ and good night. still here?
Pure platform for sex and get pregnant
Goddamn, that's great.
I thought it was going to be some shit meme.
It turned out to be even worse, fuck you. None of us will ever be safe.
Citadel isn't really an ending though. It ends with everyone leaving saying there's still the reapers to fight.
Ignore that, Citadel is best ending
I want to fill Legion with my cum and make it pregnant
This tantalizing array of nebulas and stars can be found about two degrees south of the famous star-forming Orion Nebula. The region abounds with energetic young stars producing jets and outflows that push through the surrounding material at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second. The interaction creates luminous shock waves known as Herbig-Haro (HH) objects. For example, the graceful, flowing arc just right of center is cataloged as HH 222, also called the Waterfall Nebula. Seen below the Waterfall, HH 401 has a distinctive cone shape. The bright bluish nebula below and left of center is NGC 1999, a dusty cloud reflecting light from an embedded variable star. The entire cosmic vista spans over 30 light-years, near the edge of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex some 1,500 light-years distant.
Then I'll try my hardest to fill Legion with my cum to make it pregnant after choosing Synthesis
Good stuff. I really wish we could have read/explored more space related things in the series. I always enjoyed the little things like the planet descriptions.
But I'd probably never get my fix of space in Mass Effect even if they did add more.
no ded
So I never got around to playing a lot of 3's MP until now. Are there any must have weapons that I should look out for when I unlock them? I never seem to get any decent weapons, but always characters. Fun weapons also apply.
Too bad the poor species there are gonna get harvested hard.
>>tfw no Legion to impregnate
>he didn't use the Citadel Epilogue Mod
modding mass effect is hard for me
g'night guys
Stay comfy user.
Well done.
Don't be sad, qt
Is it wierd that I think sad looking qts are the cutest looking qts?
It's all in the eyebrows, you know?
Jack there is worried, insecure and vulnerable. Not sure I'd call it sad.
Whatever, you know what I mean.
I'm worried, insecure and vulnerable all the time and I'm pretty fuckin sad.
That's a moment of realization. Right before she starts crying. She is sad here, but a happy kind of sad.
That is sad
>his fanfic uses Calinsteel Quarians
Is there anything worse?
Self-insert mary sue characters.
Good thing you can usually tell right away.
an abomination
I need qt femturs
Can anyone post some good femtur fanfics?
Because the concept of an metal raptor alien trying to be cute is enjoyable for me
Another reason to put a bullet into a BT.
Look up DarkDanny, Auk-1 or Bryoche on fanfiction
You should be able to find something there.
I-I've never considered that before.
What would a turian-human hybrid look like?
So Saren was right?
No, stop what you're thinking and save your sanity. They look terrifying. I like Turians, but hybrids are a terrible idea for anything.
If you really must know, look up Hurians. I fucking warned you though user.
Nah, destroy is the only answer.
Is she checking for autism?
Not worth the personal heartache or PDF casualties
Yes, but really she's confirming what she already knows.
I wasn't following any news since last June, they seriously did no DLCs and don't even plan to?
Well that's... at least they haven't followed the "let's cut out parts of the game and sell them later for the same price" scheme. Almost a breakthrough.
Needs more synthpop vibes.
>Ashley isn't best
>dual swords
Too dang cute.
Its not fair dammit, every time I replay the OT I'm reminded that the only ending where I live requires me to destroy the best race in the series. Why couldn't there have been another way!
oh god...
/v/ "daily thread" died, our general continues.
Shit writing, I say.
Robots aren't beings
They're just robots, rebuild them.
kill the quarians, then kill the geth
it's a win win
fuck that. and fuck you.
Hey Shepard,
I've got a few things I wanted to go over with you. With the Normandy in dry dock, I figured we could meet up at that Ryuusei sushi place down in the Wards. I hear it's the best.