True heroes edition
>>Beta tome and grimoire locations
>This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
>>Mega of cool stuff:
Previous thread:
True heroes edition
>>Beta tome and grimoire locations
>This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
>>Mega of cool stuff:
Previous thread:
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as me muvva useta say
>3 team mates go down in horde
>have to fight off the remaining before i can revive
>they insult me and say block revive
how to do this? how can you find out how to do this?
nvm i refund
>accidentally pick battle mage
>may as well have not turned up
Why is every sienna class shit except fucking pyromancer? Why would they try and make her into some mage/warrior hybrid for her first class?
>there are people, probably in this very thread, who are able to lose a map when they have a Huntsman in the team
Literally how. Look at this fucking shit. Huntsman, and more to the point his ultimate with blunderbuss is broken beyond all realms of sensibility. What in gods cock.
Champion btw.
>people still saying Ranger is weak
>they don't know his active give him 1.5x dmg and armor piecing for ranged
>all while being invisible the whole time and thankfully now able to move anywhere with it
I hope they don't touch him so I can get my infinite healing drafts with Kruber-tier damage, all while appearing "underpowered".
Haughty elf princess forced to mate with a rat ogre while his packmaster facefucks her. Filthy vermin dicks slapping her tender lips.
>not picking the increased ammo from drops talent
Way to go being a worthless career. Ranger's best part is how much ammo he can deliver for the team with that talent alone. The healing draughts are literal trash compared to ammo especially when people start rolling regen trinkets
>1.5x dmg and armor piecing
With the time it takes for it to come up again and how short it lasts, that's not as impressive as other classes' active
>Go to swing my hammer
>Bounty hunter and huntsmen shoot everyone
>Swing at nothing
>Every time
Why do I bother?
>rape posting
Kislev Ice Queen was raped when it fell and died giving birth to minotaur in End Times.
Take this as you will.
Stop posting the discord in the fucking OP you retard
The thread is being made by the faggot from the discord themselves.
>14 seconds
Yeah I like running ammo with my friends, but drafts in pubs carries them hard.
Why don't you make the OP next time then?
brainlet, real men use repeater
>still mad-angry he got banned
the ammo talent is shit because tree niggers will just steal it. maybe if there was a way to ban elves it would be worth taking.
Looks like you got the wrong door, leather club's two blocks down the road
Never forget that the admin of that discord is this big of a faggot
2H hammer or exec sword as Kruber?
Snow niggers had it coming
can't even buffer chaos horde properly
>admin of a Veeky Forums-based discord is a faggot
wow stop the presses this needs to go on the front page right fucking now
how do you not run out of ammo? the refund never works when I use the coach gun.
I didn't know that someone being a faggot was incumbent on other people to prevent it.
personal preference
the hammer, like in the first game, is kruber's most controversial weapon and some people will love it while others will hate it
pretty much everyone likes the executioners sword
why is it always the Saltzpyres(BH mainly) that suck at champion or at least the ones I match with
they always are the first in the group to go down
also I never see them use their ability on anything but bosses either
its not THAT long of a cd
just blow away specials or parts of a horde like fuck man
The answer is 2-handed axe with the flamer.
>entire party forgets there is a tome near the barn on fields
>try to get it, realise too late they've all left
>get swarmed by northlanders
>lol whatever I'm a pyromancer
>game spawns a leech mage right up my asshole
Fucking wow.
This general is on a fucking loop lmao.
>discord gets posted
>some autist shits himself about it
>some nonsense about bans
>1/3rds of the proceeding thread is elfposting in some form or another
never change.
Fuck off faggot
PRETTY GOOD, I think. Or are there any neater perks for repeater pistols?
(post your sick ass orange gear)
You sound salty
you never did manage to name another
The solution is obvious; stop posting the discord.
>you will never be breed kerillian's ultra tight elf pussy
why live
>being delusional AND a big fat faggot
>i dont like thing and could easily prevent thing
>no im not gonna prevent thing
>im gonna complain instead
it's not like the thread is getting sniped at 749 posts
made it to 800 on page 10 before this one got made
you're just a lazy whiny shitposter.
Stop shitting up the thread with your discord shit, Tom.
Ultimate gives you free ammo so abuse that. If you have a horde and you hear specials, dont be afraid to toggle it.
Otherwise just be conservative with the blunderbuss. Kruber has great melee selection after all.
Blunderbuss is an excellent mid range special and stormvermin killer, I see too many people just run around shooting ambient rats, then they dont have ammo for when the shit hits the fan.
Final option is of course run with a Ranger Bardin who lets you go wild.
They cant git gud. Its shocking how they save their active only for bosses and chaos warriors when they could be blowing away dangerous specials very often.
I suppose that one turbo autist could some having a fit everytime it's posted aswell.
I was just reusing his own words to posit that his point wasn't even worth making, user, you don't have to throw a fit.
>It must all be the same person disliking me surely there couldn't be more than one since I'm such a chill dude
Take a look at this massive faggot
I hate the sword. I only love the hammer and halberd at this stage. What's the draw for Ex. Sword?
Who should I level?
i'm not your boss dude level whoever you want
please i want to play this game but i do not know how to block revive
i beg u
start a block and then start your revive while blocking
>I do not know how to block revive
lmao uninstall you recruit shitter
Elves aren't very fertile anyway.
All my characters are at 20 and did a few champ clears with all of them, but I'm not sure who to max first.
>unable to connect to steam
Tell us what kind of playstyle do you want to play first? What kind of weaponry sounds fun? What about abilities?
Do you want to be primarily a support, or someone who kills a lot? Do you want to kill specials or trash?
Do you want to dodgedance and be mobile, or rely on blocks and stagger for defense?
Do you want fast nimble weapons or heavy staggering pulverizers?
Do you want to delete specials with your ability or help the team in a pinch?
Important questions
>if steam goes down vermintide goes down
this shit is retarded
>all my characters are at 20
>did a few champ clears
What chest will contain cosmetics?
Look at the level 25 talents for each and see which one appeals to you the most.
The answer is Dwarf though
I want to dump my entire forearm into Kerillian's tight elf pussy and hate punch her in the cervix until she throws up trying to gurgle out "M-MAYFLY!". Then rip her uterus inside out and stamp on her til she dies. Fuck I hate her stupid fucking voice.
>steam down
Are the servers down? I just tried to launch the game and it was like nope
Did the servers just shit themselves.
lvl 27 dorf and i still havent seen this, im so fuckin angery
i want to marry kerillian and grow old while she remains forever young and beautiful, finally dying by her side after we've been together for 60+ years leaving her devastated and vowing never to love again because nothing could be as good as what we had
restart steam you tards
>bans someone for breaking the rules and acting like a full blown retard
>"wooooooow what a faggot!"
oh achievements are up
holy shit guys steam maintenance takes 10 minutes MAX
chill out
It's already over
Degenerate scum.
I'm 26 and still havent seen any skins for the 2h hammer other than the default one.
Ranald doesn't love you.
>everyone who thinks I'm a faggot got banned
>the admin breaks the rules himself more often and more severely
Go to reddit instead where you can upvote your circlejerking, seems to be your kind of thing.
So what are these heroic deeds and quests that reward items or something, that I see in the patch notes and how do I access them?
I've played on vet and recruit, so I'm guessing you need to be on a higher difficulty to access them?
gaben is going in the book
>hating on her voice
Full pleb
What kind of players each character attracts? So far I can only say
edgy teens
>>the admin breaks the rules himself more often and more severely
give examples
hell give discord logs, you can take screenshots right
>in a Veeky Forums lfg discord
what a faggot holy shit
>bros 4 lyfe
What book
Can someone post details on the latest update?
>What book
That's going in the book.
Spend a day in the general channel and he'll have spammed "LMAO LOW IQ OBJECTIVELY RETARDED" at least a dozen times.
Fuck off already, Tom.
>Why cant i post furry porn??
So, none then.
>attracting edgy teens
He's ugly and has awkward proportions just like them. They would never play him
Post the whole conversation during and leading up to banning Ty. No? Thought so you fucking coward.
Why are you stupid niggers being so autistic?
There is no official /vtg/ discord. There is only discord channels used by people who also post in the thread.
Just because someone posted one in the op doesn't make it official. Make your own channel and add it to the op, there's no reason there can't be multiple in there.
After doing that, keep all your faggy retarded discord drama confined within your respective discords. If you want to wave your bleeding pussies around, go to each others discord channels and do it.
Now fuck off
Feel free to post your discussion with Ty then faggot.
I'm sure you wouldn't be embarrassed about, right?