>Recent news Anniversary countdown Event starting from March 1st with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost. What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Halluel and Malluel summon released Orchid's dagger FLB released with small Trium and DATA+echoes on ougi Lecia's dagger FLB released Aphrodite FLB released, Arulumaya FLB released Final Chapter of Pandemonium released Crits now work on all null element enemies. Class Champion Weapons FLB released
>Schedule for March: 2/22 - 2/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part I 2/28 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II 3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts 3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash 3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun) 3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event
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>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
I'm confused as to why you didn't just pub at 49%, there's nothing more to get from going further solo.
Ryder Hill
Fuck off cancer.
Angel Roberts
Jacob Cooper
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
Robert Edwards
Is this an Espanyol only crew? Would you accept an Americano?
James Gomez
hablo espanol
Jaxon Morgan
At what point is it worth using a cosmic in light grid?
Ayden Perry
Benjamin Mitchell
Are you ready to join the masterrace with magna2?
Adam Collins
poach me 11233114
Camden Lewis
Angel Torres
I have a crippling fear of Parazonium CRs coming in and chugging full elixirs the moment I pub. Shit you not I actually pubbed at 55% once and got within 200k of losing MVP.
Xavier Gray
My inventory calls out for release. But I'm waiting for the 22nd. Its hell.
Camden Torres
>another fucking Casuals crew This is getting worse than the Xie shit. At least he had the decency to name his crews after luminosity instead of himself.
Daniel White
When are we getting a good bow class?
Nicholas Kelly
I wish I was a Granblue boy.
Nolan Walker
MVP really doesn't give you much on Grande to be honest. The host box is where its at.
Alexander Lewis
Those harp are getting majesty at lvl 180
Sebastian Brooks
>3 bars for Siete You could have prevented this.
Carson Sanchez
Make a Maverick you dumb fuck.
Brayden White
scouting sended!
Josiah Gutierrez
I said good.
Jonathan Ross
How to spot a latino: they all swear in caps and hate other latinos
Benjamin Butler
Did I stutter? What the fuck is your idea of a good class?
Ethan Green
>jump is the signature ability of dragoons in ff >for some reason, gbf archers got what is basically the jump ability instead i want a real archer class
Cameron Parker
we could do a exception, pm me on discord
Colton Harris
Grayson Young
Thanks Yugu.
Jaxon Harris
Why is that design so unnecessarily sexual?
Owen Fisher
>I'm just on the second upgrade.
Henry Roberts
I also can't do Hard Arcarum fuck the rainbow meta
Hudson Fisher
>What the fuck is your idea of a good class?
Caleb Baker
It's not really as bad as the artists make it out to be. I'm pretty sure more of it is light plating across his body than tights.
Hudson Bennett
>got 3 separate summons to 2 * SR >couldn't decide which to focus on >forever behind the SSR chads It fucking hurts. I did everything right from day 1 except picking a summon, I feel like the retard I actually am.
Brandon Diaz
>leeched through ~150 chevs >0 munitions umm leechbros? did they fix something?
Ryan Rogers
>Elysian is a good class >But not Warlock
David Jackson
t. 2017 time traveler
Lincoln Hill
>warlock, bandit tycoon, and luchador crossed out u wot m8
Brandon Taylor
Juan Jones
big brain crew
Logan White
bandit tycoon is a strong wind dps class
Jace Sanders
Warlock is a better DPS class than Elysian because there are better Daggers than there are Harps. For fucks sake the best mainhand in the game is a Dagger
>Uuuuh but you can play Dagger Elys-
Shut the fuck up.
Brody Gray
big brain post
Dominic Wood
CR is better in every way than Warlock >but muh chaser lamo
Carter Long
why is this general so stupid
Blake Morales
Ayden Perry
This isn't between CR this is between Warlock and Elysian.
Jonathan Martin
Matthew Taylor
so what you're saying is that warlock is only useful because it has a good mainhand while elysian is good DESPITE not having a good mainhand?
Isaac Clark
brain post
Dominic Evans
CR is fucking utter garbage lmao
Henry Turner
Elysian is fucking trash.
Ethan Hill
That doesn't even answer my question. What quality of these classes qualifies your claim that NH is bad even with Maverick? Hard mode: no shitting on field effect DATA.
Nolan Nelson
good early 2017 era post
Logan Parker
What day is it?
Jason Allen
>He's not playing Earth Ultima Gun Asshound with Devilry Maverick
Jace Richardson
Warlock is pure junk
Thomas Walker
epic my friends
Josiah Harris
>CR is good, warlock is bad The state of this fucking general strikes again.
Ryder Flores
Carter Ross
Matthew Long
CR is objectively good and has been since Ultima Sword became the meta.
Nolan Price
They need to stop stealth nerfing chev sword drop rates during magfes.
Carson Adams
>she needs to play a trash class to get data >she still even has a single gw dagger in her inventory Poorfag and elementlets get the fuck out of my general. I'm going through my list right now and deleting any subhuman running Elyshitan.
Aiden Murphy
fuck you
Carter Barnes
Nighthound would be decent if TZ covered light and dark as well.
Leo Garcia
GW dagger + CR is objectively the best combo with ultima in grid
Robert Johnson
>CR is objectively good lmao, just lmao
Xavier Moore
>cr is good
Jacob Perez
good post
John Robinson
Not him, but warlock's kit is actually really good aside from having no data. If it had sword prof it would literally be one of if not the best classes in the game. Chaser is fucking good, its just the opportunity cost of not being able to run atma/ultima sword that kills it. Strong dagger teams could shoot it into the atmosphere.
Grayson Garcia
>even FGO has more game discussion /gbfg/ was at it's peak when it was in /mbgg/. It's been nothing but downhill ever since it got it's own general.
Dylan Mitchell
>if Warlock had something to make it good it'd be good w h o a
Luke Brown
>onky when CR has ultima it is “good” w o a h
Michael Brown
The point is its already good fundamentally, its just an artificial meta change that made it "bad". If atmas didn't exist it would be one of the best classes, and all thats standing in the way of it getting there again is an element getting a lineup that is strong and is mostly dagger prof.
Blake Watson
20% echoes with shit uptime is far from good
Zachary Howard
>artificial you don't know what that word means
Henry Gutierrez
who is the cutest male cow?
Jaxon Young
>check it out >Hunger games trash >power level spics Ook ook
Ryder Ross
>playing anything other than lucha in the year of our lord twenty eighteen w o a h
Caleb Foster
>this entire argument happened because of a class that isn't even being brought up
Henry Brown
>20% echoes that stacks on top of everything else is bad Now you're just memeing. Thats literally a seraphic weapon with almost 50% uptime.
Ryan Bennett
>he's not making the warlock CCW youre lost
Joseph Roberts
Hal, Tzaka, and Vas.
Nolan Sullivan
Juan Rodriguez
the opportunity cost of playing a non sword class that offers literally nothing else instead of another actually good class makes it not worthwhile and no, 3/7 uptime is shit
Christopher Turner
Why are you so autistic, /gbfg/?
Parker Martinez
>breaking cap is bad C'mon user. I'll agree that warlock is a bit lackluster due to bad weapon proficiencies and a useless skill 1, but chaser is great. I'd slot it in a heartbeat on other classes if I could.
Ryan Powell
Why would you ever use Warlock over Gizoku as dagger deeps
Justin Long
Literally every good element right now can break cap in ways that don't require running a shitty class.
Lucas White
I want to grind my dick against Lady Grey's ass.
Aiden Jackson
Just because CR is a sword class that doesnt mean its good at all, even with an ultima sword. The only thing it has is unpredictable, all of its other mastery skills are garbage and it doesnt give you any innate power boosts nor survivability. CR IS JUST SHIT
Luke White
Okay, now you're just going in circles. The point is warlock would be good except for the disadvantages of running its profs. You can't say "lol chaser is bad because of other things that aren't chaser". That makes no fucking sense.