/lolg/ - League of Legends general

Old Thread: Riot QUALITY edition

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Best champ

Comfy GFs!


Never suffer lolifags.

*races in from another room*
*sweating profusely*


*coughs, clears throat*


*color starts flushing out of his face*


*gets faint, grabs nearby fedora*
*tips fedora*
*passes out*

>He doesn't know how to kite for 8 seconds
Stay mad silver surfer.
>Not maining muscle wife.

is it normal for you guys too that you always honour your support (assuming you're adc) regardless of who carried the game? like there are games where nothing happens bot and the rest of the team pops off and we just get a fre ewin, but i'll still only honour my support. i always get one honour too, so i assume it's from my support.

Why did no one notice shes an ASS QUEEN!

Annie is made for breeding.

why don't you have anti aliasing on?

because despite being literally a womanlet, mf's ass is bigger in her latest skin


Everyone is too distracted by how fucking garbage she is

That's awful

I don't really get this guy, is he doing it because he thinks he is triggering people or because it is giving him some fame?

Because she is the ugliest champion in the game with a poo face.

this site in a nutshell desu

they can go 0/30/0 and as long as they keep a good attitude and MUTE/DO NOT RESPOND TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE OBVIOUSLY FLAMING THEM they will get my honour. the only other time I flat out refuse to honour my adc is if they actively flame me for their own incompetence.


no bc im not a fag

Support/ADC bro code, unless they were really awful or a huge dick you always honour each other.

I kind of assume top/jungler do the same thing with each other.

It's almost a decade since memes of legends released and people still have trouble dealing against blitz's grab. The worst part is that riot even gave away in their load screen hint how to deal against the grab, and people still have issues.

Heck, even naut and thresh grabs are scripted the same way blitz's work minus the full range pull and most players can somehow deal with it with their mental gymnastics. But no, once it's a blitz that does the hook shot, everyone just forgets how to dodge and starts crying how broken it is.

>b-b-but that still doesn't answer the question user!

Maybe you're just at your mental capacity then.

I've missed this

screenshot your client next to this post

lolifags are made to die alone

All they have to do is move side to side or stay behind something. ez

>He obviously meant he has no desire but didn't proof read what he posted.

>tfw you could make a decent team comp out of the best drifting champions in the game

Um no sweetie
Ugliest girl would be Evelynn

also my duo is a toplaner and he always honours me, but since i always honour my support, I gotta say something like "wow this nami hit some sick bubbles in lane, really gotta honour for that" just to cover for myself as he gets no honour from me

>Lolicon (ロリコン, rorikon), also romanized as lolikon or rorikon, is Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent girls
>a freudian slip by a pedophile is ok because it was just a typo haha don't check my HD for cp please

>miqote markings on face

What the fuck did Riot mean by this?

I honestly have a much harder time dodging thresh's hook, it travels slower but the hitbox seems larger and the range is longer. Most of the time it hits me because i think i'm out of the way/out of range.

I unironically stopped playing League after I hit plat this season and uninstalled due to Illaoi's shit tier skin we got from the rigged poll.
It's too bad as well, she's been pretty good in the meta this season.

illaoi buffs when you don't she her in proplay

That a little 'war paint' is nothing unique, but nice enough.

Reminder that Noxus is the BEST faction.

95% sure you could drum up some storm about cultural appropriation and get them removed with the current state of riot.

xth for my soyboy waifu

Your butthurt only fuels my boner.

Why is this thread getting invaded by the disgusting Illaoi main with their ugly ass champs?

Should I use my Revel Tokens to just buy key fragments or should I get a Revel Orb?

reminder that until faction vs faction game mode is released, factions are as irrelevant as the lore.

>Azir is fast
I don't get it

For some reason, the game in full screen mode blacks out my second monitor, just started today and has never happened before. Anyone know how to fix? I like watching music videos while I play.

Reminder that Vlad is LITERALLY irrelevant to every single faction in the game

the shitter your waifu, the more you need to force it

see lissfag

it's more about his ability to drift with his EQ

revel orb

They're not gonna be alone in prison. Tyrone will keep them company and drill them just like they want to drill children.

haven't played against urf azir eh

Lulufag/Meriipu is a better example desu


she was on the way to overtaking my top played champ with 300k mastery points. they announced her battlecast skin, and i stopped playing her entirely. barely play the game at all anymore because i don't enjoy any other champions.

i'm so tired

Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!

how do you put on the helmet as kaisa?

Watch the alistar be another gemstone skin nobody will buy

Come clean, futafags. Just admit your lust for dicks and your great taste

>in champ select
>someone tells support what to pick
>support says that the adc (me) decides
this melts my heart no homo

please tell me the galio one is fake

that is the tackiest piece of shit i've ever seen

What is Riot's problem? Reading patch 8.5 notes and they are buffing Shyvana.
Shyv currently has a balanced 50% win rate Gold+ and a 51% win rate in Silver.
Why does Riot want to bring Shyv back into cancer territory like she was during preseason?

ctrl-5 or 6 i think? shift-5?

it's listed in keybinding menu

All gemstone skins are fucking garbage.

Imagine being that beta


Thresh hook has a small ramp up time before the hook shot is made, so if you see a thresh making the chain spin on his right hand, just sidestep toward his left and you'll dodge it. Never downplay if a hook's range since there's always the intent that the hook-er wanted to make a max range hook. Eventually you'll gain intuition/muscle memory on how to dodge hooks, especially shots made from FOW since the logic and thought process around it is essentially the same.

Of course up until plat, no one would understand how it works. They all just go with the "just dodge it bro" or "stay behind minions" memes like parroting sheep.

>that is the tackiest piece of shit i've ever seen

Nothing's going to top this

>AD per level increased from 3.2 to 4

Y tho

>worst passive in the game
>literally useless on the lane phase


>in champ select as support
>someone tells me to choose a specific champ
>choose Blitzcrack
fuck thayt beta shit


fried chicken and wings

>EVER letting ANYONE else pick what champion you play

The fuck is wukong's passive anyway?

isnt this a saints row reference?

it -slightly- beats out DUDE LOOK HES A FAST FOOD MASCOT XDDD

2 armor and MR per enemy champ

Armor and MR based on how many champs are next to him.

No its just a dumb idea.

Fastfood mascot is actually funny as a concept since we dont really have much to off except maybe Urfwick.

Same, I told all my friends that muscle-fu was literally the only thing keeping me playing this shitty game and if they made an awful skin for her after 2 years i'll quit. I'm now happily playing other things and have a fond memory of Illaoi in my head.
I never denied it.

>Being this beta

>guys make themselves look ridiculous on purpose with a silly face
>OMG look at how silly they look! XDDD

Dragons in heat!

they did it? which patch? i'm not seeing any change on the monkey on this patch, is this for patch 8.6?


T. soylord

>support bans my declared adc after i ban xayah thinking he won't be retarded




the entire day when i gank mid they escape with sub 50 hp

i still dont like the new runes to be honest
everything feels like crap that i used to play

>literally a minion when behind
>point-click squishy deleter when ahead
in his current incarnation probably never

what's the best chroma for the kai'sa skin? I have 290 rp so i can only buy one

Soy milk is tasty and good for you.

the samus one

>your voice decides if you are beta or not

>tfw no peter griffin skin to go with the galio chicken skin

base without chroma

>musclefags ALWAYS also futafags

lmao 'not gay tho'

drop that pussy flash and pick up ignite

i meant more as in unironically using beta to describe anything

Is Master Yi saved? Does Shyvana become turbo cancer?

>finally get pizza delivery sivir
>its pineapple on pizza

I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get new stuff sometime when its right