/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Zero Edition

Previously, on /wtg/ >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Other urls found in this thread:


First for China and Russia are the best nations in the world


>cross-thread autistic screeching

no hope for you whatsoever


Death to gooks


More Reggiane Soon™?

>try it in the test server
Its going to be clubbed by anyone with half a brain.

As it should be

it felt pretty decent at 2.0 desu. Kinda like a P-36A but with 2x Pasta fiddies. Good turnfighter at least

> Implying WT players are smart

>notice me

All this hype for literally fucking nothing

There's a lot of Reggianes that were passed to development a month or two ago. Check page 2.

no ty I prefer Parma Reggiano

Ye saw those ages ago. I'm more hyped for the French jets on the passed to dev section like the Mystere IV and the Etendards, but it's passed to dev so there's a good chance they won't add them

>call the Bf 109 the Me 109 in chat
>wehraboo chimpouts ensue
is there any better way to get a reaction out of them?

I just did my first couple games with the pasta F-84G, is there anything that stomps low BR jets harder than this thing?
I almost feel bad for playing it, and I don't even have more than one modification unlocked

the yak23 is a lot worse

G.91 and Yak-30

Update 2 from last night: Almost got the F9F-5 just from playing a few games in the B-57B. Hit Rank 100 and got 1mil SL but I'm gonna save for the burger F-84G.

Why does SL exist

G.91 R/1, Yak-23, Yak-30, La-15 and the F-84G are all stompers at too high a BR . Also soon to be the La-200

Too low*

But the La-200 is at 8.0. It's going to spend most of its games at 9.0.

where do I unsubscribe

Then why do the G.91, Komet and Rocket Me 262 rape Allied 7.0 seemingly every game?

Is there some place in game files where I can find plane properties? Like wing area, weight, max G loading? I want to try to buy a table of plane properties to compare planes and I want to use in game numbers because I know they aren't accurate to real life and I don't know if the wiki is up to date

Except it is so good that people will have no fear of a 9.0 uptier so they will play it often, unlike the F2H or F3D, which means that more 7.0-8.0 matches will be created, allowing the club

what if this game was good?

what if you were into vidya?


Things like this are the exact reason we will never get the bomber mozzies.

Reminder the Abrams turret ring is more than 200mm thick

that isn't what the russian website created a few weeks ago says ))))))))))

Isn't that only for the M1A1 onwards though?

Yes, and the mantlets of the M60s are hollow

No its the M1

I fear that this will be the new patton hollow mantlet, i would love to see literally any source that the abrams has an 80mm turret ring not the 215mm that every other source says

80mm would be an improvement, since we have 38.5mm now.

Even worse than I though, has someone posted to the forums?

I want to at least hear gaijin's excuse

hollow turret ring)))

looks like 80mm to me)))))))))

what did i hear?70mm?

>a bad pilot can't even handle the steering wheel

yes it looks like approximately 60mm

okok we fix we buff to 50mm very strong now

It's clearly 50mm goys my eyes never lie!

ok 20mm! thread closed!

warning administered, do not challenge or question the developers (((((( also we are right , thread locked

>pasta niggers were hyped for literally fucking nothing
wow oh my, C1 ariete next am i rite

Are you completely sure that's an orignal m1?

I'm sure it's not 38.5mm either, but we need to have completely correct info to not get )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>still playing WT in 2018
You should have stopped in 2014
I stopped in late 2015 and it was bad enough

can anybody post it on forum and see the reactions? im banned till 12th from posting

Dev server fucking when?

This worth it? I haven't played the A-5 in a while

>giving slav subhumans money

I hopped over to War Thunder because it's sort of got the gameplay I want for tanks. I was sick of WoT. I wish someone made something better already.

>mfw I take out the 190 F8 for the first time
I never thought I'd miss the duck's handling

i'm sorry that you had to play the bullcrap that is WT tanks
it was actually way better during the CBT

Can you post sources for this? If it really is ~200mm on the base M1 and they fucked it up this bad, then that's a fucking travesty.
Not trying to be the proofster))))))) but we need sources to change shit

Everything after 2015 was a mistake.

We could give them they guys who designed and built the M1 and they'd still deny it being 200mm+. There have been threads about US armor and guns being wrong since the US CBT and they still haven't been fixed.

I mean it's a picture, its difficult to get more concrete than that

Here's another source saying it's 215


At this point regardless of what it is, I want Gaijin's source that it's as weak as it is.

>look mom, i am luring

I know, though I only got to play it when tanks went OBT and it was still decent then if a bit dodgy in places. I still have my old SB winrates sitting there on german tanks.

wait for IL2 Tank Crew but its not a babby game. take it as you will.

WT died for me the day they removed instant wing ripoff and added the timer shit
all to cater to the retarded spacefires players

>hey look at me, i was playing this videogame longer than y'all
>im a special snowflake
>therefore my opinion is way much more important than yours

Thats good for you, mate, seriously

>instant wing ripoff
>timer thing
I played for years until I began RB, but this is interesting. Care to explain what it was?

dlaczego w ogóle ktoś lubi kobiety z dużymi dupskami (ja)?
i nie pierdolcie że muh dobra płodność bo to że ktoś ma tłuste dupsko to chuja jest z tym powiązane
kiedy w życiu mój mózg przestawił się z lubienia smukłych modelek na barphogi
nie mogę sobie przypomnieć żadnego zdarzenia które by miało na mnie taki efekt

ops, wrong thread


Is there a "best belt" for shvak cannons? People have said to use ground targets for the highest concentration of HE rounds but I heard russian HE was bad and their FI/FI-T rounds were good.

Should I be using stealth or tracers (most FI/FI-T) or ground targets for most HE?


FI-T is useless against anything with more than one engine.

>playing slav(e)s

i don't know if it's still like that, but before if you pulled too many G's your wings would rip off the plane
this of course upsets many spitshitters and zero players
around 2016 or 15 Gaijin changed it and added a timer (around 3 seconds) of "too many G's" warning, just to hold hands of spits some more

call me a shill but this doesn't look very thick, maybe 150 mm?

Oh I see, now that I think about the times I've ripped my wings that does seem what is happening

Some planes can handle extreme overloads for what seems to be indefinitely. I pull like a solid 5 seconds of extreme overload in the Hurricane Mk.II without ripping

Thiccness is less relevant than effective thiccness

>Mig15bis and Mig17
>static g tolerance of 18+ Gs
>static g tolerance of 12Gs
seriously, the F-86 has got to have stronger wings than the Mig, how did they determine the Mig can take so many more Gs than the F-86?

Solid vibranium wing spars. Maybe if the West did spend so much time trying to oppress black people Wakanda would share some tech with you backwards savages

press S to spit on every teeb that has ever lived on this planet

Did the MBT-70 also have blowout panels?
The internal structure seems very similar to the M1.

Give a (You) if you think it's hilarious when wehrtards sperg

>different planes can hold different G forces
are you serious?

Do you have anything that can top this?


t. shitter that got shot down by a spitfire

not him but spitfire players don't really have the right to call anyone a shitter
except for people who play the first one with 4 hispanos, can't remember the model


Mk 5c


The tier 3 quad cannon is really powerful, what do you mean by this


so? thickness doesn't matter as much as what type of material
you can have 500mm of aluminum in there and it will be weaker than 150mm of armored steel

>this mad his shitty inferior plane died to a fighter with a carbureted engine
like lmao nigga just neg G. dive like nigga it's ez you just need skil-- oh wait I forgot g*rman players are chronic shitters lmfao
