Is it true that America was built by slaves? Or is it just responsible for the growth of cash crops in the south?
Is it true that America was built by slaves? Or is it just responsible for the growth of cash crops in the south?
It is true. I'd recommend the Half Has Never Been Told by Baptiste if you want a nice piece of scholarship on just how much the emerging US finance system and capitalism relied on cotton cultivation
pretty much. The north was only able to industrialize because it was financed by the south.
Of course not.
How does picking cotton make America? The institutional framework the slaves worked within was built by Europeans.
Europeans built the roads
Europeans built the settlements
Europeans did virtually everything. Slaves were only there as a cheap non essential labor force
America was founded by whites and we owe blacks nothing.
I think this is an exaggeration, industrialization would happen regardless of the Southern contribution to the economy
What financed that institutional framework?
If you guessed cotton which counted for 60% of America's exports on the eave of the Civil War you'd be right!
>slaves were only involved in cotton manufacturing
>cotton exports and cotton agriculture didn't provide revenues and wealth for the economy
The majority of plantation workers weren't black when America was founded
>>slaves were only involved in cotton manufacturing
>>cotton exports and cotton agriculture didn't provide revenues and wealth for the economy
No. Niggers picked cotton. That's virtually all they did. Whites did everything else while Africans rolled around in the mud like animals
Most of America wasn't built when America was founded.
Who founded America and who set up its infrastructure? Black wash your way out of this one.
I was unaware that cities were made out of cotton
And most of it was built after slavery
So eat a dick
fuck off
>If you guessed cotton which counted for 60% of America's exports on the eave of the Civil War you'd be right!
That was still only a recent occurrence. Slavery was in decline until the invention of the cotton gin, spurring cotton production from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850. This caused an economic boom in the North as well thanks to textile machinery, but you can't attribute all economic and industrial growth prior to 1830 to cotton.
Other than picking cotton, which is in of itself a huge element since it was the single biggest US cash economic sector until the civil war, there were other agricultural crops such as tobacco, sugar, various food crops, rice, reared livestock, were involved in home manufacturing for things like clothing, and were involved in land improvement on plantations, and clearing land entirely in the Western regions that plantations were expanding into. Do you think that all of the plantations started out without trees in perfectly flat fields?
Of course, you are certainly a /pol/ack, so this matters little.
Not at all. In fact America was a shithole when it relied on slavery and the states that switched to regular paid labor grew much faster than slave states. The meme about niggers making America rich is just that, a meme, the only people that benefitted from nigger slavery were the southern planters who then used their accumulated wealth to purchase even more niggers.
Also gotta laugh at all those socialists who cry how the "trickle down theory" is bullshit but in the same breath they'll tell you the planter wealth miraculously trickled down to the average redneck.
And Hamilton financed shit, with his bank
Men who derived their wealth either from ownership of slave plantations or of industry reliant on slave plantations.
You simply cannot have something be such a massive part of the economy and not have nearly everything relating back to it, in some way.
>black wash
I would argue that whilst most of the antebellum/pre-mid 1800s US WAS built on agriculture dependent on slavery but that after the 1840/50s it was built on Californian gold. Still is, in a sense.
But, of course, you would never have had the gold rush without the pre-existing, slave dependent economy and infrastructure built ultimately off the work of slaves
The phrase is "The US was built on slavery" not "The US was built on cotton".
That leaves sugar, rice, tobacco etc.
Blacks cant even build civilized societies from scratch yet you think they built America.
Neither can Europeans. Everything they got, they got from the Near East.
Which of the founding fathers DIDN'T own slaves?
Thing is, whites can take an idea and improve it tremendously. We inherited our numbers from the Indians and Persians and we went to the fucking Moon. Meanwhile niggers live in the same garbage as they did 500 years ago even though they have every white invention at their disposal.
Simply not true.
Whites built schools in Africa, but not for Africans/the poor. Or if they did, it was a church school, and that won't teach them anything worthwhile.
"built by slaves" is a clickbait-tier provocation but obviously it helped to have cheap source of labor.
John Adams for one.
>Meanwhile niggers live in the same garbage as they did 500 years ago
Some do. A lot don't.
Some people in the US live in cardboard shacks.
How come Africans couldn't build their own schools? The concept of school literally exists since the fucking antiquity.
>muh colonizashun
Explain Ethiopia then. Never really colonized but they're still a fucking shithole.
Yeah, mostly niggers.
between 2 and 3 percent of americans owned slaves...
>How come Africans couldn't build their own schools?
They did, Timbuktu was a renowned centre of learning and still has numerous manuscripts.
>The concept of school literally exists since the fucking antiquity
In Europe. Many other cultures never developed their own system of organised education. Most of Europe, for example. Also Japan, who famously adopted the French model.
>Explain Ethiopia then.
For a start, it's nothing like it was 500 years ago. Continued instability result of the Derg regime, famine, civil war, economic instability.
I bet that only a small fraction of modern Americans own factories or other really capital intensive goods, does that mean that those don't have a significant economic impact?
European mass education didn't occur until the last couple hundred years, Ethiopia probably didn't have startlingly different rates of literacy to Europe.
Native Americans actually.
But a lot of white people too, and in a system and country designed by whites.
So either their poverty is by design or by incompetence on the part of the designers.
Not an argument.
By this logic horses and mules built Europe.
You also ignore the part where most labor wasn't done by slaves.
>you would never have had the gold rush without the pre-existing, slave dependent economy and infrastructure built ultimately off the work of slaves
Wrong, It was European investors that built the railroad that allowed for the gold rush.
The gold diggers themselves where poor, not plantation owners or former slave owners, neither did they receive any wealth from slavery.
Labor Is a minute factor in nation building, there Is always workers.
>By this logic horses and mules built Europe.
Would you disagree?
>You also ignore the part where most labor wasn't done by slaves.
You're ignoring that the relevant point is the economic impact of the Labour, not the sheer amount, and the fact that much Northern industry was funded with Southern capital, which was derived from an agricultural system dependent on slavery.
>It was European investors that built the railroad that allowed for the gold rush
See the above point.
>northern industry was funded with southern capital
Northern industry was funded by the toil of hard working and industrious German immigrants while the lazy southerners and their niggers produced jack shit.
Not even surprised that you're a cuck.
>Northern industry was funded by the toil of hard working and industrious German immigrants while the lazy southerners and their niggers produced jack shit.
Jack shit, other than the overwhelming majority of US exports, you mean?
Why do /pol/tards even leave their echo-chamber, if the whole point of going to the echo chamber is so they won't get btfo'd in these kinds of arguments?
I'm not a communist.
>Would you disagree?
Yes you stupid fuck, otherwise horses and mules would've built empire themselves, it's the mind behind the engine that built it not the labor force.
I swear some of you are really stupid fucks.
>you will never be that good looking
Seems like you're deliberately misinterpreting things.
All anyone is claiming is that slavery was essential to the development of the US. Which it absolutely was.
>By this logic horses and mules built Europe.
>Would you disagree?
You literally said it, I'm not misinterpreting anything, you truly are dumb enough to say that.
Slaves didn't build shit, it was their owners that did, it was their owner's money and wealth as well as their will of developing, slaves were only a tool, were they not available they would have employed something else.
Minoan civilization was built from scratch though.
Also blacks literally can never make civilized societies on their own meanwhile every other human group that isnt Abos or Native Americans can do so.
>You literally said it, I'm not misinterpreting anything, you truly are dumb enough to say that
I was referring to the original point, whether "the US was built by slaves".
You seem to assume that means that slaves literally personally built the infrastructure etc. etc.
Stop being an idiot.
Even a cursory examination of Minoan art shows considerable Near Eastern and particularly Egyptian influence.
>Also blacks literally can never make civilized societies
Define "civilised" society.
You sir, are fucking retarded and constantly moving the goal post.
You have been proven to have been misunderstanding the argument from the start. It is now painfully clear that you do not have a leg to stand on and are now, through bitter, choking tears, resulting to the lowest and most pitiful of responses.
Go back to your hugbox, child.
>loses argument
>th-thats not what I meant!
hurr, try harder retard.
So Lagos doesn't exist?
You're a fucking retard.
You're just embarrassing yourself now, mate.
It wasn't, most workers weren't slaves and blacks were a small minority mostly concentrated in the south even back then.
>Even a cursory examination of Minoan art shows considerable Near Eastern and particularly Egyptian influence
Not really, and their relevance to the founding of minoa have been overstated in the past.
I would disagree, being three years into my MA in Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations.
>being three years into my MA in Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations.
Not an argument, learn to spell.
Good for you, bernal.
How is his spelling difference a pertinent objection to the claim that Minoan art has Near Eastern and Egyptian influence? Provide some substantive evidence to disagreeing with his claim besides just saying that it's "overstated." Why should anyone believe you?
Stop pretending, you aren't fooling anyone.
>Learn to spell
How about you learn to spell, Yank.
Point is i've studied the Minoan civilisation at a university level. I don't know what your sources are, or how well you know the subject.
>Point is i've studied the Minoan civilisation at a university level.
Not an argument.
Modern scholarship, to my not inextensive knowledge, believes the Minoan civilisation had significant contact and was in turn significantly influenced (much like Greece was right through to the Roman Era and beyond) by the civilisations of the near East.
The idea that the Minoans were an entirely European civilisation, isolated from the East originally dates back to the interpretation of Arthur Evans and which, without going into too much detail, is not taken very seriously by modern scholarship.
What are your sources for disagreement?
What is your actual argument?
>Not an argument.
Actually, an argument from authority is an (informal logic) argument, and in fact it can be a good argument, if the authority is real.
That's certainly a qualifier for his argument. Yours is "I don't like you"
evans actually postulated a north african origin iirc.
Well, I only know of his work through reference it could be it was a misrepresentation to a degree.
But even then, that would only make the idea of the Minoans lacking significant Eastern influence even less well founded.
Don't forget about the cotton railroads & the cotton steel mills
i think at one point he quite clearly stated they came from egypt. although later studies have shown it to be not true.
So northern factories made textiles out of thin air?
Its amazing how the most dangerous European country Serbia still has lower crime rates than modern black shitholes.
How does it feel to willfully be this retarded?
This doesn't change that textile manufacturing was a substantial element in industrialization.
Cotton and linen money, morons.
And tobacco money, sugar money etc.
>Worries of
Legitimately meaningless.
>worries being insulted: high
Truly Jamaica is hell on hearth.
This just shows that Serbians don't give a fuck.
If anything, that just proves crime has become normalised in Serbia.
Johannesburg is a modern african city yet this shows it is one of the most dangerous places on our planet, you would expect more rural hellholes in Congo to have this level of crime not a city full of modern "civilized" niggers.
You know whats alarming? There are actual nigger infested cities in America with a crime levels VERY CLOSE TO JOHANNESBURG.
Fuck off back to /pol/. I asked about slaverys influence in building America, not modern day crime rates in Africa. You got BTFO, take the L and leave retard.
By his logic Europe was built on serf labor. Stop being autistic.
And if you think horses and mules didn't play an integral part in building Europe then you're absolutely a retard.
Fuck you, the user who replied to me said blacks can make civilized societies I proved him wrong.
>it's a /pol/tards get btfo episode
All of your examples can be explained by poverty and the prevalence of firearms.
Chinese diaspora built the roads that enabled the Midwest to no longer be a frontier.
Beyond that, pretty much its spot on.
So long nobody ignores Latin America
Every country I posted has dirt poor rural majorities dumbass.
Only if you wilfully misinterprete the question.
The majority of plantations didn't exist when America was founded.
Yeswhich is where the second part of my sentence, the prevalence of firearms, comes into it, moron.
>it's another "faggots ignore any semblence of nuance and instead peddle their all or nothing views of history" episode
Except an overwhelming majority of the wealth of the 13 colonies was based on plantation agriculture.
Virginia was built on tobacco, grown by slaves.
I love em. /pol/ on Veeky Forums reminds me on when /pol/ got closed and there was a considerable amount of them getting BTFO daily on Veeky Forums until they got their hugbox up and running again.