/vtg/ - Vermintide General


Information about chests and when to open them
Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
Mega of cool stuff:


Other urls found in this thread:


Fantastic OP, superb work.


Superior thread I shall support.
Today OP was not a faggot


so who is going to take up the task of updating the tome/grim guide tomorrow?

This is the thread to be in.

For slayer how much stam should I have? I've been enjoying crit with some push angle but haven't really nailed down any pieces I'm totally happy with apart from a curse resist trinket.

so is the drakegun actually good

I'm not convinced desu


some faggot, most likely.

Cool, very cool.

you forgot the discord link
join for chill competent groups, no spergs
please keep shitposting out of the thread, thanks

Just steal the shit from leddit.


redditors must find them first

this faggot

I'll post about any I find if they aren't noted.

I don't even remember all the ones in the previous maps

who /stateistrusted/ here?

Which ones couldn't you find?

Is there gonna be a release day patch?

Who /Stirland/ here?

Talabeclanders can fuck off.

I don't even remember if I did 2g on the forest map, or 3t, one grim was in the underground thing and I have no idea where the other one is


The Grudgeraker seems better in every way, except the ammo I guess

So, assuming that Fatshark keeps making Vermintides as long as it's profitable, what do you think they'll come up with next? Feel free to jump the shark. I'm sure that despite the silliness, many people would love to cut down hordes of elves.

the game is missing 9 maps and probably a ton of cosmetics so I think yeah? maybe they'll just unlock them with a small patch no idea


Have you tried using it dear user?

>3 blues from my champion emperor chest

Honestly at this point I think they're just going to have to completely rework Huntsman Kruber.

Boss killers are one thing, killing the War Camp boss in 1 second is another.

Pass. Hopefully the other cosmetics are good

I have and it doesn't seem very good

Bardin looks exactly the same

New World edition feat. high elf, dark elf, new world colonists, and a skink
I want to slaughter RAT FUCKING SHITS as a lizard

I don't think they are all that good. I heard it from a guy from Veeky Forums.

Thats too much of a shark to jump.
I expect the characters to be the usual 5 forever.
Unless if a VA quits or becomes unavailable. Then they'll kill that one character.

>talking to friend about the rapier
>I've played a metric shitload of Saltz in V1 and the betas
>"oh yeah I only use the heavy attack"
>"yeah it does high damage and the light attack can't kill anything"
>won't listen to any of my advice about the rapier moveset

1st grim is to the left in the wide open forest area on the rock/hill area up off the ground and second grim is the 3 stone puzzle. Tomes are right in the wide open forest segment in a crate after walking through a fallen log, crate to the right of the skaven tunnel entrance, and after jumping off the ruined elf ramp before the big oak area.

Are you kidding me with this Ranald?
You give me 1/3 of a bar and couldn't fucking level it up, but last mission give me two bars, really?

I haven't really played Salty in 2 but I can't help but feel that the light attack is much less efficient on chaos dudes than rats because of their anatomy. Skaven heads just lined up easily for headshots with the slashes.

What advice did you give him about the rapier moveset?

Which 25 talent is best for BH?

How do I shoot with the rapier?

Check your keybindings.

can you roll regen on recruit (100 power) shit?

fucking vet is cancer when everyone sucks and that could at least make it easier when i leave the healing stuff to shitters

So do dummies not recognize the Unchained +damage from overcharge? I get 4 stacks but nothing changes

Man it's great that they added the dummies but holy fuck do they not register a lot of stuff properly

You have been charging up a full flame?

does the level 15 huntsman ammo talent not stack with your default passive? I have 1/15 ammo and get a headshot and after I reload I only have 1/16. I thought you were supposed to get 3 back.

I asked the same thing earlier. Apparently you don't get anymore damage after you hit 300 power.
If I de-equip all my shit it works again. I think it's total bullshit.

Should have prayed to Verena instead.

Yes*. Item quality (white/green/blue/orange) depends on chest quality, even if its power level is capped.

*Based on my experience in the closed test. I didn't get orange items from Recruit boxes after the wipe, but that may have just been bad luck.

>other thread was deleted
remember to report any d*scord threads on sight.

This is the last day of the sale, so I was thinking about getting it.

Does this play like L2d2, or is there actually more to it such as rpg elements. It looks interesting, but the video trailer left many questions.

Renaissance fantasy Left 4 Dead with RPG elements (classes, talents) and looting




When I can, but it takes so long when I would rather be up front tanking shit as Ironbreaker

It's literally Left 4 Dead, but actually good.

Is this a commemoration for St Patrick's day? What the fuck

Are the classes diverse or is it like melee dude a, melee dude b.

i see no fucking difference, what the fuck?

reduced cooldown so you can spam it more.

Basically L4D with a Diabloish loot system, and each character has three ways of playing with a variety of weapon choices unique to them. You go into each match with a set loadout of your choosing. You're rewarded at the end of matches and level ups with a chest that contains three new items depending on who you're playing.


I'm all up for playing with Anons, but the threat of Tom makes that impossible.

>want to play champion
>can't focus on a character, highest so far is lvl 16 saltz
>want to play zealot but don't feel all that useful right now aside from being a block tank

Some more than others.

There are magic, ranged, stealth, berserker, tank, dps, etc. focused classes.

There is no dedicated healer if that's what you're asking. But there are ways to roll strictly ranged characters. Most of them are able to pull it off to some degree.

Thanks. One last question. Is there an actual difference between buying the game vs the collectors edition? Even on steam the details aren't that explained.

Are you colourblind?

May Victor and his salt never falter

Mainly that the light attack actually has merit, especially that it absolutely shits on skaven hordes. As said it isn't quite as good at chaos unfortunately, but you still do decent work on them if you keep your dodges on point and push every so often.

It really dosnt take that long when you're alerted to a horde. Besides using the Drakegun you don't need to tank as much shit, It's great horde clear, and anything it dosnt kill will be CC'd anyway.

think of the classes like different guns in L4D

This is the difference.

Flamethrower? Not really. The pistols are much better.

Oh okay thanks.

is it rly just cosmetic stuff? Jesus

It's probably not worth it, It's some quick recolor skins for the cast, and a statue in your hub.

Compared to Left 4 Dead:

- RPG elements like persistent gear, and abilities and weapons specific to each character/career
- More enemy types, many (but not all) are close L4D analogues
- Much more focused on melee
- No Versus mode
- No Last Stand mode (VT1 had it, and it sucked shit)
- Will launch with 13 maps rather than 4

plus the usual collectors stuff, concept art, soundtrack whatever

Am I in the wrong or is the illusion system really shit? like I can't even tell what the illusion looks like that I'd be applying to something else, or if I've already extracted the same skin from another weapon

i actually am, explains why these look like shit except fo sienna

>Bretonnian themed map dlc is quite obvious
>Maybe Norscan themed map dlc too? They use teleport now anyway and fight Norscans after all.
>Beastmen dlc
>Greenskins dlc
>Deamons dlc maybe too
>Undead dlc? Isnt Bretonnia at war with them now? Even Kerillian mentions it, and Kruber constantly asks about them.
>New careers, I'm almost certain of it
>Maybe new one or two new characters. Hopefully an Ogre. Just not another human, elf or dorf. Make it more diverse.

Man, why does salt have to have 3 really good classes? I can never decide what I want to be quickly

Awesome. Thanks for the info everyone. I fuckin loved l4d2 and was looking for another game to play. Thanks!

is there a good place to see a synopsis of the classes or should i just wait till the game downloads?

>citation needed

Reminder to bully elf players

This is what autism looks like. What is the big bad Tom going to do to you that makes it so impossible to play games with other competent people on a voice-chat/group-message app? There are dozens of people to play with, vastly above pub-tier retardation, that you can reliably and easily communicate and cooperate with, in a game based on team cooperation.

Scroll down a bit and they let you view the classes

>Just not another human
You're in luck, ogre and peasant dlc.

Why is the slayer so shit?

I want a grail knight character

or maybe another wizard from a different school more focused on supporting

Guy was really just born to be a witch hunter eh?

Hey Tom you promised to not bring discord drama here. Why are you breaking your promise?
Why do you do it every time?
Also randoms are better than the discord on average. Few exceptions.

No defense and no damage immunity during the jump.


but tom, you're the only sperg on the discord.

>start playing champion
>every single fucking game has a slayer


>why is slayer so shit
>its a class that sacrifices ranged
>in a game where every hero has a good ranged option
>it also has terrible defense
>but it swings fast

If they wanted to make the class better all they would have to do is give him a talent that leeched temp health from hits on enemies. Make each hit give a couple oh HP and he would be usable.

fatshark is in j_sat's stream right now say something nice to them