What were Korea and Taiwan actually like under Japanese colonial rule?
What were Korea and Taiwan actually like under Japanese colonial rule?
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like colonies anywhere else
Arguably worse in some ways, as the Japanese didn't have to save face in front of their equally-powerful peers. A good example would be the British reaction to the Belgian Congo - there really wasn't any sort of response of that caliber or with that much political relevance in East Asia.
Interesting note: the Rand corporation (of DoD fame) studied the forced collectivization and emigre programs of Manchukuo.
>ywn live in the timeline were Formosa remained Japanese clay and is now ethnically and culturally assimilated into glorious Nippon.
Why do chinks have to ruin everything lads?
So when Japan done terrible things did it just go unnoticed
Having grandparents who lived in taiwan at the time, and knowing a guy whose grandparents lived in korea at the time,
It was shitty.
The majority of the Japanese stationed considered other races to be subhuman, and they were treated as such.
Extrajudicial killings were not uncommon. My grandfather is the last of eight children. The seven others died at the hands of japs, mostly for no good reason. I think like one of them was a petty thief tho, but believe summary execution is still a bit much. Shame he had to die the first time he tried to steal something for his family.
My friend had it worse. The story goes (supported when I talked seperately to his grandmother) that the Japanese garrison once raped their way through the village for fun. His grandmother hid in a field, but his grand-uncle's wife was caught by some Japanese, and they shot him when he tried to stop them raping her.
It wasn't a great time, and the Japanese are resented by the rest of East Asia for good reasons.
tl;dr : East Asians hate japs for good reasons. I am also biased against japs, but for good reasons too. Literally no Taiwanese, Korean or Chinese person who lived through those times will have a single good thing to say. Unless they were collaborators who were treated only slightly better than dogs by their masters.
>not subhuman
No one mentioned flips.
And Japs were arguably more subhuman than the rest. I don't remember any other flavour of asian pulling a Unit 731.
Not until the commies anyway.
/pol/ please go away. Memes are not sources, positions or arguments.
So you agree flips are subhuman?
Maybe? I don't know I haven't met many.
They make Chinese look almost not subhuman.
Nothing would change except I would have a japanese name and speak japanese and would be called a josenjin dog everyday by jjokbari.
t. worst Korean
Korean chicks had their tits out.
No taiwanese I know actually likes the japs btw.
from what I've read it was actually not bad. I agree the japanization and authoritarian high-handedness against the colonized was terrible, but Korea and Taiwan did benefit from developmental policies, remarkably effective law-enforcement and efficient administration, at least in Taiwan's case. Of Korea and Taiwan, Taiwan got the most benefits with the least downsides, but that other user's comments indicate that it was not all rosey.
filipinos are probably some of the best asians
i've encountered east asians and south east asians, and east asians have almost always been rude and lacked self awareness.
The only infastructure japs built in Korea were coal mines and railroads to transport resources out of the country into japan. Plus of that shit got destroyed in the korean war so none of that is relevant today. Add to that, all the factories were built in North Korea not south only autistic weeb faggots or jap nationalists say Japanese occupation developed korea.
I understand all that, but just cause it was all in vain doesn't mean that the Japanese were not committed to the longterm development of Korea as an integral part of the Japanese Empire. The development was real, though, and as I emphasized in that post, Taiwan benefited more than Korea and the Japs did try hard to forge it into a "model" colony and as a kind of laboratory for social and economic policies.
>only autistic weeb faggots or jap nationalists say Japanese occupation developed korea
>japan will have an active fifth column of american traitors fighting alongside its army when it inevitably seeks revenge for hiroshima
Shitty for the colonized
Taiwan was only treated better because if was full of Japanese colonists who were intent on culturally genociding the native people.
That's the main reason Taiwan is barely Chinese anymore, not hate for the commies.
they wanted to japanize korea too, though. I mean , coervive cultural policy sucks but "at least" we're not talking massive economic and social disenfranchisement as experienced under nazis.
>That's the main reason Taiwan is barely Chinese anymore
Excuse me, what?
Culturally or behaviorally, theyre a different breed. I think thats what he means
Not him but Taiwan is about as least Chinese at it could get
>Smug, sometimes to a disastrous extent due to their position as the superpower in East Asia for hundreds of years
>Extremely bureaucratic
>Confucian values
>Female, socially progressive president
>Western values being pushed by every corner of the media
Koreans (not sure about Taiwanese) need to get over the jap hate. The sentiments are understandable but its to the point where it hinders any rational thinking and progress.
Anywhere from pulling NK, debasing culture, society and the economy, to spreading general propaganda, even pollution. China is the real threat. Sadly, the Koreans won't realize this until its too late.
wtf I love taiwan now
The point is Taiwan is barely Chinese anymore, go back to /pol/ pls
He's full of shit, the Taiwanese like Japan and copy it's culture.
Only the Koreans are still marginally butthurt.
How is anything itt /pol/?
>supporting taiwan means your /pol/
What did he mean by this?
>forcefully took rice and iron, including utensils, dishes, and so on
>mass rape
>drove native animals like tigers to extinction
Yeah, not good.
Tits out for Hrambe
So many Taiwanese people are into weebshit, its honestly pretty amazing.
"Anything I don't like is /pol/"
Gb2/a/ would have been more applicable here.
Much of east asia, apart from china itself, views taiwan as a separate entity.
its the same how tibet is viewed as tibet, not as china.
Taiwan = globalist pawn then?
wtf I hate taiwan now
Im pretty sure everyone but Donald Trump is aware of the political difference between Taiwan and China thats why we call it Taiwan and not "that obscure province in China nobody talks about"
The hot term among Korean officials of the time for the system they worked in was "legal banditry." I'd say a major part of why South Korea isn't frothing with rage over Japan like China still is, would be Park Chung Hee, the guy who sent their economy into maximum overdrive in the 60s and also served in the Japanese army.
can confirm. I'm living in central Taiwan and tons of people openly wonder whether they would have been better off under Japanese rule than the KMT that followed. Still lots of modern Chinese values like not maintaining anything and shoddy construction in place, but Taiwanese people generally love (but utterly fail to understand) Japan from my experience here.
A funny side note is that the only Japanese a lot of the kids I've taught recognize are words from JAV (Ittai, oppai, kimochi and being able to mimic Japanese sex sounds).
>Liking the disgusting Japanese over the glorious Celestial Empire
I also know a few weeb South Koreans who are really into Love Live and that type of stuff.
>>The only infastructure japs built in Korea were coal mines and railroads to transport resources out of the country into japan
And roads, and telegraph lines, and indoor plumbing. Because Japanese army colonels and industry heads who lived in Korea needed to be able to get around and communicate and didn't like living in squalor. Vast majority of the country was not developed, by major cities were.
>Koreans (not sure about Taiwanese) need to get over the jap hate. The sentiments are understandable but its to the point where it hinders any rational thinking and progress.
it's literally what they did after WWII. Koreans, particularly the decade-long dictator Park Chung-Hee, used a developmental model straight from the Japanese playbook. The Japanese corporate system revolving around the Zaibatsu was aped by the Korean chaebols. Japanese experts and culture were exported wholesale into the country. So koreans may rant about Japan but their foreign relations are quite good and i'm sure koreans recognize the japanese influence but embraced it as their own.
>Koreans complaining about Japanese occupation
the girls I date always ask me if they look like sora aoi when they learn I'm japanese and not american.
didn't even know who that bitch was. no one really likes her. she's a prostitute. we want good girls, not prostitutes. not sure why they want to look like one
taiwan can be weird sometimes.
here we go again, the whole equating everything awful and evil to chinese civilization and everything remotely good to western values
yeah, taiwanese are just like americans, bud, sure
>muh pawns
>this phrase denotes a Chinaman's confusion and lack of understanding
>when confronted with a country that isn't an authoritarian shithole, Chinamen mumble "pawns" or "American puppet state"
>this is usually followed by pollution or annexations
I'm not taking partisan sides to the political conflict; it is just a fucking obvious fact that Taiwan isn't 'Chinese' in any sense of the word, and is Western in its culture, style of government and national policies
>freedom of speech
>aligned with US before Nixon threw them under the bus
but nah they actually chineese n shiieeeet
Japs are like the Turks and the koreans are like the gayreeks. Their butthurt is eternal.
>turks are a US ally who don't apologize for being meanies back in the olden days
>gr*eks are also a US ally who are super butthurt that the turks were their overlords
Its like pottery
u wot m8. they are racially chinese, yes, even the hakka, and speak a chinese language,and half of the population is literally han descended from the mainland, they write in heiroglyphs
now let's talk politics just for a second. forget the mainland. they learn rotk in school they have japnese derived policies (which are in turn, derived from chinese policies in the 1300s,) they DONT have free speech, they are governed by megacorporations and technocratic political parties...
further, women DON'T have many rights, sympathy and multicult is quite low, people value family above rule of law or abstract principles
so how exactly is taiwan western? they VALUE different things on a fundamental basis. having computers and anime doesn't make them 'americanized' or whatever stupid word you want to put on it
the westernization is window dressing and you'd know that if you lived here.
t.- a j-chink living in taiwan
>half jap half chink
>Taiwan benefited more than Korea and the Japs did try hard to forge it into a "model" colony and as a kind of laboratory for social and economic policies.
Most other parts of the world experiances the minute settlers become a notable factor that all goes in the trash.
All Asians/Mongoloids are materialistic monkeys. Their women are whores who are attracted to material wealth and high class. In that sense they're like niggers except slier. Doesn't matter if God has endowed them with superior intelligence if they don't possess noble dignity and doesn't strive for abstract noble ideas.
naw, full jipperjapper pantysnapper
my kids'll be half chink though. it's not so bad here. people are juuust open enough. not racial purists, but not ever willing to let go of race. they're smart and sane.
so that's how.
>All Asians/Mongoloids are materialistic monkeys
Nice meme.
Race is pointless in Taiwan though, asides from the sucking up to whites part.
Also follow up question how what was it like in the pacific islands like Palau under Japanese colonial rule
[Citation needed]
This is bait
it's not pointless. half of the country is green now. they're hakka racial supremacists and are trying to use identity politics to turn the country into a socialist hellhole.
taiwan is VERY far from postracial.
it's just that the blue faction will become cozy with racially equal japanese and (northwestern) whites in order to advance their vision of a techno-commercialist utopia.
race is still very much a factor. just not the overriding one as it is in japan and china.
>all these westerners talking about China and Taiwan
>immense amount of ignorance mixed with arrogance
>clear factual mistakes
>obvious /pol/ posts
>"muh anecdote is representative of the entirety"
Is this the current state of Veeky Forums?
/pol/ post itt because they're neckbeards who like Japanese culture mostly
anything you dislike isn't automatically pol, you fucking faggot
70% of Veeky Forums is extremely right wing. sorry to say, but right wingers like history too.
>you cant discuss the east unless you're an asian
nice meme
/pol/ posters are easily spotted because they use certain catchphrases for some reason.
Not what I said. But I can tell you that the average Taiwanese knows the situation in their country better than Weeb #3426
>/pol/ posters are easily spotted because they use certain catchphrases for some reason.
As a person of Korean descent, I would have to say that the Japanese left behind a legacy that is mixed at best.
1. The Japanese tried to exterminate Korean culture and traditions. We were forced to give up our Korean names, the Korean language was suppressed, and key members of the monarchy who opposed Japanese occupation were assassinated. To show you how much they were hated, a thriving Korean independence movement took root in Shanghai during the pre-war period, and they arranged the assassinations of key Japanese officials, including the Japanese governor-general of Korea.
2. They help develop Korea's institutions and infrastructure. Korea was a backwater before. The Japanese broke the power of the nobility and helped foster a true civil service system, education, economic reform, capital heavy projects like railways, coal and iron mines, steel and refineries. They also had a hand in building Korean universities and the Korean military academies. They left Korea with a nucleus around which they could build a modern nation state.
Honestly, it was either go the way of China and be impeded every step of the way by traditionalist, or sell out your country and your culture to the foreigners and become modernized.
>Honestly, it was either go the way of China and be impeded every step of the way by traditionalist, or sell out your country and your culture to the foreigners and become modernized.
Or, you know, modernize AND stay Korean?
You mean culturally, racially, and historically preservationist. Taiwan doesn't need a bunch of criminal Nigerians running about like Japan has.
>Republic of China
>Not Chinese
I don't get what you're saying. Explain more clearly pls
the only real problem with colonization is that when the colonizers establish good things like technology and medecine, the traditionalist factions n a culture go apeshit and tend to ban things like medecine because it's the "tool of the evil colonizer, not pure choson genius"
japan is caught in this trap in terms of things like capital markets. they can 't have markets because the ruling faction, which is the one that keeps the niggers and muslims out, despises markets as evil white devil contraptions
korea has it a bit worse. they gained SO MUCH from japan that traditionalists need to oppose just about everything in order to be traditional. which is how you get the weird situation where very naturally conservative young people go around supporting communism and social justice.
your country is fucked, btw. they'll be surpassed and made irrelevant and poor relative to china without ever having achieved decent living standards.
I said they were NOT postracial, and had no intention of being so. that said, they're aware that intelligence is 90% genetic. they're willing to mix with japanese and western euros without too much stigma, unlike the mainland
unforunately, we now have muslim prayer roms for some reason. I hope someone fucking shoots these greenie sand nigger lovers in the head.
Growing up I knew some Taiwanese kids whose grandparents grew up under Japanese rule. They didn't mention much I remember (we were 13 or so when we talked about it), but they mentioned that the school system was completely taken over and everybody had to learn Japanese. Taiwanese/Chinese culture was suppressed in favor of the occupying traditions.
Not very possible. Without an immediate military threat (that was not China), there was little to no impetus for the nobles and eunuchs to allow modernization to happen. Korea has been under the Chinese defensive umbrella for centuries.
Japan has a strong militaristic tradition that Confucianism eschews. As the Chinese saying goes "You don't use good steel to make nails and you don't use good men to make soldiers." On the other hand, the Japanese had an independent, highly militarized, centralized society that saw modernization as a necessity to beat back the Westerners. They had no Chinese guarantee of protection.
Confucianism sees stability as an absolute good. Westernization would have destroyed centuries of culture, traditions, and economic systems that too many people had a stake in. It would change the meaning of family, wealth, status, and prestige. Westernization is a culturally violent process which uproots a nation. Nationalism was one political ideology that made change a lot easier to swallow (for aspiring imperial powers anyway).
That's what happened in the end anyway. In the early 20th century it wasn't feasible as that user points out. Japan had its eye on Korea since the Meiji Restoration. Russia would have annexed or have extended influence over it at least it if Japan did not. On the other hand, China was moribund and could not protect Korean sovereignty, as shown decisively in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. That left the Koreans themselves, and by all appearances they did not have a critical mass of reformists, modernizers or statesmen who were savvy enough to preserve their country's independence, which countries like Thailand, Ethiopia, Iran and a few other nations were able to do (even then these country's more isolated geographies made them a hassle to occupy and administer. Korea had a geography in an area of more commerce/sealanes etc.)
Also, important note: they lived in a relatively quiet area, so while they heard about the shit going on elsewhere, they didn't directly face things like mass killings or kidnappings.
You sure you weren't just in chinatown usa?
Because the last 2 years I lived there it authoritarian, not socially progressive, or much western value.
half of those 'states' are just proxy wars sponsored by the cia
if the taiwanese want to send me back, they can. I'm not some fucking subhuman muslim living here on welfare and killing people. if they send me back, I'll respect that and go peacefully.
they have to ask me to do it first though. they're pretty friendly.
military tradition creates structures of truth and loyalty. it's not a coincidence that the first states to industrialize via scientific methods were militaristic.
I have great respect for the chinese political tradition, but ironically, in the absence of state vs state warfare, bureaucracies have the tendency to bloat full of nonsense as people compete for influence via lies. lies aren't puished in peacetime, whereas during war, they are fatal, and so clans have an incentive to tell the truth.
korea never developed because they never had the incentive to tell the truth and demonstrate the truth about economy and the like. you can tie it to confucianism if you like, or you can tie it to a lack of militarism. but militarism only tells the truth because it's a crucial input in military tradition, rather than presenting calligraphy within 15 paces of the emperor, which has no truth input
Good post
I'm sorry but I don't think you belong on this board.
We didn't gain SO much from Japan. Most of the physical infrastructure was absolutely destroyed during the civil war. Through a strong nationalist dictator in the body of Park Chung hee, we were able to industrialize rapidly and build strong export industries. Access to US and Japanese credit (one thing we don't like to talk about is that Park Chunghee accepted reparations for comfort women and dumped it into POSCO, the national steel company), a defensive umbrella under the US, and protectionist policies brought us to where we are today.
We do not demonize medicine. I do not know of any country which demonizes medicine simply because it was not invented by its own inventors. This sounds like a wild embellishment by a /pol/ster.
The Japanese have a capital market. In fact, the Tokyo Exchange is one of the three largest in the world, although the Shanghai Exchange may beat it out yet.
Also, I would have you know that we have achieved first world status, unlike the Chinese, the Filipinos, or the Vietnamese.
You're just a dumbass. Please think and do some research before you post something this retarded.
10/10 that poster is seriously misinformed or downright retarded
Asians are hilarious. Apparently your historiography consists if I am X nationality therefore (insert opinion)
Show me some fuckng sources u fucks.
>Also, I would have you know that we have achieved first world status, unlike the Chinese, the Filipinos, or the Vietnamese.
[Citation needed]
you gained a lot. colonization is the fast track. china is the only the second country in HISTORY (japan was te first) to industrialize without colonization.
that's significant.
that was just an example. I'm not super familiar with CHOSON issues, but you guys have a habit of rejecting almost everything. you're easily the most SJW asian country, tha's the result of a rejection of the things foreigners brought you
>japanese capital markets
they're shell games. if you had any familiarity with the subject you'd know that.
>first world
yeah, you did, I guess. living conditions are still pretty horrible in korea though.
China will surpass korea in 15 years or so. you guys are smart, smarter than the chinese probably. but the chinese have flexibility that you don't. the legacy of your leftists will haunt you till ingdom come
>flips and viets
they'll never be first world. stop comparing yourselves to them.
I know quite a bit. you just read into my post too much
Somewhat related, why are Chinese people so rude and inconsiderate? I recently took a trip to Japan where Chinese hordes were a plague at every tourist stop.
new rich
Manners were considered rightist, confucian propaganda. You celebrated being a shit flinging peasant during the CR and those kids have now grown up and inherited money.
Its nouveau riche mentality with a chnese cultural revolution twist
I'm an eccentric jap that lives in taiwan. they're not that bad.
I would compare them to the fat white people you see in the walmart pictures.
if you deliberately go to cheap, trashy places, which is where 99% of white people in japan go, of course you will find trashy people. big fucking surprise.
at least the chinks aren't obese and using wheelchairs to get around
nice try huang
>They're shell games. If you had any familiarity with the subject, you'd know that.
Please enlighten me. As a student of accounting and finance, I'd love to hear your justification of how the Japanese capital markets are just smoke and mirrors.
>that was just an example. I'm not super familiar with CHOSON issues, but you guys have a habit of rejecting almost everything. you're easily the most SJW asian country, tha's the result of a rejection of the things foreigners brought you
Man what the fuck is this? You do know we have mandatory military conscription? Unlike Japan or Germany, we were not neutered of our nationalism or our armed forces. Homosexuality is demonized. Drug use is demonized. You can get tested in South Korea at any time for drug use (hair, blood, and piss) by a police officer and you must comply. If you piss hot, you must prove that you DIDN'T smoke weed or do drugs in Korea. Women are still highly marginalized in society. There is still a prevailing attitude that sons are more important than daughters in keeping the family lineage. Many Koreans are racist to darker skinned peoples; many just plain don't like black people.
>Yeah, you did, I guess. living conditions are still pretty horrible in korea though.
Socioeconomic mobility, income inequality, political corruption, and nepotism are terrible in Korea. We have our fair share of problems. However, our living conditions are pretty good. I'd argue the average Korean has a better quality of life than the average New Yorker.
What the fuck does this have to do with living conditions in Japanese colonial positions?
I've been posting in this thread all along, you faggot.
there are tons of us in taiwan
the chinese in japan don't go around shitting in the streets. they just are poor at queueing and like to bark in cantonese and hakka
and its true. they're always hounding around the matsukyo stores to get tax writeoffs on these huge ricecookers.
those stores, that, by the way, are fucking neon yellow and have these annoying sirens blaring their deals out. because out japanese genetic trash shop there.
our culture is still feudal. no one who considers themselves respectable would EVER go there.
these are teh subtleties you white people miss out on
Not trying to insult you, but ... have you actually spent much time in Taiwan?
They tend to be extremely insular in outlook, just like mainlanders and the Japanese. It's got the same crush-their-spirits, test-scores-are-more-important-than-life focus in academics, same focus on obeying and pleasing your parents. "Taiwanese business culture" is synonymous with pointless bureaucracy, petty office politics and and blind respect for age and authority, and they have a lot of the same weird cultural blind spots as most Asian countries despite having massive exposure to western media. Same slight xenophobia, not malice at all but the kind of attitude that means that you can eat with chopsticks and speak perfectly passably Mandarin to your coworker every day for a year and when you eat out with him he'll still take it upon himself to ask for a fork and order for you, because c'mon, you're laowai, you can't be expected to do those things.
There's the same weird fucking societal double standard as in e.g. Japan wherein huge crime organizations can operate almost out in the open, with tacitly-understood connections to businesses and even universities, but the enforcement for individuals caught committing certain crimes can be extremely harsh. Possession of cannabis almost always gets you 5+ years in jail, possession of commercial quantities of any drug gets you death, as in mainland China, Singapore, the Philippines and so on, and the sentence -- as in the PRC -- is carried out by a bullet to the heart or the brain, depending on whether or not you consent to donate your organs.
And I LIKE Taiwan. Love it, in fact. I don't mean to make it sound shitty, there's lots of amazing things about the country. I will admit that it is probably the most progressive, westernized place in East Asia, except for HK or the big cosmopolitan cities in Japan, but in some ways I don't think it's really strayed that far from its roots yet.
So every historical site in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Himeji are now cheap and trashy? I have Japanese family, and even their faux-nice cracks and they will complain about the chinese.
>the chinese in japan don't go around shitting in the streets.
probably because they'd actually get kicked out.
sure didn't seem to stop them from shitting in their own streets or in paris