What is the superior form of anarchism?
What is the superior form of anarchism?
I'm being serious: is Anarchism simply the freedom of association? That is, the individual cannot be coerced by any outside party to associate with another entity that said individual does not want to interact with?
antrans is goat
obviously anarcho-primitivism
No, it is the abolition of unjustified hierarchy.
queer anarchism, obviously
Literally Max Stirner.
Anarcho-autism is the most superior form of anarchism.
"I want to destroy the state so we can end bigotry, sexism, oppression and transphobia."
"I want to destroy the state because they make laws to prevent me from being a bigoted sexist business owner with slaves and strict bathroom rules."
Yet there are still so many Leftists especially in America that think the state is what's causing the problems relating to capitalism.
Most AnComs are just people who want to run around with their tits and dicks hanging out, most AnCaps are autistic and imagine they would have more money for weed and video games if their parents didn't have to pay taxes.
Can someone explain Anarcho-Fascism to me?
watch this
isn't that redundant?
>unjustified hierarchy
define unjustified
What's the difference? After government is abolished, human nature will override whatever anarchist theory is being attempted.
Your post reads like you have never read any political theory and learned about ideologies from /pol/ memes.
Let's get real here: literally the only anarchist society that could survive and function would be an AnCap one. It wouldn't function WELL or be pleasant for 99% of the population to live in, but there's at least a chance it would persist in its intended form, as opposed to literally any of the others which would collapse in on themselves or get taken over by warlords or foreign invaders or criminal organizations within a month.
So in that sense, AnCap is the superior form of anarchism, and it's still fucking shitty.
See the chomsky video that kind user posted.
>tfw no poz tgf to poz up my boipuss
>reads like you have never read any political theory
that's how most actual anarchists are. Anarchism is a garbage theory for people who have far too much faith in the current state of human nature
t. Tyler Durden
how do anarchist societies respond to organized crime
>tfw the state comes to you
>but there's at least a chance it would persist in its intended form
No, there isn't. Powerful trusts would become states/aristocracies in everything but name.
AnComs like Zappatists could at least stay true to their own ideologies - before being wrecked by more powerful systems (that have stable-enough hierarchical organizations).
>muh human nature
Who do ancaps always pull the human nature card on gommies?
That depends on the material conditions.
>nationalist anarchism
Jesus fucking Christ.
whichever one means you kill everyone and anything
"""Neighboorhood watch""" that rotates people.
But according to most anarchists I've talked to crime wouldn't even be a thing.
d-did i meme well?
redpill me on agorism Veeky Forums
its the opposite of gorism
Syndicalism obviously.
How is anyone that delusional?
>No, there isn't. Powerful trusts would become states/aristocracies in everything but name.
Yes, I agree. I'm counting "technically there's no government but in practice private entities function exactly like one" as a success story here. That's how low I'm setting the bar here.
As for Zapatista-like AnComs, literally no AnCom community would survive for more than a month without the implicit protection of an actual state.
>everyone who thinks human nature is nasty is an ancap
Looks like someone has read some good fuckin' books!
AnCap is best
>tfw no poz tgf to poz up my boipuss
actually the proper term is neghole
define "human nature"
Anarcho Syndicalism
I don't understand anarcho-fascism.
how is neighborhood watch preferable to a professional police force?
that's fucking autistic I just want to stay home and jerk off and not "coerced but you're not coerced anarchy lives mannnn" into patrolling the neighborhood every two weeks
Anarchists are delusional. There's really no reason to waste brain power thinking about why they believe in ridiculous shit.
Hierarchy based on spooks.
Very well, son.
can't have crime if you don't have any laws
crime only exists in a legal sense, relative to enforcement.
None of them. But if you have to choose then voluntaryism.
Anarcho-primitivism. Modern society was a mistake. We need to go back.
Well desu I can kind of understand why someone would be opposed to a professional police but whatever follows them would surely be 10x worse.
>tfw the market unjustly distributes waifus
I have no idea why you're posting Nozick or what relevance he has to what I said. Feel free to explain yourself.
>Anarchist Social Democracy
Actually it has little to do with Social Democracy.
Is the state the same as government?
obviously not
government = those who can influence the direction of the laws
civil service = the various things the government has direct control over as opposed to merely regulating, such as the army, courts, law enforcement, healthcare in single-payer countries, some post offices, etc.
state = the civil service, together with other powerful institutions like business, academia, and the media
nation = the one that's an end in and of itself and not just a means to it; impossible to define via law, but typically has a massive common culture and sympathies lying much more with each other than others outside of it.
Best to know the particulars of why something is bad rather than just dismissing it. I'm a right leaning, Friedman-tier libertarian and I still examine everything to make sure I'm still just a radical and not some off-the-deep-end weirdo with no logical perception of reality.
Whenever I critique something or state my own arguments I make sure I stay logically consistent so some weaboo Marxist or fedorable anarchist rips me apart with some deluded dialectic gunk.
If we just ignore folks like them their ideologies will just grow like a weed without a landscaper to pull it out (intellectually of course).
It's like asking what kind of shit tastes the best. I'll pick one if i have to but i'll seriously question the sanity of the one joyfully just eating the shit with passion.
Because it permits the actualization of all of the above within discrete simulated reality shards populated entirely by consenting consciousness.
Also banana octopus; because it demonstrably is the best socio-economic-political system imaginable.
So why call it that?
To make idiots think it's something different from something that's been associated with negativity. much like the "people's capitalism" fad, and "democratic socialism" (the difference between the regular and democratic being murder and suicide, "instead of simply seizing the means of production by force, we'll let the people vote for it, then seize the means of production by force. By the either the fast way: explicit violence, or the slow way: autistic amounts of taxation")
pic related
I'm confused
There's no such thing as "Anarcho-Communism".
Communism is anarchic by definition.
>Human nature will override whatever anarchist theory is being attempted.
And one group will establish a government, which will outcompete the rest of the anarchists.
I saved them user. Have a rare pepe in exchange
Maybe if somehow nationalism was still being promoted in a specific region or general area? I don't know either
nationalism could not be a thing, as no nation could exist in such a system. any feeling of pride for a certain area would simply be a feeling of cultural reverence or custom, not a feeling of nationalism. If a guy is saying "Murrica, fug yeah" that is not a nationalist sentiment, it is a cultural sentiment.
TL;DR: for nationalism to exist, there must first be a nation.
nationalist/populist meme related
How is it anarchic when there's centralized management in the form of a political party?
There isn't.