/mgg/ Metal Gear General

"Fuck cool ideas" Edition

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>The Lost Tapes

>Patch changelog

>Offical MGO/FOB Events News

>Servers Operating Status

>FOB guide
pastebin.com/9PkL3JfX (embed)

>MGSV Extended Soundtrack

i.imgur.com/K9rvfa4.jpg (embed)




pastebin.com/qM3XwMce (embed)



pastebin.com/3m93ExcY (embed)
pastebin.com/frkkvef3 (embed)
pastebin.com/7YMg9Gia (embed)

pastebin.com/JVZZxW1D (embed)

i.imgur.com/19a5fFK.jpg (embed)

>Weapons and stuff

Other urls found in this thread:


Null is the shit

>connection with server lost
You guys weren't lyin holy hell. S rank and I didn't get a damn thing.

real previous thread apologies


>logged out and kicked from single player
>it's actually steam's fault

>people can't hold the fucking digger as a 3 man while I take care of frostbite
Jesus how can anybody be that bad.

Did the servers just go down? I got kicked out of a lobby, and now it won't let me past the title menu because it thinks I'm offline.

Check better. You should have gotten something out of it. I've been kicked at the end of 8 or so matches so far and I've always gotten rewards.

There should be an idol team for base camp, they increase morale, Miranda would produce some good results

same here

Should have put down some auto turrets

>finally have a good team to do the daily and the server doesn't disconnect us
>1 minute left on the clock
>Steam maintenance
I am so fucking mad right now.

Steam maintenance edition, always on Tuesday but different times, they should really have a set time.

nothing this time my good man.

I've solo defended that map while the other 3 fucked up bigmouth. There's no excuse for this.

The patches/updates are nice and all but they really really need to sort out their fucking netcode and servers, I've only been able to play one hard mode match all evening and even then there were multiple disconnects leaving two of us to play the match.

We were on the cusp of an S-rank, least I got recipes for grenade arrows and various shock/freeze ammo.
Dunno what they did with Medic but healing wave is still shit, dunno whether to use the healing spray skill or not.

You can never be too careful.

>out of lead

Well nice, I was about to teleport back to base after Ruins 2 run and save when Gaben struck. Thanks Gaben.

That being said, it seems like Ruins 2 are actually a valid source of lead.

When you come from closest teleporter, you will face a room accessible from outside, there's an ash tray on the boxes. Three ash trays on the boxes right near the entrance. Then there's some lead inside in a searchable junk pile in the first small patient room you come across. Also some lead on the first set of shelves that is a bit before the crawler room. Copper there too. The set of shelves near motherboard in crawler area doesn't have any lead, just plenty of steel and TNT, among other things, so you don't have to go past crawlers while farming.

Not sure how much lead exactly from that run because HURR Steam.

And of course copper go-to spot is still Singularity Area 1. About 100 units inside the building.

Gunpowder is all over the outposts, just do your roundtrips and you'll never run out.

Not worth the firing units. I'd rather fail than use those.

>he doesn't dismantle shit weapons and make turrets from them

The fact that I can't beat you to death with many rocks right now is causing me a lot of unnecessary stress.

I've done nothing but dismantle shit weapons. Until I get over 100 firing units I'm not using any of them.

I kind of hate that I now know how crew management works. Getting rid of E and D shitters takes forever.

Ammo materials in general can be gained by just doing Coop, you get tons of it in the rewards even on easy missions. I still do my round trips because I can't help myself though, I mainly use ruins for medical supplies.

Also read about that bug if you do a main mission you don't get a recipe or something? The last main I did was getting the motherboard from spider ruins, so if I do this next one I get a glitch or something?

So i feel this game seems a lot more fun than retard youtubers and reviewers make it out to be. Is it worth the monies?

I feel pretty sure they're going to introduce either a way to send people back home to dismiss them, or a more readily available source of manuals at some point. The bonuses from C ranks seems pretty slight so I'm just dealing with shitters at the moment.

I don't understand this crew management business. I got nothing but EEEEEE shitters yet all my base ranks are at C?

Not that I'm complaining but what the fuck

It's still ~$32 on GMG, and if it sounds like something you'll enjoy you almost definitely will. The most common complaint is it's a little light on content, but honestly I've already gotten way more than my money's worth. More content would be great of course but at 50 hours I'd have a hard time saying it's not worth it.

Correction, first shelf doesn't have any lead, just copper.

Overall, between outside room, entrance and two rooms just past the entrance it's 35 lead.

Should take you two minutes tops if you are short, there is no need to go deep into actual ruin.

Remember the words of Master Miller user.
If they speak kikongo...

If you can get past the first 4-5 hours (which isn't that hard) then yes, it's fun, good balance between coop and singleplayer, if you just like to coop you get lots of rewards, if you like to take your time and explore and find things then singleplayer has a lot of that, also if you are a gathering maniac in other games then this got you covered but I find it's a lot more balanced in this since items you get are all useful in some way and not that hard to gather, doesn't make you go out of your way, literally just fast travel, gather, travel back in less than a minute.

My game is racist. IT won't finish loading when I teleport to Africa.

You should double check your shitters, E is "poor", but in general it's not average but a total of skill on the entire team. Morale plays a role too, not on their personal skill but on team rank.

I've played about 40, maybe 50 hours so far? If I stopped today I'd feel like it was worth the $40, but I'm nowhere near done and still really enjoying it.

It's staggering how bad the takes from the Youtube types are.

Yes they're mostly poor, some are 'not very well'.

Morale is maxed though so that could explain it I suppose.

but there's only one idol worth caring about, user!

$40 is definitely a proce I'm not complaining about since I've already gotten ~60 hours logged already.

Don't forget asides from some story characters being at least C, Food Supply also grants a small multiplier to every crew's skills.
Food supply should reduce team sizes necessary to achieve a rank while also reducing the amount of space in your base that needs to be dedicated to farm.

Well, most of my new recruits get modest results so I figure I should try to maintain that. The ones I'm getting rid of right now I've had since before Nicholas. Plus, co-op has been acting up so I might as well do this.

Sure is. Get it on ps4 for though.

Does that mean I should build all the food mutualization buildings that I can?

That has nothing to do with Food Supply team, that's just storage. Food Supply manages water producing buildings last I checked, if not Base Development.
Most of the team affiliated buildings don't actually relate to the performance of the team.

>tfw 10+ tries on daily hard
>still cant even get A
>2-3 people sitting on Frostbite the whole time and not not killing him
>no ones bringing auto turrets to protect digger

Which region would be the best right now for playing? Or are the servers fucked at the moment to the point that nobody's bothering? Been sitting in this north america queue for normal quickmatch for a while now because I was late to the party


They probably haven't killed him in story mode either



>find song "infinite loop"
>does not loop infinitely when the only song
mgs4 was a mistake

Is this thread full of Konami shills or something? Survive is such shit and a disgrace to Kojima and the MGS franchise. Why are faggots you supporting such a greedy company? Do you not have any fucking shame. Kill yourselves.

It's good, actually.

it's a general you cretin

fuck off back to /v/ where you can post about your favorite e-celeb

Oh, so the performance of the Food Supply team, and not the storage, affects everyone else. So I should prioritize that team first. Thanks.

Are you a kojima shill or something?

Shill. I've seen the reviews. Everyone is in agreement that the game is hot garbage.

>G-go back t-to /v/!!!

why exactly?

>basing your own opinion on what your favorite jewtuber shoved down your throat
How embarassing

>anons get baited by weak bait again
yall niggas need to get it together, i bet you fags gave him (you)s to his reply as i type this

They fix the servers yet?

You can't even form your own opinion of the game? Pathetic.

>if someone thinks Survive is shit, it must be bait!!

>go into a thread about a game and shit on it without even an argument
>not bait

How do you get the bird cage

epic weapons are take a shit ton just to make and strengthening weapons will take a ton as well

Except us, right? Feel free to not buy it to support Kojima or w/e but shitpost elsewhere.

What is your opinion of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker?

was one of my favorite games to fuck around with. Had more online multiplayer with throw away units like portable ops plus so that was big fun

There's no way to take birds alive.

pretty fuckin great, between the monster hunting, the base development and the co-op shenanigans its one of my top metal gear games.

I love Peace Walker. It's personally one of my favorite games in the series. Mechanically it's probably the most simple MGS game, but the game just has a huge amount of content. It's probably the most well realized and balanced game in the series alongside MGS3.

What the fuck is he in here doing the daily for. He's lucky me and the other guy can fuck up frostbite

is there a way to speed up side striped jackal pelt farming? im STILL FUCKING FOUR PELTS AWAY because all i ever get is meat and animal leather and the ones by the base in africa take fucking forever to respawn, do they show up for animal missions or some shit?

>Catch animal
>Eat it without killing it ever
World hunger is literally solved guys

small animal missions usually have a jackal or two

>make survival game
>allow players to mark locations of materials and shit on the map
>limit the number of stamps
breath of the wild does the same shit, why the fuck would you limit the number of stamps the player can place? we have the technology to support 50 something stamps on the fucking map without the game shitting itself, and unless you memorize the locations of rare resource piles and containers, you're gonna run out of stamps quick

Where's the Boer spawn?

>support more than 50 something
i need to proofread my posts...

>Captain. I've found a way to open a wormhole back home. However, since some of you (all story characters) influenced the timeline so greatly, you will unable to return without risk of your very existence being rejected. I apologize, but for now, it is possible for us to send survivers back home if you wish for it. Do not feel pressured to send everyone home however. Everyone here wants to help find a way for everyone to return home together.

So, what's all the new stuff that came from the update? Besides the new frequent disconnections.

Just screenshot em lol

>waiting on second attack phase today
>see have bit over an hour to go
>figure I'll get in a workout/shower in that time
>do so
>completely forget
>finish showering and sit down at computer as see /mgg/ open
>"aw FUCK forgot about my base... Welp that's definitely fucked. Guess I'll log in to see the damage."
>log in
>Time Until Next Attack 00:00:04

Cardboard fence, new weapon workshop, improvements for medic, a nerf for Jaeger, improved drops, boss enemies on digger missions and 33% more base capacity.

cliff above the hut where you find Seth and Dan

Advanced crafting stations so we can craft epics, bosses in coop mode, Hard dailies and weeklies.

well, there was no "33%" increase, they just greatly reduced the % cost of placed items

This was the most scariest shit for me yesterday, as a matter of fact.
Made it with 8 minutes to spare.
I wish there was an app for this instead of relying on my phone timer.
An app that's like warcraft unit control would be sick


Nicolas - DBEDCC
Miranda - EDBDEE
Reeve - DEEDBC
Persistent Chameleon (Charon member you rescue for class unlock quest) - DDDDDD

So was the cardboard fence and the new building supposed to be guaranteed?
I did the daily hard and got nothing from it.

I knew I recognized Virgil from somewhere.

Better than the 35 with no subclass i got. Plus the other members of the group weren't good enough to carry

>Disgrace to Kojima

Look at all the people who care

How about you tell us some more about how we are not really having fun.

Oh I forgot to mention you can now build one extra medium tent and regular tent.

It seems to be semi-random.

I did two dailies at B and got purple weapon workshop, electric fence and cardboard fence.

Is there a limit on the amount of things that can grow on a farming plot or clean water or can I just let them grow forever and pick them up when I want?

No, I got disconnected twice right when the last wave ended. I kept my energy but I don't think I got any loot as there was no yellow dot to indicate new items.

So you didn't recall him MGSV nor PW. It was cartoon porno about crossdressing computers.

Every day. Every single day there's even more reasons to kill every single weeb down the very last. Should probably burn all of japan to cinder too just to make sure another outbreak never happens again.

Congrats, Captain.

I didn't make it for last wave of Plan 4. Almost entire base destroyed, including all rare animals.

So what's up with these guys? I ran past them when i noticed i didn't do any damage with my shotgun.

it caps out at a point, so harvest them every so often.
they are 99% invincible. i heard an user was able to do shock damage with a stun baton however, not a lot and still not enough to kill one but something.

also can someone post the skill level blurbs? like what is abcde etc.

Stumbled onto my mixtape. Became a special enemy type that resists a lot of types of damage.