Asked pol but they suck

asked pol but they suck
which terrorist/insurgent organization, the taliban or isil/isis , poses the greater threat to us foreign security/interests and why?

the taliban poses like zero threat to america

why though?

a bunch of bumfuck religious leaders in afghanistan and northwest pakistan arent really scary on their own
we dont like them because they let bin laden stay there for a while but afaik they didnt do a lot when it comes to exporting terrorism


the pakistani taliban has already pledged allegiance to ISIS and has set up a number of training camps in Afghanistan.

so has boko haram

They pose no real threat Amerifats are just too scared to establish a proper police state along with racial profiling.

kek, they aren't a threat to anybody outside of their little pocket of the world anymore.

>which terrorist/insurgent organization poses the greater threat to us foreign security/interests


>boko haram

Nigeria and Afghanistan are incomparable in their security situation

nigeria has a sizeable christian demographic which will always ensure that boko haram will never take over the country while afghans will support terrorists if they belong to the same tribe. on top of that, the Afghan intelligence is rumoured to be supporting Pakistani Taliban/ISIS fighters to piss off Pakistan

but compared to isis itself, neither boko haram nor the taliban pose a real threat to america

when ISIS is inevitably pushed out of Iraq, they'll probably seek refuge in the mountains of Afghanistan.

then its isis itself posing a threat not the taliban

will you only begin considering taliban an equal threat when the taliban shelters ISIS like they sheltered Al Qaeda and numerous other Islamic insurgents?

id consider them a threat if they attacked america or another western country

Neither organization is really a threat but ISIS awakens the true spergy retard in Muslims everywhere and that's a threat to people.

>blaming the organizations and not the root cause

hosting the mastermind of 9/11 not enough for you?

they didn't do that
its not like i like the taliban anythign but they arent an offensive group
bin laden wouldve probably been able to hide in afghanistan regardless, its a clusterfuck of a country

by that i mean 9/11
afaik the taliban had no part in performing 9/11, they just let al-qaeda fighters hide there

None of them do. They're just the proverbial thorn in the lions paw. China is the lurking danger.

Imagine if we let Hitler have an camp in the Bavarian mountains because he wasn't a threat.

Nazism functions entirely differently than radical jihadism
and im not saying hitler wouldnt be a threat, it would be that the administration that lets him be there isnt really doing anything threatening

If Hitler hung out in the Bavarian Mountains and knew he'd be assassinated if he ever poked his head out of his camp, then he really WOULDN'T be a threat. I mean, sure, he could send a couple guys with bombs to blow up a bus every now and then, which certainly ain't good, but him being Hitler doesn't make him any more threatening then the next basket of crazies with access to bombs, or the next one after that.

OBL had a number of supporters in afghansitan but they were either defeated by the taliban and forced to join the northern alliance or joined the taliban. By the time the Taliban was in charge (with the support of Al Qaeda fighters), OBL was despised by most of the opposition

>when ISIS is inevitably pushed out of Iraq, they'll probably seek refuge in the mountains of Afghanistan.


The problem with Radical Islam is that it says you have to wage war against the infidel.

Changes are the Taliban was too busy fighting the northern coalition, but if they won out with them, they would have focused on exporting their version of Islam. That might mean attacking Pakistan or sending people to the west to do various terrorist attacks.

Its not that Isis will ever had the military power to invade Washington and defeat the US government.

Its just if we leave them alone, they will eventully get around to sending terrorists that way. These people would not be satisfied even if they destroyed Israel and over threw the Sauds and have control over the middle east.

As long as infidels exist they will be hot and bothered.

Maybe it will be only a few nightclubs shot up, but still... They will be trying to kill us until we kill them off.

That's not really a threat
There are plenty of non-muslim people who want to destroy the West for a variety of reasons but they aren't threats because they lack the actual means to do it

the same way pakistani taliban have been able to travel to syria

So about all those people who died in France...

they werent killed by the taliban

No shit.

I thought leaving Isis alone was something you were suggesting too, or am I wrong?

not at all

short term: isis
long term: taliban

ISIS will burn brightly but it will burn out pretty fast

the Taliban are different in that they represent the Pashtun ethnicity who have been messed with for decades, they don't have insanely belligerent goals but they aren't going anywhere, they will smoulder and provide a haven for terrorism and the heroin trade until afghanistan finally heals which could be decades from now

Does anyone here think we will ever see peace in the middle east in our lifetimes? Or will it always be war and bloodshed?

lasting peace isnt possible unless theres a powerful entity enforcing it

How do we kill them off though? Would the attacks just stop if we destroyed all the Islamic terror organisations of any real relevance? Or will more emerge even if all the current ones are eliminated due to whatever culture, ideology or motivation gave birth to them in the first place?