/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General



>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳They found your Slashberry stash:capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/15/
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released:game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Other urls found in this thread:


>QR codes for XX info
what the actual fuck?

>the bought mhgen with my trans GF
>We've spent over 100 hours on it
>Tfw finally understand bow and finally am good at it
>Tfw hr 3 now
>Tfw my life is good
>Tfw a month ago I couldn't even beat arzuros
>Tfw decent now

*sniff sniff*

>Quick Reference
>Quick Reference
>that pic

Jesus Christ elemental bows shit out damage. So much for the element is shit meme.

Post screeenshots



have you never hacked a 3ds in your life?


>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>buying Gen when XX exists
nice made up story

Can I get a Quick Reference on these two?

>My OC is the OP pic

also available in ball

I tried to make the main part of his fur similar to a Russian blue.

>100 hours
>can't beat bear
I'd call you a liar if I didn't remember your posts.

What's with all the Bing shit in the OP?

It is really your OC if I finished it for you user?

back to discord, shoo


I don't play videogames often nor would I spend money on a console game anymore. I own a 3ds from 2013. She wants to buy me a PS4 but I'm not buying one for myself.

I can beat the bears now!
I'm a good bow..tbf I've never did it solo but I know I'm getting better because she used a hammer against astalos and she mains charge blade. She only picked hammer because sharpness I guess..melee problems uwu


XX is for 3ds you colossal retard.

Yes since that's from when I grabbed your write out of it and changed gruggettes to kirinsluts, then went back to the archived thread to screencap it thanks for writing it out and coming up with something for the russian epic part though

>100 hours
>hr 3
Nigga what the fuck, I have 40 hours in XX and I'm HR5.

Do I go for a small bar of white with protective polish
or a big chunk of white with no protective polish

asking for my grandma

Did you just completely disregard Village or what?

It's the one that she had! She had for a while but never played it so I saw it cheap and bought it and played it. I don't play games I'm a 26 year old man who works 13hours a day at a factory trying to make something of myself. I am a MAN. I ain't got TIMMEEE for this! I create I don't consume!

These tempered Kush are awesome. You guys are great.

Village 8, guild 5. Completely solo.

It's a joint effort now you faggot

Is there a point to using the GWJ other than looking very good? Its sharpness caps at blue, it has only one augment slot, and its dragon counterparts seem to be straight up better despite being elemental weapons.

03/07/18(Wed)17:10:46 No.207644570
List of players you can play with in /mhg/ sessions!
I haven't been able to play with /mhg/ for two days, so this may be slightly outdated.

Choir Girl Vicky
Emi Tsuju
Vandark Holme
Bloodlust Mira

If you see any of these names, please send them your guild card! If you do not see your name on here, do not worry, the list is still being updated. If you are a friendly player, you may find yourself on the list! Happy Hunting!

no way thats groce

I really like this one, it's very layered.


Roughly the same unless you need that dragon damage. The handi requirement offsets the damage increase when you sub in elementless.

I don't know, it's a bit tryhard and definitely not nearly subtle enough.

>his Huntress is a whore and not a fashionable lady

Why are you people such shitters?


pic unrelated

>trannies want to be promiscuous trash
wew big surprise there ey lad?

whats the best way to get a guild quest with double monsters?
do expeditions and kill 2 monsters? is there a number of monsters that triggers getting doubles?

My trans GF wants to buy me a PS4..

Is the new mh any good?

>People have started sending me guild cards in /mhg/ sessions

In MH4U, does having more people in a hunt reduce each persons attack power?

hello where is room???????????????????


>My trans GF
Is this the hottest new meme?

>Literally 3 minute tempered Kush
Holy shit.

Place your bets.


Is 2 handi enough? There isn't a whole lot of blue in that sharpness bar IIRC.

just how many rules are there?

monster hunting is NO JOKE

Dumb anime poster

Is that the female Lumu chest? I love it.

Whereabouts does this occur?


Probably the official launch of the spring update plus teaser for the summer update or content timeline. March 9th probably only has Jho as an event quest.
Still no PC update because it's a Japanese livestream and Japan only has PS4.
The first twenty minutes will be merchandise shilling though.

When monsters rage like astalos etc are you supposed to still attack or just run away until they are done?

I mean you don't need handi with GWJ like you do with Vaal. With elementless, you net roughly the same damage as white Vaal. The blue should last you quite a bit especially if you are true charging.


This is some beautiful lancing

Thanks to the user in the last thread who reccomended me the Rathian CB set for my non-SAED focused build. Currently I'm mixed on getting Protective Polish or not

Dear Hecatelia [Critical Jewel 2] [Tenderizer Jewel 2]
Augment:(+18 Attack / + 10% Aff)

Dragonking Eyepatch a [Handicraft Jewel 3] or [Sharp Jewel 2]
Kushala Cista B [Mighty Jewel 2]
Uragaan Vambraces B [Mighty Jewel 2]
Nergigante Coil B [Mighty Jewel 2]
Death Stench Heel B [Attack Jewel 1] [Attack Jewel 1]
Artillery Charm

Attack: 799
Sharpness: White
Affinity: 45% (95% with Weakness Exploit)

Armor Skills

Handicraft 5
Attack 4
Weakness Exploit L3
Artillery 3
Maximum Might L3
Critical Boost L1
Guard L1

I have about 400 Attack less than Diablos CB (fucking Non-Ele Boost] but infinitely more fun than it, and i have a stylin CB.
Thanks user!

ID: 4y3XKYdAjwxu
Come join /mhg/!

Have you done any requests or did you just rush key quests? I'm Village 9 HR5 and almost 90 hours in.

>400 hours
>literally never touched multiplayer
who /sociallyretarded/ here?

I really hope Jho's armor is good for IG because I fucking hate having to wear Xeno gear.

What investigations should I grind for Rathian Spike+

Rathian or Pink Rathian?

>non-SAED focused CB
You are literally the corner horn equivalent of CB. cool dude, you should post your build to reddit, they love subiptimal builds

>3 mighty jewels
nice dupes too

cute armor, hon

That hairstyle clips through the bottom of the fluffy thing.
I know because it's my favorite hairstyle and I want my huntress to wear the Lumu set but that bothered my autism too much.

You're just regular retarded at this point because MH World's multiplayer has 0 socialization.

ywn jho setbonus will be negate hunger and minds eye

Not quite as high as you, just got to 90 hours and I've never played with anyone else. Due to work I'm lucky if I can play more than an hour or two most days, with a few more on my day off.

If Bazel is attracted by monster roars, will Jho be attracted to stuff like small monsters dying or parts breaking because it smells the blood?

Is tempered Kush easier with four people? I fought him with some rando once and I've been scared of going up against him in MP ever since.

Still prettier than the Handler.

is jho actually coming this Friday?

I want Mizutsune back specifically so we can get more art of the armor.

Tempered Elders is just constant flashbangs.


Nice trips.

We dont know, it's all speculation.

am i shadowbanned

Thoughts on my build. I can kill tempered Nerg on average in around 6 to 7 mins with IG despite this being a very defensive build. Only thing I really need I feel is some crit boost decos.

>HR30 T2 event for picking mushrooms
>Shares its event quest name with Jho quests from the past
>random Pukei Pukei track
>Jho's first appearance was a Peco quest invasion
>brute wyvern bounty this week ending on Friday when events change on Thursday
I don't know user, I'm not good at puzzle games.

Maybe. All shitposts and no proofs.

That's amazing

This has to be bait

Post make-up sliders so I can steal them

>Have gotten literally every streamstone except the one I need

>monster hunter world spring direct on the 14th
I don't think so

No reason to be a dick m8.

Hunter's Set a is fashionable as fuck though.

Is this a joke?

>am too burned out to play anymore and never got a Stremstone I needed
>Probably wouldn't want to use it anyway because I might wind up wishing I'd used it on a different weapon

Why bother with crit boost decos when your affinity is only at about 50%?
You're better off raising it before putting in crit boost.

>mfw sitting on 7 lance streamstones
I don't even have a face for this BULLSHIT

what are some good non-generic hammer skills?

so no stuff like weakness exploit, attack up etc.


Affinity Slider