Jim Henson's Factorio Edition Previous jej: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread. Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/
WebM for physicians: >gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter.git
List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask): >Algodoo >Avorion >Besiege >Chode - Children of a Dead Earth >Corneroids >Crossout >Empyrion - Galactic Survival >Factorio >From the Depths >GearBlocks >Garry's mod >Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox >Infinifactory >Intersteller Rift >KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People >Machinecraft >Opus Magnum >REM >Robocraft >Robot Arena >Scrap Mechanic >SHENZEN I/O >Space Engineers >SpaceChem >StarMaden b >Stormworks >Skywanderers >TerraTech >Wayward Terran Frontier
Games that are definitely not /egg/: >Minecraft >The general that quite literally cannot be named.The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off. Look it up on desuarchive and stop asking. >underageb& who won't use the search function and also won't read where are they posting
>results of various combinations of "homeworld Kadeeshian mothership" all redirect to "Kardashians"
Why are they still relevant? Pic related
Benjamin Phillips
Gavin Hall
Jonathan Campbell
Cameron Ortiz
Jackson Baker
The windy valley mission in the ice area has such a small area to work with (that isn't being blasted with blizzards) that I don't even bother with a slingshot, I just pile some bombs behind the core and adjust the angle slightly
Easton Baker
>no kessler bomb
its like you dont even warbros
Jacob Clark
Factorio is seriously addictive, it must be the autism. I sat down to a new factory and played for 8 hours, slept for 4, then got up and tore the whole thing down and redesign, playing for another 6. Now I'm seriously tempted to restart because my blue pack production is way too slow
Caleb Gutierrez
? why would you restart instead of just fucking building a couple more assemblers...
Austin Collins
Me too
Blake Peterson
Chode any good? How does it compare to, say, from the depths?
Cameron Bennett
>chode Nah, even IRift is better >How does it compare to, say, from the depths At first glance you feel like you aren't so restricted when it comes to building, but once you get the hang of things, you will realize you are just as restricted
Evan Hall
>IRift What? Link, google isn't being helpful (unless you maen fucking roblox)
Evan Mitchell
Short for Interstellar Rift
James Hernandez
How is the engineering? Can i tweak my gunz, missiles and lazors in autistic detail? Chose how THICC i want my armor to be to the centimeter? Heat and radiators? Powerplant? Wether the engines are for long distance coasting or burn all the fuel like there is no tomorrow?
Grayson Reed
Why am I so bad at this game?
Wyatt Morgan
>Nah, even IRift is better You're such a massive faggot here's some OC to commemorate your faggotry
It was an excellent plot twist and they were annoyingly hard for first time encounters.
Benjamin Rivera
I wish they joined you in the game. Fucking up the Taiidan would have been easier.
Lincoln Torres
Christopher Phillips
Skywanderer Hate his voice if you want, hate our ESL if you want, but you've got to admit he make creating artistic design look easy as hell. youtube.com/watch?v=RrDT9T4ao4Q
>pacifique rim >gendam >fantastique build >honhonhon the entire way
Sebastian Wood
>no working elbows or knees >mech just ice skates around with perfectly straight legs and arms >no chance of it tipping over
Too bad the terrain has to be made of fucking blocks. Removes any chances for proper ground combat vehicles.
Sebastian Garcia
Not possible, the demo would be the current build and gamer are never satisfied unless they can test the release build.
Gabriel Davis
Aegis jewfag here.
Just came to the stupidly obvious conclusion as to why 5 aegises with -20% cooldown aren't reaching 100% shield uptime. Because they don't regenerate while active. Fuck. With 10% bonus from co-driver and 20% cooldown from engine, 5 aegises provide 5*4.4 uptime and a cooldown of 24.4 each. Theoretically that gives 2.4 seconds of downtime, though it feels like an eternity.
Also just realized bigfoots are a great alternative to hovers for cheetah+aegis cheese. Really fucking tempted but that's just nowhere near as fun as driving around with a front-facing mandrake fusion bot. But experimental results show that it's feasible to get the 20% reduction from cheetah engines four times with bigfoots in 10 seconds. I dare fucking say I could recharge a single shield in a solid 8 seconds or so, thus requiring a minimum of 3 aegis shields + 1 cheetah engine (10 energy investment) for 100% shield uptime, providing you keep moving. Fuck being movingn 24/7 though.
Joseph Roberts
Josiah Mitchell
People will play what they have and /egg/ is used to eternal alpha/beta we expect things to be shit so anything good happening can only be a pleasant surprise
Christopher Harris
"""demo""", official or not. Even better if it's the starmade way of making a demo.
Blake Brooks
>starmade way of making a demo You mean the demo being the best version of the game before entering development hell for 5 years?
Carson James
Cooper Wright
>o'neill cylinder >aircraft takes off >hovers in place as the station rotates >lands when it's destination rotates below it Would this work?
Asher Scott
how well would it work?
Jeremiah Morales
what is point of reference?
Hunter Cook
Has anyone tried trailmaker? Price is pretty high for an early access.
Dominic Russell
not well it'd be better to just fly there
Connor Campbell
Considering the atmosphere would be rotating with the cylinder unless it;s only recently been completed, it would not really work.
Christopher Young
The Earth spins too, why does nobody do that here?
Carson Taylor
But what if it has wings
Gavin Scott
How would it hover, then? How would wings impact it's ability to hover in the same place? Are the wings then irrelevant.
Evan Murphy
Dude Unless this craft is going through the centre axis where there is no 'gravity' or atmosphere, your idea is the same as an average flight. And if it does this, it might as well be a reuseable rocket.
Christopher Gutierrez
anyone remember that 2d topdown game with atmospheric simulation where you had to board enemy ships and shit? you control several people
I don't know if it's been released or not, and I have no idea what it's called only thing I remember is a screenshot
Anthony Ortiz
We kind of already do, except it's because of the Jet Stream. but it does take less time flying east than west.
Kevin Kelly
>aircraft >hover >efficient pick two and only two
Joshua Thompson
Heatsignature? by the gunpoint devs
Jonathan Campbell
sono polizia
Juan Roberts
Easton Smith
>Heatsignature no god no
I remember it looking way more autistic than any of those games and it's not ss13
Michael Rivera
not wtf, right?
Xavier Nelson
what's wtf
Adrian Rivera
what the fuck
Eli Fisher
Duskers? You control a squad of remote salvage drones, and everything's rendered as wireframes. Although it only has "atmospheric simulation" in the sense that if you open an exterior door, things get blown out.
Xavier Perez
that wh40k game?
Colton Walker
don't think it was 40k
I believe the artstyle was almost similar to barotrauma, but top down
Jonathan Perry
are you the dev of wtf shilling his game again
Elijah Rodriguez
Should I buy Avorion? I do really like space ships.
Julian Ross
what is wtf
Blake Edwards
wonky titty faggots
William Jackson
willies that fugg
Michael Allen
>amberlamps horn
Brandon Edwards
in english this time
Juan Garcia
>misused meme no, fuck you don't want to help anymore
Chase Martinez
Wandering Tellus Fringe: Zot Flags
Juan Bennett
Liam Garcia
Wonka's toblerone factory
Joseph Cox
worm tickling fetish
Aaron Price
try looking at the initials, and then looking at the OP, and see which game matches.
Austin Robinson
is it good or is it bad?
David Diaz
Waterworld: Terra Firma
Jordan Perry
that's subjective
Mason Ramirez
water the figs
Chase Howard
wombat tidal formation
Nolan Wilson
Winner Tinner Finner
Daniel Reed
if waterworld wasn't one of those dime a dozen kevin costner movies it might actually make a nice premise for a game >whole world of water >make bote or die >old oil tankers and cargo ships become either floating towns or raider bases >aircraft carriers become city-states with flotilla of escort and support vessels
Then there's the chaps who do diving work to salvage from the towns that used to be at high elevations
Xavier Barnes
Enjoy your scurvy.
Anthony Fisher
>not having orange farms in your hydroponics
Julian Kelly
Elijah Roberts
Asher Davis
Adrian King
>lol dude hovers are so hard to use and require so much skill
Christian Robinson
is he really doing that if yes thats pretty cool, they usally shill on reddit and ignore the chans
Jayden Hill
I g otta imagine that it is a dev, the game isn't finished enough to have actual people playing it & recommending it to others
Anthony Sullivan
if it had moddable parts i would play it fucking around in some obscenely overpowered ship could be fun
John Reyes
wearable trope factory
Adam Brown
The setting would be a nice universe to expand. But the movie and videogame and novel had bad reviews.
Christian Butler
Gmod naval play was sort of like this
Kayden Nguyen
>crossout devs refuse to answer my question about if anything will ever be done about hovers dominating races
Brandon Nelson
yeh lol prenerf, tho I have more videos of sloppy ballerina dancing if you want to see them.
Juan White
as if any movie with dennis hopper in it can possibly be not enjoyable next you'll be saying any movie with brian blessed in it is not automatically a masterpiece
Joseph Hernandez
gotta think outside the box >hey devs when are you going to nerf bigfoot wheels their perk is too competitive against hovers in racing