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>anons mentioning how Fates and Echoes waifufags are gonna ditch their waifus for the next thing in FE Switch

Imagine sex with Serika posting is gonna move to whoever the main female character is, Camilla milkies posting is just gonna go to whoever the titty monster is. While I would say it's a shame I'd already realized this would happen. Hell, it happens every time a banner gets released in Heroes so it's not a surprise.

>tfw closing in on five years of being with my waifu
Feels good

First for gas loli/shota and rape apologists



request smols so that i can add them to my to-do list

Loving and sexual activities with Midori!

Porn of Grima!Robin fucking Serika and mindbreaking her when?

>tfw I feel to much empathy for the cucked guy to enjoy NTR
I'm must be fucking gay

>not guro/scat/piss
I wonder who could be behind this post?

Flatfags should call a temporary truce with mommyfags to genocide loli/shota and other degenerates

There he is, shitposting again. If he wasn't completely insignificant I'd screencap it for posterity because you just know he's going to latch on to the newest titty monster like he's done numerous times in the past because all he really cares about is the attention he can get and controversy is the best way.

I kind of want to 5* a Wrys just for the meme factor. Anyone here have a 5* Wrys?


What does Nanna's breath smell like?

No that means you have a soul


>not wanting to be ss'd by charlotte
imagine being this gay


>Camilla milkies posting is just gonna go to whoever the titty monster is.
Camilla isn't your forgotten failure of a wife

Neck yourself retard

do you know where you are

Playing 'stuff the pastry' with Fae!

Maybe you're just a normal human being? Most NTR works tend to depict the entire situation in extremely exaggerated manners using the worst scum on earth as the gold standard for antagonists, resulting in extremely unrealistic situations.

I like to think that this part of Brawl was Sakurai attempting to suggest that ISIS should do a FE crossover with Kirby

No you dunce. That just means you are a good person. That's precisely why rape, NTR, and mindbreak is a shit fetish. That used to be my favorite shit back in highschool but I legit grew out if it.



GUYS, I want an Eirika badly

Who here 5*ing quest Serra because they have no other healer with Recover+ due to not pulling colorless in over a year?

How could such a dapper mother fucker be the least popular character?


>won't even clear 10th place next year

>not being a pedophile makes you gay
Jesus Christ
>go to middle east
>tell people to stop killing people for not believing in their god
>"do you know where you are?"

I have a -atk +res Alm, should i refine his falchion?

What hentai artist would you see as the artist for FE16?


okay lokiAnon

>already stealth moved from Tharja to Rhajat to Kagero to Sonya
>b-but I'm loyal
lol you're the worst of the bunch. Your waifu is a pair of D tits, not a character. Tharja is just a pedestal for you to attention whore.

yeah I wanted CavEirika too but just like I got HENRY'd instead of getting Leo I'm cursed to never get a Red Cav tome.

Don’t reply. Filter.

It's because before they actually tried being creative with stat spreads and used more variety even if it meant some units ended up being shitters. Nowadays they know how to make good/desirable units and since having bad attack is almost always a death-sentence we haven't seen a new sub-30 attack unit since Bride Lyn back in May (If you ignore the ranged dancers and their terrible BST)

Is there a Berkut yet? If so, can you please make one?

Do it on a -Atk/+Res one, and give him dual Res Fortress. Do it!

>Thacia banner
>no Pugiman
Good chance to make a good axe infantry and they blew it. Oh well, continue to use Raven I guess.

How are you today LokiAnon

hey Raul remember when Camilla took third in the 2nd cyl poll and Tharja dropped down to 10th?

>He doesn't want to be a shota being dominated by Charlotte
Wow you really are gay

good post

5*Wrys is a legit decent healer/mage tank, specially when you stack double res fort on him.

yes, exactly, thats how ridiculous you sound for asking a malaysian textile forum to not be into lolis

retard here, what does shield pulse do?

I was looking for a red flier for my flier team, and the choice from what I had was either

+ATK/-HP Caeda
+RES/-HP NYCamilla

After leveling them both to 40 and giving Caeda Wing Sword, sorry but Caeda sucks. Even with the Wing Sword bonus she has trouble killing the thing she's supposed to kill (she kills green armors no problem, but that's it). And she's too frail to sustain any sort of extended combat.

Anyways, do you think NYCamilla would like a Slaying Edge? Or his her Kadomatsu fine? Also I was thinking of Hit & Run for her B slot since it seems like it would fit well with how I intend to play her, but I've never used it. How is that skill?

Fuck off fag

user please, do you really think FEH is ready for the power that is Pugiman?

I know we're not supposed to respond to it but I find this ironic considering you'll literally post any scantly dressed character with big tits. Or how you're the only person on the weekend waifu threads who doesn't actually appreciate their deliveries but instead uses them to further force their attention whoring narrative.

Like, why even post this image over and over again. Do you even gain enjoyment from it or does reminding everyone you exist and are capable of begging for art more important and meaningful than the piece itself?

>he draws Robin and Corrin's face so people don't think they're hot-wifing/getting cucked by faceless men

Unironically Raita

>everyone complaining about the Serra quest
>Finish easily on Minerva's map

Are people just brainlets

It’s not even a Thracia banner. That’s Lief’s starting crew in FE4. T

No one will give a shit about Celica next year either.

There's always the reward for the TT we're likely getting with it
Personally I'm hoping for Dagdar, but I'd be fine with anyone from Thracia's earlygame


What is the Pugiman?

If not! I meant if not. I'm not fully awake.

Crumb needs one, preferably one of his alts

I legit 5*ed her for the orbs because trying to kill things with her as 3* or 4* was honestly painful

Go for it, recover is a solid healing special. Lets my attklet mist heal as much as my Genny.



You're long overdue.

ss is a fetish for pencil dicks and betas who can only get off if the male is as pathetic as them. prove me wrong.

I feel like you're the type of guy that needs to see this youtu.be/Ikd0ZYQoDko
Why would I give you what you want?

So, do you guys think that it matter at all or is it fine?


Oh yeah, an user did request to make a horse one. Hold on, let me whip one out with his PRF and wife on the shoulder.

Can anyone use swift strike well or can I merge my S!Corrins?

Homare, Oda Non, anyone who draws godly legs (bonus for in tights).

Cordelia cuck... epik

I’m hoping to try for Xander again.

Every time.

The strongest man in all FE.
Now go play Thracia!

She won’t even be on the poll since she already WON unlike that 10th place failure and abusive mother

i think you should use him as windsweep fodder if hes not your only falchion

I'm just gonna assume that is terrible because it is bad + bad. As in, the opposite would be good + good.


Ohhh, thank you! That's cute as heck.

Huh, sounds cool. Hope you can make that work out!

I put a -1 to any Lissa. If anyone requests Lissa, ignore them.

I would just merge. Basically every other A skill would be better unless you needed it solely for Arena Score, which is still worth less than merging the best Flying Mage.

Grima only wants to fuck bunny Chrom.

He's literally my only falchion that isn't Marth

>Julia will never be real
Someone isekai me right fucking now

merge who cares

>10th fucking place
Wow, that’s a fucking drop.

you are in luck my friend

Imagine being so pathetic that you spend thousands of dollars on a phone game so that you can "earn" 900 feathers a week.

I love Severa very much, and I hope that we can go on more adventures together in FE Switch! So cute!


Most stylish myrm needs one.