/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

engrish edition

>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳They found your Slashberry stash:capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/15/
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released:game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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First for Leakerfags BTFO

OP distracted me from my own shitpost, nice

Can I get some water weapon recommendations? I'm split between the Jyura DB and LS, but the Water Shot III looks really good, but I don't know how to play bow. I just got a charge decoration so I'm tempted to learn it. I'm gonna be hunting uragaan and lavasioth, btw

Which weapon would Grug use? Hammer or GS?

Water against lavasioth is a big mistake

Jesus, the cringe in these comics are way too much for me.

You can practically see the obese thirsty virgin drawing them.

what's wrong with being a thirsty virgin

But it has three stars (and two when he's armored). I usually go DB vs him and just demon dance through the armor but that gets boring after a while

No, you don't understand, I made the leak because I want to kill myself.

/mhg/ erp rooms when


Your only duty in life is to reproduce. You can fail at anything but being able to get sex.

It's the lowest thing a man can be.

Bow and DB would be your best bet

Any rooms up?

That's just your reflection in the monitor.

what about being infertile
is that less low?

He posted, along with the image of a frog he spent four hours drawing in paint.

>frogposter thinks he's above anyone
>frogposter forgets he's on Veeky Forums

Is it normal for a MH vet for Bloodborne to feel super archaic? Like why does my character roll 10 miles away and stupid stamina managment.
My friend also got mad at me for not using the lock-on nor trying to parry.

I'm sick to death of hammer and shit lancers poking my shit all day unless I go with flinch res.
Of the ranged options, which is the best at letting me shit on melee assholes?

Isn't Veeky Forums the home of all frogposters though?

frogposters also have the highest DPS

its also the home of "thirsty virgins" so why whine about it?

HBG with wyvern ammo and cluster bombs

No it's not normal. MH vets know that other games are not MH and thus know the appreciate those games as not MH games, because not all games are MH.

I like lock on in BB because it gives you dashes instead of rolls.

how do i stop eating hits as gunlance in SoS's?

evade extender

Is there any particular reason Bazel armour is gladiatorial and Kush armour is like a centurion? Most are reflections of the creature in question (Nerg for example) or very self-explanatory (Teo is a lion, king of the jungle, so royal armour with crown; Vaal is undead, armour is necromancer/corpse bride-esque) but I don't get Bazel and Kush and feel like I'm missing something here.

>200 hours in
>slowly getting bored of temp. monsters
>really looking forward to a new monster getting added

I dont know how long I can stay motivated desu familia

I am having fun, don't worry I know it's a different game. I'm just asking how the transition went and if it took lots of time to not feel I'm playing against the mechanics. Old habits die hard.

i'm runnin EE+2, still eating hits. erratic Elders are pissing me off.

m8 just changes games already. we are destined to island hop from dlc to dlc

Other people can transition from one fighting game to another fighting game with ease.

>posting redditman


Has anyone gone through any great strides to bring MH weapons to life, sort of like those video game weapon blacksmithing YouTube channels?

Switch Axe and Charge Blade seem so impossible to make functional, not least because of their mass, but a slender, well-proportioned Switch Axe seems almost feasible, and would probably still look fantastic, even with its proportions reduced to something manageable. Something like a Danish axe knucklebow over a standard longsword or messer.

The real problem is the switch mechanism. Has anyone managed to make automated cosplay SAs to that end?

>my friend got mad at me for not playing the way he wants you to
Call him a faggot.
BB is just an entirely different animal - the two games are just barely the same genre. Play what you like, appreciate the game for what it is.

>using reddit memes like calling things reddit

b e g o n e

there was a japanese guy who managed to make a nice looking switch axe

just search for it on youtube

Some nip made a CB and LBG using cardboard

Are you on the spectrum?


i find neither bazel to be particularly gladiatorial nor kush to be particularly centurion-esque... sorry

I think Bazel is a one man army theme like Seregios?

I did find a CB that someone stuffed an electronic erector set into to make the SAED animation play, but I'm talking something you could actually HIT with.

Like making a CB is so improbable because there's no way, presumably, to have a nice blade with the structural integrity to stand up to impacts when using the axe.

Or for SA I don't see a good way to automate the switch action or to lock the blade/axe in place.

Real life Hidden Blades seemed to have hd a similar problem; there was just no way to get the blade to lock open after deploying.

I'm just really fucking bored.

Any rooms up?

Yeah but it absolutely fucks your camera on half the bosses. Game came out in 2015 and had a camera that instead of hiding the wall behind you placed the camera in your skull, shit's bonkers.

Kush armor isn't a centurion. It's a metal dragon, so the armor is your medieval looking metal plate.
Bazel armor is just trying to mimic its scales.

How quick is it to farm xeno in multiplayer? Singleplayer is a fucking nightmare, it takes SO FUCKING LONG


Expect 10-15-minutes.

I suppose if everyone was fully decked out in end-game gear you could shave a good third off.

honestly, don't do it with randoms. it will probably take even longer

Are traps gay, /mhg/?

Maybe not centurion specifically but it's very clearly greco-roman in design, more mythological than realistic but definitely not medieval.

Greco-Roman isn't medieval and certainly not that design. It is antiquity.

Goddamnit, can't say I didn't expect that answer - but I always hope to be wrong.

Thanks for the answer. That being said, what is the indicator that a weapon can get a higher sharpness level via handicraft? Is it just the colors not filling out the box?

Not necessarily, because weapons with blue sharpness that don't reach the end, like arena weapons, don't go into white even with 5 handi. Just throw on handi and look at the weapon tree from the blacksmith to confirm.

Are there any good Lance tutorials?

>Quest Failed

Not quicker at all.

I believe only the helmet is greco-roman

7BxbwmnuQWyR room still going, current status is comfy

Bazel's face is vaguely feline-esque.

you have to put on a handicraft charm and then put on or preview some armor with handicraft on it

Thanks mate. Sorry for shitting up the thread with nublet questions.

Looks like I'll have to ask mhg to carry me then

>is wanting to fuck another male gay
gee user what do you think?

It's inspired by Ornstein and Smough

You're good my dude. Also I should have said "some" weapons, because obviously others can go up in sharpness level. But yeah, just confirm it case by case.


MH is the greatest video game series in the world, nothing else matters tbqhwyf.

Only if they're 3D.

that is not how you spell call of duty

And the best MH is MHW

>that female kush armor
das it mane

Diablos is the lance tutorial

Post more!

>My friend also got mad at me for not using the lock-on

500 hour BB vet here. Your friend is a faggot.

You do not need lock-on for anything other than doing parries. Lock-on will get you killed more often than not. By learning how to play unlocked, there are many bosses that you can simply trivialize. Playing unlocked is also better for crowd control and keeping eye on multiple enemies at once.

Example? Have you gotten to Ebrietas? Most players generally consider her one of the toughest base game bosses. Want me to tell you how to make it easier? Play completely unlocked, stay in the mid range and run away from all of her attacks to avoid them. You can avoid EVERY single attack of hers this way. She has this specific attack where she tries to ram into you twice. If you are locked-on, trying to roll away when she does this will often fuck up your camera and cause you to sometimes even roll in a direction you didn't want to roll. If you simply run away from her when she does this, I guarantee you she will not be able to touch you AT ALL. I never was able to No Damage Ebrietas prior to unlocking, but once I unlocked, I have never once been hit by ANY of her attacks.

There are just so many examples of enemies that literally can't do anything to you if you play unlocked and run away from their attacks.

Ask me anything, fellow MH and BB hunter.

Anyone wanna do some crown farmin the coral highlands right now?

t. Felicia

It's in the pastebin

gtfo soulsshitter

I love both series to death. Sorry if that offends you.

If Soulsfags are mostly garbage, that's not my fault.

These are such nice designs, why's MHW's armory a collection of slutmog?

Protip: they aren't

>The best thing I can do in the game now is fight tempered elders in hopes of getting the streamstones and decorations I need.
>Play mostly solo because too afraid of randoms fucking up, even though this game encourages playing with other people.
Why the fuck did they think this would be okay?

Because they made everyone fat in the game.

>why's MHW's armory a collection of slutmog?
Everything post 2nd gen looks like that

>You do not need lock-on for anything other than doing parries
That's what my freind meant. Like try to lock on and parry the brick hulks in the starting town. I just stood away then slashed their butts.

Bazel armor seems to have something to do with valkyries. fitting for a bomber monster.

for Kushala, I dont really know. its full plate on both male a female, reflecting a dragon that's made of steel. that's about it, I guess.

Playing unlocked is for fags. Dashing is often superior to rolling because you can get into a combo from it a lot quicker. Real patricians bounce between locked and unlocked as the situation demands.

Pard! did you just call me fat?

Just play with /mhg/ sessions you absolute fag
I bet you are one of those retards who cart once early in coop then abandon the quest in shame

What makes you think it isn't?
The issue is not with the game design, it is with your unnatural fear of failure.

Kirin and Narg are both 1st and 2nd gen and guess what slut outfits are most popular.

>Armor existed since MHFU which came out in 2008
>Inspired by Ornstein and Smough, characters in a game that came out in 2011
Can't tell if retarded or bait.

I don't understand how it's somehow profound that you get steel armor for a steel dragon.

Kush armor is an hint to what happen to Kush when it die of old age and become trapped its own body/armor.
Bazel is probably war themed like Steve armor was.

some guys forged a bone GS

>why's MHW's armory a collection of slutmog?
They didn't want to come off as too "western" by making every huntress wear burkhas, considering the rampant bingposting about how westernized World is.

>Playing with /mhg/
>Hey dude, your life is in this guy's hands. By the way, there's a 50% chance he will lose it for you.


we're pondering the design choice of the steel.