Another day in /lolg/ edition
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League of Legends General - /lolg/
lolifag did nothing wrong.
I will breed kayle
I want to anonymously send Cassiopeia du Couteau a letter telling her I think she's beautiful!
they call it lolig because all p*do shits must kys
>tfw lolicons having a fucking melty.
Ayyy, that's my crop. Was gonna start a new thread with that, but I was going to wait like a good goy
Lolifag is always in the wrong
I have an itch to go Vi jungle. How is she nowadays?
Heh, this one's gonna be good. I can smell it.
I want to hug this fox!
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
Blitzcrank players deserve to get bullied for playing such an annoying champion!
You will not, kayle is pure and not for lewd
>tfw no qt petite gf
liking jinx doesn't make me a pedo, right????
tier 3
so, completely viable
Zoebros WW@?
>>Hey you know you have the FBI behind your ass at this moment, right?
Hey thas me.
thx for including me on the screen cap fellow redditor.
I want to kiss the Dark Sovereign!
jinx is in her 20s but the coke and heroin kept her looking fresh
>literally just SG with some edits
Jinx fags exposed
Very nice. Will save.
reminder to spit and shit on /l/'s grave
reminder to show no mercy for seething lolicons crying about their trounced board
God imagine how good it would feel to hatefuck her.
she needs a raw breeding session to stop being a bitch
There is a clear difference between flat girls and little kids. Don't worry, we understand and we won't fall for the lolicon's insane drivel that the only thing that defines a loli is the chest size.
Congratulations riot, you've somehow dug Wu's grave deeper.
I can't believe how you can ignore a champ like this for so long, then when the chance arrives to DO SOMETHING you completely blow it.
I can't even express how disappointed I am, it's ridiculous.
>Hatefucking Zoe
>not making passionate love to her on your couch
gentlemen, im bored and feel like having a relaxing time in a match of league. i own around 70% of the roster. what should i play? not playing ranked, too tired and not in the mood to play serious right now. also no adc, i dont feel like it right now
>Every time you cum inside her she gets corrupted a little more
>Starts becoming more and more sexual and lewd until she's just another air-headed bimbo
Okay, I have decided. Kayle is now my pure waifu
I suppose I should start to main her now.
30th for Luxanna's 6th grade sister joining the team!
>tfw in the screencap
Very nice.
Sweet. What's the power rankings on her skins? Wanted warring kingdoms and demon, but might settle for neon strike for the time being.
>in the screencap
neon strike vi best vi.
Oh hey, I'm on there
> I have desire to rape a child or fap to child pornography.
>lewding the angel
Unacceptable. Kayle is for her sister ONLY once they've worked through their issues.
She looks like sayori.
Also, you should kill yourself.
Reminder that riding bikes are a great way to stay fit!
Wukong is boring as fuck. Just wait until he gets reworked.
this image is stupid because that little sandnigger is constantly rude with its voice lines
It has been decided, vi and neon strike for her. Time to save up BE then.
wake me up
>Riot's sound team creates amazing musical pieces
>stuck doing generic classic fantasy-like pieces 95% of the time
Does Annie please old men for money" just like her sister?
I want to brutally murder every pedophiles with my husband KIed!
>the absolute fucking state of /lolg/
forgot moderation doesn't exist here sometimes.
Just had an afk in game and the niggers on the other team didn't report him.How many afks in ranked have you guys had?
This is where it's at.
Reminder you fuckers were just angry that a cute little girl beat you in a video game and now you're throwing your rage out on everyone else because you DIDNT BUY FUCKING MERC TREADS
morgana is the one with issues, kayle did nothing wrong
"You're not a problem, you're a learning opportunity."
morde is the only truly balanced champ in this game
you can get thrown in the gas chambers too 2bh
happens about 1 in every 2 or 1 in every 3 games
Huh? She keeps talking about her life
>we have neither map skins nor music or announcer packs
>have to look at the same aesthetic that's half pilfered WoW artstyle with swooping curvature and rings added everywhere
Please post all the Kayle fan art you've got!
>venting your rage about your 40% winrate horseshit perma-banned champion on reddit and /lolg/
All I know is that Lux and her girlfriend have to be careful not to expose the middle schooler to any lewd gayness on accident.
I'm sure she's been ah, "touched by the void", but not too strongly.
amidst the recent events, we need another official waifu since we don't want FBI to close the only fun general left on Veeky Forums.
5 decides new /lolg/'s official league waifu.
Sounds like someone is asking for a rock to the face to me.
>Try to fugg Kayle
>Her wings start flapping and knocking shit over which makes her embarrassed
>liking little girls when boys that look like girls exist
How gay can you possibly be
its annie
deal with it
I hope it's not MF.
Also if 5 Ahri gets a pool party skin this year!
reminder that Zoe would chunk you for 3/4th from full hp with a naked Q at one AP item, even if you bought Merc treads
>The state of lolifags
>only fun general left
You mean in 3 years when Riot remembers he exists, then promptly forgets after giving him 5 AD per level?
Can't wait
None, we don't need an "official waifu"
Hot damn. The revenge of the pedo.
>asking for spam
>Mordekaiser reworked by CertainlyT
>even though I made his kit completely busted, I felt justified making his numbers busted as well. So here's 181 base AD at level 18
3rd time
Hahahhaha except every montage of her chunking people is when they dont have MR :^) Syndra got gutted for the same reason.
Oh and
Of COURSE it does a lot. That's her JOB.
There's a reason Veigar's W does as much damage as it does - Its predictable, dodgeable, and his primary means of damaging a target that isn't weak.
Now we have "loli Lissandra" and its you literal homos fault because cute girls trigger your insecurities.
I said rework. Like Sion or Yorick or Swain. Wait your turn, El Goku MarrĂ³n.
You fool!
Lolicons have the power of meme magic, how do we beat them /v/ros?
hol up
I will never have a gf/egirl supporting my adc habbits and climbing the ranked ladder? Why live?
>autofill adc
>lose to yorick braum bot
>too tanky, burst us down, zero jungler help
>next game
>go 20-5 on azir
>team still finds a way to fucking lose to jax
every game has tilted me further and further. im am so fucking angry right now. every game has found a way to tilt me more and more and I want to fucking murder someone. if one of you faggots from my game is in here, give me your fucking address so i can come knock some fucking sense into you
Is Cassiopeia better or worse at sex now that's she's a snake and has no legs, and probably has a cloaca?
and that's inherently bad design. For fuck's sake Riot explicitly stated that old Nidalee got her knees capped for doing the exact same shit.
What's a good method of recording shit to post here? I get potato conversion quality with Webm for Bakas.
>mods no where in sight
is it time to start a meta thread about the state of /lolg/ in /qa/?
oh shit
C-cute! Thanks!