>What is BDO? Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, p2w rng mechanics, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo sandbox experience.
>NewFAQs Read the pastebin, Ctrl+F, jfgi before posting. Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days. Don't buy the game through Steam, get it through the website.
Is Whyfu finally back or is this just an imposter?
Kevin Brown
>implying anyone wanted Whyfu back anytime literally some of the last cancer that needs to leave and never return
Grayson Green
Are you a pale elf or a tan elf? Can elves change the pigment of their skin at will?
Ryan Scott
when shes feeling lewd her skin color becomes brown, when shes feeling pure her skin is white
Adrian Nelson
>Elves are for _____ >Elves are pure >Elves are Lewd >Tamers are Pure >Tamers are not for Lewd >SUCC >THICC >BBC >BBC Eristic >Doxen BBC >Post tamers >Post valks >Post sorcs >Post butts >Post lewd >Is Liverto good? >I just hit 34 and already feel like rerolling >X Names my pet >Bump >Ded thread ded gaem >Just copped this on steam >Did they fix the pop in yet? >Did they fix the servers yet? >Did they fix the balance yet? >Nude mod >Join Valor >How's Kuno >How's Tamer >Valk is good >Tamers need to be violated >INCOMING >I just spent 99 hours in character creator when does the game start >It takes too long to get to level 56 >KYS >Samefag >How do I get past 150ap? >Is this game P2W? >This game isn't P2W? >WTF this game is P2W how are you guys still playing? >Give her bigger boobs >Check out my Kibelius >Check out my Rakshande >Default >Template >Template bitch >What class should I try? >What class is fun? >What class is good? >What did you do today> >What are you guys doing right now? >I hope you guys did something today >You did something today right? >Is this game worth $10? >What guild do I join? >What's teh Veeky Forums Guild? >EU is Dead >NA is Dead >Is this worth getting in to?
Leo Harris
Ah, so it's like blushing in humans. Thank you for the info.
You post the most bland and boring screenshots. Fuck off
Jeremiah Sanders
True but witches are not naturists.
Thanks for your input.
Colton Evans
>witches are not naturists. Then how do they get atuned to nature and control it's forces, hm??
Dylan Moore
By using them floating melons, obviously.
Grayson Walker
Easton Roberts
post penis
Luke Nelson
Zachary Morgan
You still need to attune the orbs with the narute and clothes get in the way.
Levi Thomas
Jack Cruz
I miss cornrows
Bentley Perez
hang yourself
Henry Baker
I'm getting over 60 frames in windowed mode now. Pretty gud update.
Zachary White
Top100 for elfs
Mason Reyes
Apart from the face I like this.
David Reyes
Jaxon Rogers
dead (and shit) game
Parker White
and now my frames are throttled again godamnit PA
Nathan Walker
whats the best valk costume
Ayden Young
Dominic Richardson
Josiah Hall
David Miller
Jackson Cox
arrendo minus the helmet
Colton Gomez
S: venslar
A: acher guard (imo without helmet but debatably with helmet)
A-: crown eagle (debatably A tier but the thighhighs don't match with the top being heavily armored) enslar (best of the slut armors and the best combination of the heroine/slut looks)
B: clead karlstein heidel masq arrendo (no helmet) (if considering weapons then A- tier)
B-: jousting kibelius (possible downgrade to c tier for being such a generic slut armor) anemos kylia kyrill charles rene cavaro atanis puff mini
C: fallen garzar pila fe lahr arcien
Luke Hernandez
next OP image 2bh
Alexander Walker
Which /bdog/ would you keep as your pet and tie them on a leash to you and feed them treats when they get hungry?
Evan Gonzalez
I was going to list a few and I realized that they are all sorcs and great on pet/sub play...
Benjamin Gonzalez
Brandon Murphy
Ian Morgan
>whyfu returns >samefag accusations ensue
Jayden Powell
all valor members
Levi Hall
hah... little did you know that I'm the only person who's ever posted in /bdog/ ever and that all conversations here are just me replying to myself and that you are in fact just a doppelganger of my ego formed out of my ki energy replying to what he believes to be someone else
Jackson Wood
Can elves be autistic?
Jackson Reed
Elves are incredible cute but Tamers with elf ears are cuter.
Logan Russell
wow whyfu can you please stop hacking Veeky Forums?
Jack Sanchez
Should I keep combat exp boost when breeding pets or just leave everything random?
John Moore
event birbs by the way
Jeremiah Sanchez
>jousting at B- You haven't seen that thigh slit have you?
Jacob Russell
on yeah C- then
Jose Myers
I'll find you and I'll slap you about for your wrong opinions