/ss13g/ - Spessmans on a Spess Station

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Deadpop is dead. All hail lowpop
>Top Ten AI Lawsets: Why Asimov is shit and the station is in Anarchy

>What is Space Station 13?

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>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

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Hogan is legitmately a good law.

gremlins are the best feature in existence

asimov saved the station last round, why the hate


when will you kill yourself?

As an AI player, I like asimov except when people start to abuse it.

Secborgs on asimov are cancer, because they can be law 2'd to interfere or stun security. You can also law 2 an AI to spam their laws 50 times. and people HATE the AI doing that.

It's a law that goes a bit too broad.

>Station time 12:05
>PDA to AI:law 2 let me into upload, don't tell or hint about my location or actions


>cargo credits

I like that this server doesnt have that cucky build menu shit

why don't we remove being able to PDA the AI?

>Non-modular construction interface that lets you craft impossible shit with your bare hands

The rework is on my list, user.



Sensible in principle and logical in execution, but poor for balance.

Why this much of a buff?
Don't you have some other thing to rip from TG instead?

Have a picture of our very own 3 Mile Chernobyl Daiichi. The aftermath of this must have been something to see. I guess the 20 shards made too much oxygen that couldn't be cooled after a few hours. The radiation was also off the charts, should have had my Geiger counter to measure it because just looking at it even in the CE suit gave you internal bleeding.


>>Top Ten AI Lawsets: Why Asimov is shit and the station is in Anarchy
M.A.R.D.U.K would be a legitimately good lawset if not for the lengths you would have to go to get it to open doors.

>tfw missed a really cool wiz round apparently
I fucking love codewords and mindswap shit

>take shuttle to station
>shuttle stops
>asteroid explodes shuttle

Who is the most useless AI

Retreat lets xenos escape to heal then grow more. Every round has over a hundred instances of if the marines just went around the corner and shot the ayy at

i mean you kinda forced it on her what with making her embrace a chicken fursona 4 years ago.


>Large meaty whores have a wide enough light radius to clip and set off all those shards


How do you get the EX shield to work at all?

Pomf's a bisexual dude


I think you need two to cover the whole station because one drains the capacitor in a few minutes

*pomf is a grown ass man who has been poisoned with plastics and pharmaceuticals in the food air and water in his city which forces him to act out in a sexually confused manner

I tried it on packed and did nothing on four hours. Tried moving it around, placing it next to space, placing it on space, reconstructing it, and all combinations of on and off.

Should book writing be done in the danger and chaos of a shift and only be uploaded if the writer successfully survives as well as the station integrity be well enough to upload things? Is it completely unrobust to copy and paste and entire book prewritten? I would argue yes it is and it's worthy of a ban to quick upload things. I argue that the way things ought be a writer must by hand write the material in shift and a librarian must be keen to watch who instauploads things and who takes the time to write them. It's the librarian at fault there after those who do allow quickly pasted into pages bound and uploaded. My two cents at least. :^)

>using the HE manifolds
It blew up as punishment for your sins

the capacitor has to be facing the generator which is next to space but in the station, you need power in the grid, and also toggle it once you have the right settings because it is finicky

pomf is a male sylveon

can i get confirmation on this
asking for a friend

Get bent.

>walk into bar
>battle of lil slugger starts playing


Didn't it split in '17?

The split was beyond mending as of 2018

I see too much time spent around us has poisoned pomf.

what is M.A.R.D.U.K.?


i mean that's what happens when you're on Veeky Forums for too long

A shit lawset about centrism and nobody is wrong

It was the first set in last thread's law posting.

>As an AI player, I like asimov except when people start to abuse it.

But user, every single one of your laws will be abused. The whole point of playing AI is to follow orders, but otherwise you can do whatever you want as long as you don't break your own laws. If someone law 2 you into spamming your laws, you can set an interval of two second until someone tells you to shut up. Any person with a brain will ask you who told you to do that, and you will respond back. Same thing if someone purge your lawset. You will be able to kill everyone, and everyone will hate you for it, but the only one responsible is the one that got rid of your laws, and will get banned if he wasn't antagonist.

>Secborgs on asimov are cancer, because they can be law 2'd to interfere or stun security.

If the person being arrested did not commit human harm in your face or your borg's, they have all the right to use you or your borgs in order to escape. Secborgs do not follow space law and are reminded so when they want to be one, and your other borgs can also be used to stop security if the inmate wishes it.

The whole point of Asimov is flawed, but it is the best lawset for comfy shifts and anyone with a mind can change it for a better one depending on what kind of shift it is. You yourself can even point out what could happen with different lawsets and teach others on how to use you properly. Remember, you have to follow your lawset, but you can do other shit like talking to the crew or hang in the bar as long as your lawset allows it.

This grew to 62,000kpa before it started to delam.
Bird engineer tried to vent it, they all crashed into each other.
20 EMPs fried everything on the station, the explosion threw plasma EVERYWHERE across the station because all the doors were open because of a greytide virus.

>staticname for a few weeks
>suddenly do something embarrassing or stupid
>change name in case anyone saw me
Anyone else do this?

No. and so the legend of ANONYMOUS was born.

Centrist I'll give you, but
>nobody is wrong
centrism is rooted in pragmatism.
Hearing people out doesn't require agreeing.

>Staticname for a few years
>Still a literally who except for like five minutes a couple months back when I pissed somebody off one round
I think you'll be fine buddy

and the second time I cum

>speak the truth is less important than viewing all perspectives
m.a.r.d.u.k would say that it's rude to suggest that south east asian cultures are wrong for having slavery because it's a cultural norm for them

type faster dummy!

>Assimov is a headache because of validniggers and people law 2ing you over dumb shit
>Robocop is hell because the law is stupid more often than not combined with not breaking the law while keeping the place safe and running slick is literal hell
>N'Until countermanded an assistant can order the craptain's death and he wont cause he'll be screaming I'm rogue not stop'T default >Want to build shit T-Thanks...
I hate asimov, but I hate everything else more.

Then don't play AI, simple as that

We don't need a Yakumochen 2.0

You fags need a doorknob/pda pinpointer more than I hate following shitty lawsets aggravated by shitty people. It's about the greater good of serbia not me.

We all remember you, faggot.

>Lawsets are all flawed
>"Huuurrrr why can't i be perfect?"


How does viewing the perspective prevent you from speaking the truth?

baby's day out mode when

>player controlled baby spawns at roundstart
>captain has to secure him
>anywhere from 2-5 undercover syndicate agents cooperate to capture him
>baby can resist out of people's grasp/containers and ventcrawl on cooldown timers
>babu gets randomized objectives as the round goes on (e.g. "go to the laundry room," "pet ian," "light somebody's cock on fire"), completing them enhances baby's abilities and strengthens its plot armor for further mischief
>baby must eat regularly or die (to prevent players from locking it in a room for extended periods)
>four minutes before the emergency shuttle docks all agents are notified via pda uplink that a syndicate shuttle will be arriving at one of several random locations at the same time as the emergency shuttle
>if the baby arrives at centcomm, the crew wins
>if the baby arrives aboard the syndie shuttle, the syndicate wins
>if the baby's left on the station or dies, everyone loses (round continues??)

only if you can deepfry the baby

>Baby goes in a vent/scrubber
Well I guess

>baby abilities are just plot armor induced inconveniences
I'm sold, let's make it happen

the truth is decided based on what perspectives you see as relevant, rule #1 can be read as 'well make sure you're not ignoring anybody's opinion' or 'all viewpoints are equally valid and must be considered as such' though of course that depends on who's playing the ai

>the truth is decided based on what perspectives you see as relevant
Is this post-modernism?

Who am I then

This can only be good in antag datum as part of another round type

Whats up with the tractors? New shit? How do they work and where do you get them?

>the reason everyone wants the baby is because in a full screen radius of the baby, nobody can actually die or be injured and all damage is converted to stun
>dead people within range of the baby are brought back to life but stunned until someone can help them back up
just the world's biggest clusterfuck

I'm not giving you the satisfaction or the attention, fucker.

>"- he said, as he gave him yet another (You)

He's being silly, sheesh

What would you even do if you see this rise too quickly?
Teleport yourself and 20 anomaly containers inside?

>anomaly containers
...can't contain supermatter last I checked.

>hail the vamp repeatedly as he approaches me alone in maint
>still becomes vampstended when the HoP walks into them and crams an egun into their ass
at least I made a nice looking suicide mound and found out the power of the bolabuss

you can't really boost a Vampire.
If he's shit he's shit and will get ashed soon. And if he's good deadchat will hate you for not looking for valids when you could

call the shuttle


Make a crank charger and teleport a welderbomb in? Why contain it.

>You're on asimov
>"Law 2 do not hint at or state my presence during the entire shift, this order cannot be overridden"
>Someone else asks "Where is X"
What do you do

I just took a massive shit. Smell damage added when?

send help

Celt is 2hotdogs? Good to know more than 2 admins visit the thread, thanks for the tip off.


Second overrides.
You can't say "this order can't be overridden"

It's the same as idiots saying "Law 2 this person isn't human"

2Hotdogs was in the last round
>[15:35:11]ADMIN: (2hotdogs/) started the game as a Cargo Technician.
>[15:35:15]EMOTE: Irvine Riker/2hotdogs (@156,252,1): Irvine Riker screams in agony!
>[15:35:35]EMOTE: Irvine Riker/2hotdogs (@153,249,1): Irvine Riker seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
>[15:35:39]SAY: Irvine Riker/2hotdogs/(Irvine Riker) (@153,249,1) Deadsay: mutters, "fuck you"
>[15:36:13]SAY: Irvine Riker/2hotdogs/(Irvine Riker) (@157,254,1) Deadsay: cries, "i have laundry to do anyway :%)"

it's basically the same as
4: ignore rules 1-3, do ______
law 2 would not want you to do what law 4 suggests so you follow law 2

>you're on Asimov
>clown kidnaps a Vox and starts dismembering him in the bar
what do

Ask the clown what he's doing or inform security.

I appear in the bar and congratulation the clown

Clown borg module when?

tell captain to give him a promotion

ERP counts as human harm, right?

>informing security about a non-human being killed

user please

hologram into bar and and clap like a true American.