first aid edition
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first aid edition
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thanks doc
Thanks doc.
I legitimately did not understand what the colour squares were until I zoomed out of the picture again.
I get it...
Thanks doc.
>Blizzard won't free up character names
>Even if it's a character name on your own account
>male human warrior
convince me not to resub. convince me to stop playing this shitty ps1 graphics rep grind browser game with a shitty combat system and a cancerous fanbase.
convince me to spend time with my family instead of my dumbass guildmembers. convince me to enjoy other forms of media. convince me to leave my room after work.
convince me, /wowg/.
>Not instantly recognizing anything that's green and purple
Blizzard stopped freeing up character names on request awhile ago. They used to do it if you put in a ticket, I got a name that way once. Now, they automatically purge names from accounts who haven't logged in for 2 expansions
>troll shaman
the only reason I'm not playing right the fuck now is because I'm studying so I can find a job so I can spend the time I'm not sleeping or working logged in
hopefully this provided some assistance with your issue, have a nice day
Don't play WoW. Just stopped by to say Thanks doc
I go t a 4 letter name that is quite common on a full realm yesterday. Must have just been purged.
If I did, that would make me a hypocrite.
Spend time with your family by playing WoW together
I still don't get it
>this triggers the dindu and alliance
But then you'd have to worship cock and feet!
Yeah, but I thought they might make an exception if the one requesting it be freed was the one who had the name already
Now I have to wait 30 days for my main account to be able to use it
you can avoid resubbing for now. what matters is staying away. delete this tab and never come back here. good luck user
post yfw vulpera go alliance
>2 expansions
this doesnt seem right.
the account has to be inactive but the time period is something im not sure of
>Source, I have tons of rare names on a bunch of servers i havent touched in years, they aren't purged
Post yfw humans suckling on your elvish toes.
Uhhhh so long as they attached to a sexy woman i am fine with that
>blood elves and void elves can chat to each other in Thallassian
get ur tabards NOW
Hi daddy
what do these colors mean
She doesn't look happy about it. Did you bully that elf?
Let's see what the number gods decide for my evening.
1 - 2 I RP
3 - 4 I go grind Nightborne rep on an alt for Balance of Power
5 - 6 I go transmog farming for the night.
7 - 8 I grind some PvP
9 - 0 I level an Allied Race character
00 or 000 I ______________________________ERP.
one day, i'll have all the draenei spit i can handle
sylvanas is a thot
Why are all the Nightborne races so fucking bad?
They ALL look fucking awful.
Why wasn't there at least one generic pretty face?
>trying to do the field medic quest before the title gets removed forever in BfA
>haven't found a single note yet despite playing since legion
>farmed for 3 hours without a single drop yet
Post Draenei hooves and stinky nelf feet.
For once blizzard actually had some artistic integrity and made the 10,000 year old mutated elves look old
draenei hooves are nice if they're clean, stinky feet are bad you dork
Beastfolks were always a part of the fantasy genre but Vulpera look way too cute (and small) and too much like they were from an jrpg.
On the other hand, it would be funny to roll a Vulpera and roleplay as a goblin worgen.
You know what, I'll do the same, same rules.
1 - 2 I RP
3 - 4 I go grind Nightborne rep on an alt for Balance of Power
5 - 6 I go transmog farming for the night.
7 - 8 I grind some PvP
9 - 0 I level an Allied Race character
00 or 000 I ______________________________ERP.
How noticeable is the nerfed honor gain in SEETHING shore?
Nightborne children exist
On a first ever character, around which level do you stop looking like a hobo wearing second-hand clothes?
>artistic integrity
So that's what blizz says when they fuck up designs and are too lazy to change it a little bit.
Took me 2 weeks of farming 5-6 hours/day. Keep at it, if you have a 2nd monitor watch some movies or animes while farming.
>mfw just realizing pandaren models have been in the game for almost a decade now
Do you wanna see my hooves, user? I'm about to level a lewd Lightforged.
Pandaren were the first allied race
>>Took me 2 weeks of farming 5-6 hours/day.
haha fuck off i'm not doing that shit for a CHARACTER BOUND (not account bound) title, i'd sooner do all 36 mage tower challenges first
Or even worse, as it's so close.
This is a joke, right?
>aging applies to elves
Post hooves
>the Alliance will get benched like the Horde was in Legion
>people are complaining anyway
>human male warrior
>profession came out 10 years ago
>people still don't know that they're called scribes
>leveling enchanting on my warrior
>buy 700 leylight shards, unlearn blacksmithing, learn enchanting
>queue up the 700 ley shatters and go downstairs to make food
>come back, check skill
> Enchanting 75/75
>Never did the 2 second quest I was standing right next to
Some of them have to look young because which means there could be nightborn who are in their teens or twenties or whatever is supposed to be young for immortal elves.
Your argument is just a lazy excuse.
Welp, guess it's time to get through the 60 - 80 cancer bracket for me.
If they did, they would've kept the squinty eyes.
True but the player character has jokes about being old and every notable nightborne NPC is ancient. IMO they should have had the culmination of the nighthold raid involve the destruction of the nightwell, axe the magic tree plotline, and given us sick ghoul elves instead
Better than nelf faces. Seriously nelf faces are the worst.
sure, homie.
you don't want a hoofjob from a cute draenei girl?
Same here.
Bad expansion theme to do that.
I present to you, the actress for Sylvanas.
Post feet
I can dig it
I like it.
Your face is the worst
K, here you go.
Eva Green?
I'm a footfag and I don't even want to see void elf feet, fuck this """race"""
>you don't want a hoofjob from a cute draenei girl?
please stop
whose dick i gotta suck to buy me the game
they arent
Have Kul Tirans been confirmed as an allied race yet? Will we get a 5th pair of races or are the 4th ones the last ones?
>ctrl+f hyp
>see a hit, get excited
Just step on my dick
What kinda hypno
Yeah I don't get some of these fetishes either, but people have some wild minds
>finally got into a pug that could defeat H coven last night
>all it took was healers not being shit, people that knew how to switch to adds and everyone having the 50iq points necessary to avoid storm/torments
I'm never going to luck into another one, am I
We're getting Zandalari and Dark iron. That's it. THey already anounced all the allied races we're getting for BFA.
Not confirmed yet but as much as it seems every faction could get 6 allied races at the end of the expansion.
But who knows, maybe the 4th is the last allied race.
As far as I'm aware, a "hoofjob" is just another term for getting your dick crushed, so no.
they said they have plans for several more, and Alliance needs something to match the Mag'har that Horde is getting.
merely pretending
The hypnotized gnomish kind.
Brown orcs are also already confirmed