/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳They found your Slashberry stash:capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/15/
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released:game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous shitpost (literally):


First for actual thread.

Would you sit on my face if you were a female hunter?

Where are the rooms?


Kaiser girls in World!
Empress girls soon™!

Reminder to get the Wiggler headgear before the quest is gone

xth for killing all monsters even the retarded ones


Thanks OP

Asking again, shortened version:
how do you guys not get burnt out?

in HD!

No. I'd let you watch me sit on another female Hunter's face though.

You have a join request

Why the fuck is the other OP LITERAL furry shit?

honestly, give me one good reason why using the old CB playstyle isn't perfectly fine to use in world
just so much more comfortable than fishing for SAEDs

Why do I only love the Switchaxe? I've tried liking other weapons so hard but they just don't click with me. Am I broken?

If you don't like the game then stop playing it. I've put over 2k hours into BF4 and I still play it every now and then, same with MHW.

It was my bad, I accidently clicked on my zootopia folder instead of my mh folder. Usually I just pick a image at random for OPs. I kinda lucked out it wasn't anything nsfw.


muh balanced SAED


Best Lance bros in terms of general DPS bros? I figure it's between the Nergigante, Val, and Odogaron. But some of those elemental ones look nice.


SAED spam is optimal dps. Playing using EDs and AEDs still works fine though.

By playing all 14 weapons and switching between them regularly.

Real question is how do all those 1-2 weapon only fags not get burnt out? And how the fuck can it be that they're not interested in any other weapons?
Mindboggling tbqh

i dont normally say this but kys

Grugs here will hate you for sticking to the old ways

I only play one weapon because I don't like most other weapons (for different reasons).
That might very well be why I'm getting burnt out..

>he keeps posting furry shit
where are the mods when you need them?

>make the rathian CB set from last thread
>my aeds do 430 damage w/ 56x3 explosions

Why is my rathian CB hitting harding than his Blos CB?

Nick and Judy are not in a romantic relationship, stop this at once.

>Grinding T3 quests for Hero's Streamstones
>Done probably about 30+ and still only have Warrior's Streamstones to show for it.

Fuck this RNG. Using DB's, are any of the rarity 6 or 7 ones actually comparable with a few augmentations? Eyeing those Arcanaria 3's with that nice 20% affinity. Thinking an elementless deco and attack augmentation might make them pretty sweet.

bored of bow, should I play hammer or insect glaive now

Because I love the weapons I play to a near fetish degree and I don't like any of the other weapons even though I've tried all of them.

Babel, Odoggo, Nerg


>makes a thread just called "mon hun gen"
no you need to just fuck off.

What else is there to do in 4U after beating silver rathalos?More recolored monsters or new designs?

I'm still sad that Chris quit the game because he didn't like the new way of playing CB. It speaks volumes that he stuck with MHX and MHXX CB but quit immediately after the first week of launch for World

Try IG first and then Hammer. IG's lower damage output and higher maintenance makes it a hard sell compared to hammer's relatively simple play and higher damage

>It's another "bagelgoose make my investigations harder than it has to be" episode.

I'm getting real sick of this faggot.
>inb4 dungpods

You grind Guild Quests that give you random weapon skins, random sharpness, random Attack values, and random Decoration slots.

He didn't cut enough cookies.

How do you even enjoy this game if you only like a single weapon
And how do you accumulate that much shit taste?
Honestly, all the weapons are great fun to play, seek help. Or maybe you're just bad at them and therefore don't like them. I have this LS only friend who literally doesn't try any other weapons because he simply doesn't want to spend time learning them.

I'm just still enjoying the game. If you don't want to play it then don't play it

Yeah sure, it was entirely accidental. That's why you just posted another one.

So I should move onto XX?

The other 4 times in this thread was on purpose because seem to get butthurt over it. I can go back to MH if you'd like.

If you don't want to do that grind, then yeah you can move on.

Pretty much.

>hit him with a dung pod
>other monster hits bagel before he roars and leaves
>bagel doesn't leave
>shoot another dung pod
>he doesn't react it
>have to deal with the monster and now this new asshole

I have a mouth and I am screaming.

>tfw your Palico looks like shit in all the armors because he's purple instead of a regular color


I'm 90% sure that he's a variable in determining how many rewards a vest gives
>player count limit
>cart allotment
>has an asshole bazel
Because I've had a lot of 2 reward T2's that were suspiciously easy and then suddenly I get a 4 reward Legiana and I find myself melding 30 dung pods after the first run

You should probably use dungpods user

At least his 4U videos are still there.

>hehe xd I was just trollin u mad
Fucking off yourself, retard.

just shoot your monster and follow it.

>shitposts furryshit on purpose
>admits it
>still not banned





I fucking blow at Hunting Horn. Just got juggled by nerg like a fucking Rubber Duck. Took me 13 minutes to kill his ass.

He aggroes harder onto monsters than you. Lure them into each other and watch the fireworks until Bazel decides to fuck off on his own.

sounds reasonable. is IG fast enough that element is a good choice, or is it another blos meme?

Aw, fuck, I'm a moron. Never thought to do that.

>try GS
>get bored how easy and brainless it is
>try bow
>get bored how easy and brainless it is
>try CB
>get bored how easy and brainless it is

So far I'm 3 for 14.
Can someone else recommend the next weapon for me? I'm a Swaxe main, and wanted to try different weapons but they're all boring so far.

Palico concept art is less cute when you know that the guy posting it wants to fuck them.

>dread doing 4U's wyvern egg quests because of how much i see people complain about them
>decide to bite the bullet just for completion's sake
>get felyne lander and a few dash juices
>both quests are a fucking joke, the raths don't even switch areas until you're about to transition, making it literally impossible to cross paths with them
what the fuck are people complaining about again

its a good method when theres all 3 monsters brawling in a single spot.

hammer since you're such a brainless retard

user, I fucking love Switch Axe but how the fuck are those 3 weapons more brainless than it?
Walk me through your thought process.

Tackle only GS

Another Blos meme. Though most TAs use Nerg because Protective Polish doesn't last long enough for Diablos to not drop into green by the time the hunt is over.

Nonsense, it's not furry. They were just "monster girls".
>you know that the guy posting it wants to fuck them.
Not sure where you're getting that from

So why did they remove the pause function?

Diablos Hammer
WE 3
MM 3
Handi 5
1409 ATK, -10% AFF

Nerg Hammer
WE 3
MM 3
Crit Boost 3
1154 ATK, 35% AFF

Which one, bros?

Pausing is casual shit.

Vaal hammer.

>watching absolute degenerate shit

I bet you're a grug CB user.

>tfw you'll never be a huntress with a huntress gf

end me

>got my 4th attack jewel today


so you admit that MHW isn't casual?

Swaxe requires positional awareness and monster prediction, you have to proactively swap into axe before a move comes in or they charge away so you can have access to better mobility/dodges/faster sheathe depending on the situation. You also have meter management.

here's gs
tackle tackle charge, repeat until dead
heres cb
5 phials red shield, saed, repeat step 3 until dead
heres bow
dash dash shoot power dash dash shoot power repeat until dead

Because they want you to move out of your parents house.

What rarity are Critical Eye decos?

Defend this worldbabs

>New MonHun teaser
>Just still footage of the Ancient Forest, area 5
>Smoke starts to gradually cover the place before fully enveloping the entire screen
>"Chameleos 2018, Fall"
>Couple seconds later
>Red eye trails dart across the screen

here we go again

>Remove 1 casualized option
>Add in several other casualized options

MHW is casual.

This is my list of weapons that /mhg/ has said are for unga bunga brainlets
>all ranged weapons

So basically if I want to be a cool guy I have to play Lance or HH?


heres Swaxe
go into sword mode hit hit hit, go into axe, go into sword

unless its on the switch amirite?


MHXX is also casual shit.

You only need handi 4 and pick diablos btw

thats more steps than spam saed, spam tsc or spam l4 -> power :)

ID: 4y3XKYdAjwxu

Not really. If you thought Zenith Style from Frontier and Evade Arts from XX aren't casual, then you're wrong.