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/rs07/vsg/ - Vidyascape General
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first for i didn't fuck this one up
pm oven dodger
giving this thread some love
dead game
I'll show you something dead *unzips*
>14/88 prayer
*click* noice
this is a mormon server
whoa is he going down on him? I didn't realize how dope mormanism was
for oven dodger
delete this and 4.2m offer desu
lol jew those are tanned
fucking juicy 229k crafting exp right there
tanning 1.2k hides takes literally
30 minutes i'll never get back, i expect an offer of at least 5m
can you summarize this?
>not watching lengthy videos while you grind
Yeah dude I'm not going to watch your stupid reptilian conspiracy videos
illuminati lmoa xdd
i miss you guys, sorry i went to osrs, i hate it there
pls shower before you enter, redditscape smell is pungent
Well then come back you goof
it actually shits all over the reptilian thing
Who made this?
an old friend
>no bulge
Alex ones isn't controlled opposition he just wants to make money by acting like an idiot
Beastiality is a common sexual fetish among women
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Beiber on a tower about to jump. If you are one of the 3% sitting there with popcorn, Screaming "DO A BACKFLIP" then copy and paste this to all your contacts
you'd have the same fetish if you looked up dolphin vagaina facts
>Not wanting to get lasso'd with a duck penis
Women have the right idea.
Dogs are stealing our women
Who here /blonde and blue eyed/ master race
you wanna talk master race tell me what size your dingdong is
7 bongs
update when
jesus christ
Newfag here, never played Runescape before.
Is there anything i should know? Started with a "wizard" a while ago but im thinking about restarting it or reroll another class.
Also, any Discord or something?
>Newfag here, never played Runescape before.
>Is there anything i should know? Started with a "wizard" a while ago but im thinking about restarting it or reroll another class.
>Also, any Discord or something?
Runescape doesn't give 2 shits about specing, you can max every skill no problem
Also kys discord cuck
t. nigger
There are no classes and only training one of magic melee or ranged is a waste of time. The game is a big grind composed of 22 smaller grinds. Read the getting started guide on the wiki to get an idea of what to do. There's no discord, that's what the thread/yell is for.
Why would you ever tell anyone to kill themself? Do you know how utterly coldhearted, abusive, and detrimental that is?
He might actually kill himself. You have emotionally damaged him. I would encourage you to kill YOURSELF, not him. You big fat fucking meanie.
I've attacted a picture of you so you don't have to take a long hard look in the mirror at your life
k, i´ll kys myselfe
>Having morals =/= being a libshit
Okay dude. Try having some empathy you fucking psychopath.
If anything, TRUE HARDCORE CONSERVATIVES from the 1880s living in nice rural townships and holding the most upstanding white values would never tell anyone to kill themselves, so kill yourself faggot.
see look what you've done
*kisses ass* oh my baby come here sit on my lap bitch - don't let that bully bring you to tears honey
hey guys just wanted to stop by and say stop fucking putting rs0 in your thread title you wannabe faggots. your game is a shitty knock off so dont use our thread name you fucking turds. now go back to your pussy xp rates and lack of content
>shitty knockoffs
Have you seen the rs3 tier custom content in OSRS?
OSRS has higher xp rates than us.
we're not trying to be mean or bully you, it's just some good solid advice. you genuinely should probably kill yourself
Run escape before you're proven wrong. Run escape before you realize this server has lower xp/hr than redditscape.This is the authentic runescape experience.
>Enter POH
>Demon butler standing next to my exit portal
>I have no bedrooms
>I have never hired any servants to my house
>He's just standing there staring at me
when i build the zammorak icons in my altar room he suddenly was there standing in the corner facing the wall
what does he want?
That's not me though, I would never kill myself.
I'm better than you.
sorry you then
t. depressed faggot
K so the duke gave me an air talisman.
But i´m a fucking faggot and wanted to enter in this cave in the ground omw to the wizards tower, and some bug analy-raped me. The thing is that i cannot retrieve it now.
I´m farming fucking lvl2 goblins, they are supossed to drop it.
Is there another way? The duke is a greedy jew and will not give me shit.
your bum
can i have your bum :3c?
depends, whats your ign
Second Shoah
What's the best bot?
Your hand. Virtually undetectable. Never been caught once by mods
i dont date blacks, sorry
But that's my gf
argentina is white
nice meme
nice face, loser
mad cuz black
i only date white hunks like slylar so stop hitting on me you faggot
you're the faggot, italians aren't white
yes they are
no they are not
This is actually pretty smart now that you think about it. It's not like osrs is anything like it was back in 2013 where it could still be called 2007 scape. Good job to whoever created the OP
>mfw we're cucking osrs just by having rs07 in our name AND we didn't have to delete yell
stroke of autist genius desu
Well im the Draynor manor trying to poison the fishes in the fountain, but seems bugged or something.
>Nothing happened
>Use again
>Nothing happened
dont lie to me
you arent the draynor manor
I´m still there, somehow was in my inv all along so i just completed the quest.
Game is fun as fuck desu, didn´t remember it this way. I´ll keep it up tomorrow.
Thanks for the replies and the user that helped me with the rune.
It shouldn't be called rs07 to begin with. Any ""oldfag"" from 2013-14 that played back then and still does today knows this to be true. It's not some big secret that the game has been drastically changed from what it used to be
that's such a pepe move right there, such a friggen pepe idea XD pepe would totally do that
Mean to reply this, kek
you need to go back
gz now you've only encouraged them to continue the meme because you replied