OT :
/lolg/ - League of Legends general
When's the update bros
You let a diaper pedo win user
How do you feel now?
nobody cares
Sona has lovely tits!
I wanna cuddle Jinx and spoil her with nice things and affection
xth for EUW
say hi to euw friendos thanks
>from your discipline
there were like 6 different winners, she couldn't change the email?
also you have to meet Burch, lol
Lee sin.
you literally can't even hover him without someone sperging out talking about insec or gripex
Man I am really starting to hate this shit.
Unironically how do i git gud? I'm D5
i can get to D3 if i played tanks only but i love Taliyah too much to play anything else
What is the trick?
Lots and lots of trannies
KIed is adorable! So fluffy! Has the best ears! The cutest butt! The strongest axe!!
I hope you Anons have a wonderful and swell day!
Nami for cuteposting!
>have 2 chests
>save them for 8.5 in the hopes of a legendary
>get this fucking circle icon and death blossom khazix
fuck riot i hope they die
>I wanna cuddle Jinx and spoil her with nice things and affection
If that's all you want to do then why do you have a boner? That's not required for doing either one of those things.
>Got the best skin for the best jungler
>still no kai'sa
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
I don't know but good luck!
You too user!
No rules said I can't and she prefers it for bullying
>voice actor changed to Vi
>her laugh is worse than her default
>looks basically the same in every form
>nothing special that's why it's cheaper
>just a skin that comes with chromas
>concepts were better
nami is CUTE and lewd
At least you don't have a cursed ultimate skin shard that will forever take a slot of your loot inventory
you can't cuddlefugg without a boner
>support is a retard who keeps trying to poke but instead keeps losing trades and ends up hiding behind me entire laning phase
fuck support players
When you get there please tell burch to go fuck himself
Say hi to Burch from us and remind him that literally no one likes him
Would you check out her guns?
xth for the biggest and best breast in league of legends!
And the biggest and best ass!
I love botlane!
Nah, I liked the guns in the original concept art more
actually I do
I don't even own khazix and that skin sucks anyway
>tfw no dragonpussy to cuddle with
its not fair
Do normalfags actually like le quirky robot on GGMF? I don't understand how anyone could think that shit wasn't unbearable to listen to also it fucking reeks of Burch
He wished you good luck though I would honor him
Not lewd! Just cute!
so when can I purchase my new wife, kaisa?
Maybe your support was countered by the enemy adc and support!
I never lose trades or hide behind my adc!
>fuck support players
Rude user you don't deserve a good support!
where the fuck is Kai'Sa
Reddit is getting frontpage posts to explain how bad the skin is
I reckon most people are disappointed
So glorious!
Nami can do both!
if your robot isn't quirky like destiny 2 "sjw edition" nobody will like it
Post the riot support answer about if it's safe for your dick to fuck her
so whats up with the lethality adc?
is it meta now?
and where I can look for meta shit or whatever it called?
t. silver 4 with 2 month lol experience
Just play support!
In the trash, where she belongs.
Fuck off queer
What the fuck? What contest?
Outdated shitter cheese build that was fun preseason.
>ywn cuddlefugg Shyvana while she gently milks your dick
Nice, I love those
>expect copsmic xayah to be slutty as fuck since it shows ton of hot galactic slut flesh.
>in game it's frumpy as fuck
I don't know what I'm even expecting anymore.
lethality adc is not meta and is absolutely garbage. if the enemy team has a lethality adc they will never beat a crit adc. You think Tristana builds lethality?
Enemy team with a lethality adc is a free win.
>where can I look for meta shit
Watch lcs, observe what champions are strong and picked the most. You'll see it reflected on lolg match posts as well.
>mfw I preordered destiny 2
Riot short story contest, results came out two days ago.
Let's suffer together brother
>a console mmo
>irvin skin finally on sale
damn, nice
But, I just want CUTE, not lewd
>play ranked
>op.gg my team
>a fucking bronze 1 top laner
>enemy team steals my adc pick
>extremely tilted
>lock in my best champion
>nobody dodges
>play like normal with my nami support
>rush cancer build
>all of a sudden enemy team is trash
>i can't believe it
>win game
Some players don't deserve to play league.
Anyone else excited for pool party Zoe?
that means LITERALLY anything,right?
post it i want to read it
>hiding your items
yeahit does
unironically yes the blue hair is CUTE
I thought they would take what they learned from destiny 1 and make a good sequel, and I was happy it was coming to pc. I also thought it would actually be an mmo, not a single player game with some multiplayer content but no voice or even text chat because we don't want to enable """""""""toxicity""""""""""
Last one
>Get to plat spamming warwick because nobody banned him
>As soon as I reach plat people start banning him
>Literally struggling to maintain p5.
What the fuck do I do to git gud now?
Here bud have fun
>roastie projecting her own infertility onto Riven
This answer is not canon.
I'm VERY excited
When Mordekaiser gets his rework will he still be edgy?
Stop caring about meta specially in super low elo
>Not owning all Champs
why the fuck did you hide your items???? you think you're playing something so broken that you can't show it off because the majority here are low elo and you dont want them finding out your L33t build???
even if it was some sort of weird build that made it ezpz to play soraka, which i doubt anyways, low elo players cant just pick shit up and make it work, hell even after playing it for a whole season they'll still be shit at it
>still no voice chat
just wow
voice chat would help low elo to be a better place because the lack of communication is the main problem here
B-but what if people get their fee-fees hurt
>hide items
>people become insecure and butthurt
nigga idc I've seen people copy my builds before when I was in plat and it bugged the fuck out of me because i wouldn't even play against myself
i dodge games with soraka in it fuck that lmao
Just going to need some intensive healing&fertility therapy from Soraka.
>wanting to talk to the 4 autists on your team
>new Taliyah skin looks really cute and I'm actually excited for it
>cucks already ruined it before it's even on PBE
>12 hours since patch released
>No Kai'sa
I don't understand but it hurts.
>pick Diana for the first time in like 4 years
>this shit happens
What could I have done better?
>mute doter2 voice because tired of hearing slavs bitching at me when I miss a pudge hook or something
>implying anyone wants to hear 13 year olds, gamer "girls", and whiny limp dick soyboys in their games
I'm going to stick with pings and emotes, thank you very much.