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>tfw you'll be at work during the direct


>New Nintendo Direct on 3.8.2018
>Fire Emblem: Elegy for the Brave debuts on Nintendo Switch this summer. CG trailer shown.

>UPDATE The subtitle we provided for the new Fire Emblem title for Nintendo Switch may not be accurate - maybe and old/ WIP naming for the game. Thuough I am confident that the game's theme revolves around soldiers passing away.

>Not live streaming on the phone
Get good

Fe16 : elegy for the brave

The new main girl will look like Camilla.



>New characters tomorrow are the main Lord for the new game


>Leif, Finn and Nanna announced
>Nintendo Direct day after
NuFE keks about to be BTFO

elegy for the brave sounds so fucking gay

what happened to our cool-ass "one word and that's the title" names?

but the direct will probably show nunuFE

>Elegy for the Brave


>>Nintendo Direct day after
>NuFE keks about to be BTFO
What did he mean by this?

But the new games is also nuFE
Echoes too

Oh fuck.

It's happening.

>tfw will never be able to obtain this due to living circumstances
>even though the art looks mediocre it has sophia in it making me instantly interested

It will be two split games again with one true route

One good guy faction and one bad guy faction

All the grills will carry kids again

The female avatar will be generically ugly

I really want to build Leon, but I don't have any with good natures. I hate this, I want to honour him after he made my low turn count run of SoV way smoother than it would have been otherwise.

Please let there be FE Switch news so we can discuss something besides Gachashit.


>he thinks remakes of non-NU games are NU

What seasonals are we getting on Friday?

I hope the next banner isn’t the new switch characters desu.
It would show how low this fanbase has sunk if they roll for characters they know nothing about just because they look cool/ are cute/waifuable.

Not seasonals

Is so different it could be considered a different game

It's gonna be the FE4+5 remake, motherfuckers.
>elegy is a song for the dead
>second tweet talks about soldiers dying

>Don't have a switch ao i don't even care about FE16
Atleast will enjoy the shitshow from tomorrow

Got my Serra. Now the world is a brighter place!

Did I wake up to actual news or is this typical /feg/ autism?

If the game looks in anyway cell shaded like that pathetic excuse of a Xeno game, I'll pass.

I'm sorry but you're precious "Serika" aka the whore of Zofia is nuFE.

>defeat level 35 enemies with serra
>ranged training map is level 34
well fuck you too, IS

I'm actually going to be mad now if the Switch characters aren't on the new banner, thanks guys

>nothing fire emblem related stated by Nintendo
Take a guess

You woke up to an April Thracia banner and a Direct announcement

I expect something in the lines of Warriors/Zelda/Xeno

Who's /calmbeforethestorm/ here?

>the new game is totally called this
>but it also could be called something else too
I don't know why people believe fools like these all the time

Hopefully they dont pander to footfags...

neither, go back to sleep

What that leaf thing I saw in the last thread was legit? Neat, I’m interested in seeing what the do with a healer after all this powercreep. Unless they tome or sword nanna or something.

Everything after the titlescreen of FE1 is nu-fe garbage.

>The most exciting part about FE Switch is the prospect of more FEH characters

#FE units.

If any of you didn't buy a Switch for BotW, Odyssey, upcoming Pokemon, AND the FE we knew was coming, you're either lacking in funds and that's ok or a loser.

Looks like I'll probably be passing.

awakening kids

This is your FE16 female lead

Same reason people fall for fortune tellers/horoscopes.

I never had this many (you). This is what happens when you put tbe GHB unit as defense?

You have to go back

It's happening

If you're a sports fan you get used to it, basically just like how trade rumors work. You can take the general gist of things (FE is probably in the Direct), but the specific details are usually posturing.

>Defeat enemies lvl 35 with Serra
>Cleric from chapter 8 have 40+res
>Training maps enemies are lvl 34
It's another episode of

If she’s such a whore, where is she?

It's true but not until April. Next banner has to be fates awakening because Owain is in the next dlc for warriors.

The account revealed the date of the ND before the announcement, that's why he has some spotlights for the moment

Just my guess, I don't think they will go full realistic with FE but I could be wrong. We won't have to wait too much fortunately


>2k7 flags

Leif's skin color is actually accurate.

Mario and Pokemon are shit

I don't care about Zelda. And why would I buy something immediately for a game that isn't out yet? It would just be gathering dust for months and losing warranty coverage time.

The stores here have tons of them stocked too even when it was around Christmas. It's not like the Wii where you had to chase one down. I'll literally just walk in and get one on the game's release date.

you know its bad when even the village bike wants nothing to do with you

Shit. It’s a taste. My taste

Would you approve of a cousin making love to his cousin?

Sorry I'm not interested in nuFE, IS has to prove they can still make a decent game before I get excited again.

>fe switch banner on friday
>rock bottom since thracia is in april
>IS never touches fe16 characters again until they win cyl3 for some bizzare reason
can i just get leif's armor without the shithead? since that armor is the best part about that banner visually
training tower with armor box and slowly killing witch sb seal. just hope that enemy doesn't have renewal

what is this EPIK meme?

Did you keep the weapon on? It's probably because people were trying to find unequipped ones to complete the quests.

I have mine unequipped to help them out, but I still get a few defenses I guess just from people who needed to reset their defense team or something.

Grima Robin...epik

Head isn't that bad. If you can handle getting Ryoed this is nothing.

it's the armour that's off

>FE Switch is drawn by Ryo

>/feg/ is shit at our designated comfy hours
Guess I’ll go out for a milkshake or something...

>he didn’t level a savage blow 9 unit
You have no one to blame but yourself.

Doesn't it run better on the Wii U? I got baited into buying one of those and I'm not eager to give Nintendo more of my money.

Unironically a game for babies.

Has just been getting progressively lazier since Gen 5, the 3DS games were incredibly disappointing.

FE Switch might interest me, but they'll have to convince it it's not just another Fates, which I sitll haven't finished.

Only if it's femui

>Capturing enemy units drawn by Kozaki turns them into Ryombies
This is gonna be gud.

>Nanna is another sword cav with Earth sword

I used the Minerva map

>all the tertiaries who never played a FE game except Heroes will be flocking to FE Switch
Is it time? Can us nu-FEfags finally get the respect we deserve?

with everyone but you


How legit is this leaker? Where does he or she get this information?

Reply to this post only if you're happy if for both a new FE switch game or Tharcia.

The end of Heroes and gatcha kusoge is here. Rejoice.

BOTW CEMU (obviously)>> Switch >>Wii U

>Earth Sword is actually a staff and Nanna's a healer

Are you ready for faggots to commence spamming about 'how good Fates was' once FE16 releases?

I don't mind new FE fans. It's good for the series in general. What I don't like are complacent newfags to the series who worship the new games without trying out any of the older games.

The account just started a few days ago, but they did have the direct news first. Treat it with appropriate skepticism.

The only thing we know is that he leaked the date of the ND 1-2 days before the announcement


>le fates is bad meme
Conquest unironically had better gameplay than any game in the series. Awaka-shit is still the worst in the series though.

Except they've specifically said that FE16 will not be a remake.

I promised an user some giantess Minerva, and I'm a man of my word.
They weren't kidding about the models being shit, the bones are so fucking wonky compared to usual xps models, I couldn't even turn Minerva's eyes without deforming her face, so I had to build the scene around her standard eyes. Hopefully the models get better as they keep getting dumped.

Can't you just cheat engine IVs to get good ones?

Fates wasn't even that bad

Yeah, I do it all the time, you should do it too!