Does Veeky Forums have potential to influence the history?

Does Veeky Forums have potential to influence the history?

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Well /pol/ had a part in getting Trump elected so I guess.

We already have

I dont believe in that

Contrary to what underage /pol/ shitters tell you, a social platform has no influence on global politics beyond showcasing what a group of individuals think of a certain matter, no.

Well i dont believe in god but at least i dont preach about it like you.

Can we calculate just how much it influenced it by?
Like a rough estimate if it was actually significant and what role the internet and Veeky Forums played specifically to do this.

You guys definitely exaggerate your role in the process.

I suppose, ≈ 0

Well lets think about it like this, Steve Bannon is chief strategist in the white house and he provides a platform for the "alt-right" which was mainly created by /pol/, i don't think it was just a "small" influence, nor was it coincidence, i'm not sure what it is.

B-but isn't creating a political party a case of such influence?

-10% for proving liberal journalists right in believing that a portion of Trump supporters were grounded in fascist ideals.

I think Veeky Forums really helps normalise supporting trump in the beginning, most early online trump defender has the same rhetoric as this site before going further mainstream

directly, 5%. but the seeds planted and propaganda by 4channers and Veeky Forums-affected mediums in the years preceding... I'd say another 10%. so about 15%.

I bet most of Trump voters have ever heard of Veeky Forums

I'm no /pol/fag, but i'm fairly certain it is actually true to a small extent. Much of the production of memes, jokes, content and batshit conspiracy theories designed to slur the establishment stems from /pol/.

Things would have been very different without stuff like Pepe the Frog being used to encapsulate shit for the social media audience.

but they have heard of things popularized, articulated and brought to attention by Veeky Forums

Pepe the Frog was normalized last year as part of the Rare Pepe phenomenon and the influx of newfags.

that was reddit

You can't compare it to a internet social media monsters like Reuters

>thinks reddit deserves more credit then chans
Veeky Forums ladies and gentlemen

You can't deny that all of the memes, statistics, and points of attacks created on pol and spread across all of social media did not have an effect. Then consider the excavation done on all of the podesta emails. Many of the /polacks/ cross posted all of this stuff on r/t_d where it reached an even greater audience and built the most active community on reddit. Honestly, if you don't think they had an effect, i think you're in denial.

>what is r/the_donald

even poltards are busy whining about how r/the_donalds are ruining their board

/Pol/(and reddit and 8gag) played a role, but the creation of /pol/ and what it is today, well it's inspired and pushed in that direction by much older forces both in real life and on the Internet, the far right. Young people on /pol/ just took their stale memes and increased their meme value.

Pol-fags are, unfortunately, followers, not all of them, but you know.

>r/the_donald isnt /pol/-lite

Why do you even compare it, reddit is a social network, and Veeky Forums is ..whatever it is

Well of course every historical event happens because of transient forces, but there are always creative actors. Pol was a factory for all the ammunition that most of the rest of the internet used

yes they don't but they hear a lot of rhetorics spreaded from here to facebook, youtube, twitter, and other normie sites

Cuck is mainstream political word now
Hillary warns of dangerous of Pepe the racist frog

/tv/ meme

>pepe and normies

/pol/ has tens of thousands of little shills running around convincing their mom, father, girlfriend, peers, coworkers, and so on, giving them links, recommending media, reaching out to people on the fence, etc, and the number just increased as the election went on, they were multiplying in effect.

an online media publication acts very differently, each article leaves one impression on a person, and imo just isn't as effective.

we saw the power of traditional media buckle with Hillary's loss, after all.

/pol/ and r/The_Donald were making so many retarded Trump memes and spread them like wildfire.
To counteract this, Hillary's team created Correct The Record to try and make hillary memes and argue with trump supporters.

Another thing is that the UN actually investigated this website and created an open pdf
at the end they actually showcase and explain/analyze Pepe memes.
Not to mention that Hillary effectively declared war on Pepe by explaining that he was a hate symbol on her campaign site.

Lets not forget that T_D and /pol/ were the core in sifting through leaked emails and finding shit to turn people away from Hillary and Podesta. In the last days of the election they found out Spirit Cooking. The_Donald (i should mention by this point it started as a /pol/ colony) immediately led a campaign by printing flyers about it and putting them on people's cars. (pic related is spanish translation)

Even if you argue that last bit about spirit cooking was fake or exaggerated, it still had a huge impact in the last moments before the polls opened.

so? its still Veeky Forums

Reddit's stupid trump board apparently says the same shit, and they probably legitimately had a greater impact than our /pol/tards.


normalfags from /b/ and reddit come to /pol/ in droves
it's the main reason why it's so cancerous

they started as /pol/ colony

It certainly got me here

Wish more of /pol/ could be this overt about their swarms of reddit tourists.

reddit was liberal as fuck 4+ years ago, in fact that was the stereotype, the rivalry between racist extremist Veeky Forums and "intellectual atheist liberal" reddit, /pol/ converted reddit, the_donald only exists because of /pol/, you must be new, probably one of those fags who used reddit before Veeky Forums lel.

>reddit was liberal as fuck 4+ years ago
So was Veeky Forums eight years too.
Hell, for thinking on these terms, you're betraying yourself as someone that's been touched by the chans only in the last four years.

Besides, reddit is a lot more diverse than their leftist moderators would let on, so it isn't much of a surprise that the ranks of /pol/ nowadays are swarmed with redditors eager for a quite shot at "dank mêmes :dddddddddd!!!!".

this would be legit, except it's doing what the internet always does, and assuming it had way more influence than it actually did.

/pol/ and /r/the_donald were products of movements that were already happening. They didn't do anything that wasn't already being done.

You also think last minute things really do impact votes. Polls are not reliable, especially in the modern age. especially when you realize that voter turn out for registered voters was less than 50%, and less than 10% for voters under 30, which the internet is dominated by.

I would not call it an influence on history in full meaning of the word, because Veeky Forums as an open technical platform was just used in someone's political interest. I mean, internet and specifically Veeky Forums is just modern way to spread the memes. As a tool, maybe. As a subject - nah

>the UN will never pay you to shitpost and study the art of shitposting

Why even go on

8pol deserves a mention for their activism too, they helped spread memes, truths, lies and propaganda too.

Stormfront converted /pol/ which 'converted'
Stormfront started this trend

>So was Veeky Forums eight years too.
you're correct, and I've only browsed since 2010, I will admit, but I think it's indicative that on one of the most free speech mediums on the internet, right-wing extremism took over, indicative of its truthfulness, it "won out" against the other ideologies in the arena that is /pol/ (and /news/), as we see it taking over reddit too, increasingly.

shhhh keep it secret

Stormnigger, you and your band of shit stains that started crawling out into the sun after the election had a negative effect on the popularity of Trump.

I can't imagine that cocoon ghost wax mummy David Duke or the archaic hillbillies of the KKK doing what Trump's Internet fanbase did for him. EVER

What is next? God help us all

Being mentioned by every single media outlet in existence as the primer and bullet for the gun of "Russian intervention" (or just like, regular people getting pissed at Obongo), I'd say /pol/ played a significant role, if it didn't exist I doubt Trump would have won due to Hillary's corruption.

It has contributed to anonymous troll culture on the internet. It also got pepe labeled a hate symbol by the ADL

>it "won out" against the other ideologies in the arena that is /pol/
Oh alright. That's fair enough then!

who do you think creates the infographics you've got saved on your mom's laptop?

live in your world of delusion and denial, it's how Hillary lost and Brexit occurred, remember the first of the 5 stages of death, denial, which is your perception of the gravity of the situation.

It's contrarianism. The meme race science, all the global warming denial, holocaust denial any of that stuff have been out there floating freely for anyone to see and judge.

After the SJW went completely outside the bounds of reason, well it was only natural.


Veeky Forums is a force for whatever is the most contrary to the broader society.

So in 8 years, Veeky Forums will become a hotbed for reactionary communism?

In other words, Veeky Forums itself is nothing?

although I disagree, I think /pol/ is more ideology driven then contrarianism driven, there is at least some truth to it.

It will take a lot of hard work to make /pol/ communistic

Well, it's like a counter-weight at the bottom of society.

At the heart of it all was all mighty kek


you don't understand, the right wing "core" of 8pol, stormfront and even Veeky Forums /pol/ is nonconvertible, they're zealots, and to the contrary of just floating around being FOTM ideologues, they've set out to convert communists and such, being that most people on the far-right, as you can ask them, are formerly some shade of leftist, even communist themselves.

Not really, lefty/pol/'s generals are here to stay and the entire board is shifting away from the trump retardation that plagued it since the primaries

Imagine something crazy happens. Merkel-literally opening-the-borders-for-no-reason tier crazy and unexpected. Let's say USA invades Iran or something. And then other smaller things start piling up, which always happens for any government.

Maybe not /pol/, but this site will certainly react to that. I mean there's already a significant split between /pol/-people and the rest.

Is it possible for some other politician to cause Trump meme effect in a future?

More girlfriends than /leftypol/ I can tell you that much.

>we elected a president by shitpoting on an vietnamese knitting forum, not the angry middle class in poorer states :DDD

Someone's who's detectably anti-establishment (who's not a commie who won't actually fix anything fundamental like Bernie), to understand meme candidates, look at the ones so far, and examine their characteristics: Trump, Nigel Farage, and Ron Paul.

Trump and Farage are obvious because they're "macho", charismatic, and have broken the barriers of acceptable speech, and Ron Paul because he was against the wars for Israel, and most importantly was against the Fed, which /pol/ and the conspiracy-minded far-right loved. As for the future... most certainly their will be more meme candidates, and they will probably match up with the above characteristics.

ITT /leftypol mad that /pol/ actually influences the real world while faggot communists are irrelevant as fuck

Commies don't listen to reason either. For the most part the most practical solution for a majority of our problems is to not be so ridiculously polarized.

Going along with the contrarianism thing. /pol/ aggressively asserts the opposite of whatever experts, the media, etc feel is true. I'm not sure what causes this on an individual basis but it's a familiar symptom of radicalization. All radicals are cut from the same cloth, to the point that they often flip between diametrically opposed radical groups. They're not motivated by reality or even the tenets of their faith.

If I knew the driving force behind this I wouldn't be posting it here, I'd be publishing it and making a fuckload of cash advising intelligence organizations. Great time for the field.

>/pol/ aggressively asserts the opposite of whatever experts, the media, etc feel is true
Probably the fact the media is fucking lying.

>Imagine something crazy happens. Merkel-literally opening-the-borders-for-no-reason tier crazy and unexpected

don't need to imagine that

Not enough influence to justify this self-congratulatory rhetoric.

thats because some reddit shills think they can ''retake the memes of production'' or some shit

>he thinks infowars and breitbart are more reliabe than WaPo and NYT

>all these butthurt lefties refusing to come to terms with the fact that they're now living in a post mo world and the /pol/ boogeyman is breaking down barriers

UN published a report on it. Epic stuff.

Well it was a fairly close election so it's not that hard to believe.

I think they're about equally biased if you ask me.

>Trump's approval rating is massively rising, will outclipse his unfavourability one by 20th January
>lefties still living in their own world

This assblastation is exactly why I voted for Trump.

Dubs proves kek's presence well beyond /pol/

breitbart and infowars will never produce anyone equal to woodward/bernstein or seymour hersh

>/pol/ made Hillary look like a madwoman ranting about Nazi frogs
>lefty/pol/ meanwhile meakly mocking Trump

Can't make this shit up

>judges present output by decade old content
Wew lad

meme magic

I would say the biggest investigative journalism this year has been done by wikileaks, Breitbart and Infowars didn't investigate themselves but they surely spread the news around when MSM refused.

And like this guy said modern NYT is absolute fucking joke.

The lefty/pol/ generals are just full of people shitting on communism and socialism, there is no conversion going on.

It's already influencing culture, the "alt-right" has exploded into mainstream discussion, and they're literally just /pol/ shitposters and some bloggers

Veeky Forums has always been a leftard board

there was crossover. I'm certain /pol/ and /rdonald/ cross pollinated eachother. This is quite literally the dynamic behind the popularization behind Pizzagate in the last week, which started on /pol/, moved to reddit, and then became mainstream. These boards are no fucking joke and I think we shouldn't underestimate it as people in this thread are doing. Trump is fucking president ffs

>>pepe and normies
/pol/ appropriated these memes for their own ends.


It wasn't, there's still a ton of right wingers here (me included), /leftypol/ is just a really loud minority.

trump is president because there's a certain subset of americans who will always vote republican no matter what kind of leader they have

add onto the fact that the republicans were campaigning against a figure they've literally been demonizing for 20 years, driving independents and progressives away from the democrats who turned to meme candidates like johnson and stein.

through the spreading of memes/infographs I think they did influence some aspects of the election

yes, I think you are right. But I think there is an argument to be made that /pol/ did an effective job demoralizing independents and progressives who voted for Sanders and a lot of whom were young and internet-savvy.