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Hello. Watch your back in this battle!

lmao all threads deleted

also, OP should have been this image



If this is the actual art they'll have in Heroes I think I'll pass.

What is wrong with you fucks? Why are you so autistic about threads?

Potato chan

t. seething Charlotte cuck


Charlotte kek BTFO

As a /feg/ lurker, I really enjoy the pissing contest that is the new thread creation. It's just fun to watch.

I always appreciate ironic last posts.

>not caring about rules
Go back to /a/frica, Tyrone

old fags BTFOd

Anybody recognize whose artstyles are those?

At least Finn looks great. Who cares about the other two losers

I'm not the Charlotte cuck, if you look at who linked the thread in the previous, he was probably banned.

It's autism. Waifuposting triggers them like calling a black person a nigger triggers sjws.

I get to save orbs, awesome.

I unironically don't understand what's bad about the art. Is it just shitposting or am I out of some loop? Can any /ic/ posters tell me what's wrong on a technical level?

>not the Charlotte cuck
>upset that the Charlotte thread got deleted

Sure, Raul.

both celica and grima had a 223m round

this is going same for long time

reminder that this happened at one point in time

Blue guy has to belong to Sigurd/Softboi artist
Girl has to be Lel's artist
People said Leaf is Boey's artist

If we got that chicken Grima when is this glorious deity getting in?

>Mfw i roll for characters with good art on games i did not play
>Mfw this banner look like
Is that all Tharcia keks has to offer and sperging about ?
How utterly pathetic

He looks good, but that's the wrong outfit. I like how he looks, but they should've had Thracia Finn on Thracia banner as opposed to Genealogy Finn. It's just weird. It'd be like having Old Hector on an FE7 banner.


these but Finn is pretty obviously Itagaki Hako (Draug, Gordin, Lucius, Rody)


New thread, new resolve !

nothing wrong with it. the faces look bland but the armor actually looks really nice.

Hopefully never. Duma and Mila are kinda cringey.


I've only seen THAT many once, there are similar occasions though

>wife has very little chances to get in the game
>the urge to cheat on her gets bigger and bigger every time I use Soleil
Her attack is just so BIG

>posting the edit
This is the correct image

So why the fuck are people shitting on it? There's no other place on the internet right now complaining about the art, and feg doesn't really shit on the art that much when a new banner drops, what happened this time? Is it just contrarianism?

Nice Cordelias.

Who is the one on the left? Sigurd's son?

I just hate how brown leif looks it looks like he rolled arounf in shit and his face is pretty dull

>early 50's anime
holy shit, 2 hydrogen bombs were not enough

Who will be the Thracia GHB?


Take your pick.

someone ryo that Finn

Finn looks really good, but has wrong game outfit.
Nanna looks really good, but the head looks awkwardly like a bobble head.
Leif look perfect art wise, but the coloring for some reason is too brown.

It's Frey, duh.

Leif looks like the perfect candidate for Johnny Yong Bosch but we won't know until a month from now

The girl on the right, Nanna? She looks like she could be voiced by Erica Mendez.

No clue about the guy on the left.

probably the usual one guy in the group starts shitting on it to be funny or some other reason and the other guys join without thinking much about it.

He has a point, this game has too many banners compared to games like FGO.

Ishtar would be hype.

Sigurd's wife's son's aunt's husband's retainer.

Leif's face is kinda fat, that's like the only issue with his art.

Finn may be a tad bit too shiny as per the artist's terrible lighting technique of treat everything like metal.


Someone posts James, my computer died and i lost that pic.

GO doesn't need more banners because the rates are so low people will spend more on average on a GO banner than a FEH one.




Starting a new account, purely peasant play. I will hope to clear all the content with the 32 units I currently rolled.
IV of all the 5* are
>ike +def/-spd
>lucina +spd/-def
>alm +atk/-res
>luke +HP/-ATK
>brave lucina is neutral
I will not be summoning on this account, the only summons I will be using are the free summons you get when a new banner arrives. GHB units and TT units will not be allowed to be used. I will however, use their skills for inheritance only. Wish me luck

Wheres the Etika one?

fuck off i want my free summons

>Tfw you have a +10 Cherche/Oboro from your friend list in your team

First time these quests aren't annoying

More options >>>>>
You don't have to spend your orbs on every banners, even more true if you're F2P. Make good decisions. Maybe you WANT something, but most of the time you don't need it. I want Alm, Celica, Serika, another Grima, another Marth, a Gunthra but I won't spend on all of those banners.

Can we get a Senran Kagura crossover as a joke

Nice C slot, retard

Those posts always make me feel better about myself. I know that no matter what happens in my life, and least I won't ever be a braindead degenerate like the guy in your screenshot.

I personally only have one more, not sure if it's the one you're referring to

That's just a little tumblr creep. Get used to it.

No. Die.

This is Darkness

Can I have the other one too

is Sigurd a cuck?

Why are you speaking in third person?

I wonder how good the attacking and damaged art will be. Some heroes had pretty boring neutral art but the other portraits were really good.

that was pic related, sorry, should have said that, these three were the ones I had:

I haven't played FEH since not too long after it was released. I started it up today and did the free summons and this is what my box looks like now. Is there anything good here, should I take the opportunity to reroll? I also have a bunch of orbs I could roll, but I have no idea what banner would be best. Any guidance would be appreciated

>5.25% on fallen heroes
>pity broken by shiro
So is a +atk/-def shiro the least bit useful? Or should I just fodder him off

-def isnt good

Give someone steady stance or tactics out of spite

>We didn't get Wada Leif

It ain't fair bros.

This is pretty much right. I like Lief's armor a lot but his drawing looks like he was taken from an evening shot, while the other two look like they're drawn during the day. Also Nanna's neck is a bit too long

How embarrassing!


I was down to my last 6 orbs and managed to get him at the last minute—I hadn’t been Throwing any orbs of this banner because I hate the idea of evil characters on my team, but he’s just too good.

Anyway, what A skill should I go with?

I love getting arena matches like this where I only need one unit to kill everyone.

>They had to reveal Leif a month in advance so the whiny Thracicucks would stop letterbombing their offices
Terrorism works!


>Also plays FGO
>I'm not salty guys, i swear!
>This game just has TOO MANY BANNERS
So this is what it beaten wife syndrome looks like.

>neutral attack
Rip user

>-Def +Res
Your choice of Steady or Warding Breath, depends on if you want to shore up the Def bane or play to some more Res

I find myself presented with three choices. One, ignore the Thracia banner except for the free roll. Two, spend as many orbs as I have on the Thracia banner and hope to pull a focus unit.

Are you a Jay or an Onyx?

Might as well reroll unless you’ve got a load of orbs squirreled away.

I guessing you dont have dews so out of those Lucina and Lyn is the best ones you have there. You can probably reroll and make an armor team with Zelgius Lyn/Hardin Grima and KeKtor right now.

the dude is whining "I don't want to whale so why are you giving me so many options? I can't pull everything at once pls stop IS"
literal retard

with a def bane and res boon I'd go with steady breath

ah yes if I want defenses I need to stay out of tier 20, the brain damage made me forget

I am jay

/feg/ is full of armchair art critics, it makes them feel important. ignore.


The art is just lackluster overall, so it's more obvious to point at it. For all the anticipation, it didn't meet expectations. Other banners had at least good art to overshadow the lesser ones.