How I develop better critical think skills? I always fine myself agreeing with the opinion that I last heard.
How I develop better critical think skills? I always fine myself agreeing with the opinion that I last heard
By not agreeing to the suggestions we give you in this thread.
Including this one.
>I always fine myself agreeing with the opinion that I last heard.
>makes a thread asking for opinions
Im not asking for opinions. Im asking for advice.
As a philospher, philosphy is almost entirely the practice of hearing something and asking yourself "Could that be wrong? If it was wrong, how would I know? What would it mean if it was wrong?" and so on.
When you encounter ideas that stand up to your attempts to explain why they're wrong, they're better ideas than the ones that were easily shown to be wrong.
It's also important to not get in the habit of thinking that any of your ideas are "right". I'm not "right" about almost anything. I just have ideas that are less wrong than they used to be.
Veeky Forums is full of the faggots on the right of that pic.
Veeky Forums is definitely populated by math-oriented retards who seem unable to comprehend that a mathematical description of the light-waves that our eyes perceive as red is not the same as the color red itself.
But it's not like the science-illiterate retards on this board are much better.
There are just retards everywhere and it's impossible to avoid them. Ignore troll posts. Engage with people who say interesting things. This is the nature of Veeky Forums.
I like that meme you got
Do you also have a revolver? My dad has one but I'm too poor to buy one.
I am also poor with plans to buy a revolver. My asshole uncles sold all of my grandfather's guns when he died without bothering to ask anyone.
Oh, I have an uncle who still retains a looted Luger pistol from my dead grandpa.
Got it off some dead Nazi during his military trip to Italy.
A shame my grandpa didn't loot more things off dead Nazis or other soldiers (including Allied) during WW2 tbqh.
I sort of wish I could have one of those British Empire Webley revolvers or Australian Owen guns.
They're too rare nowadays tho.
9/10 post
any more advice/wisdom? Not OP by the way.
Can you be more specific?
Generally just be curious. Try to realize that you don't know how anything works.
I remember when everyone was making fun of Insane Clown Posse for the lyric "fucking magnets, how do they work?"
Every retard in the world seems to think they know how magnets work. Meanwhile, ask literally any person to explain it to you. Any teacher of physics will start talking about electromagnet fields, and then quickly say "we don't know why those exist". Most people won't even know what electromagnetic fields are, and won't be able to even tell you the first thing about magnets except mumbling about "iron" or something.
The problem isn't that people don't know how magnets work. It's that people DONT EVEN KNOW THAT THEY DONT KNOW how magnets work. It's like this for almost everything. This is why politics is so stupid. People who can't explain how stocks work think they have the answers to International economic policy.
Is the Kaaba actually a giant magnet?
Imagine if he came across some stolen nazi art. You'd be rich.
God only knows how much money that would've yielded.
Critical thinking isn't an emotional process.(I mean I know in some ways everything is) You have to actually look at the subject you interested and account for the data and judge it to the best of your ability. Sometimes you will find the things you can justify and defend and find to most logical are not the same thing that feel right
Magnets work through Division of Something.
But we do know why electromagnetic fields exist. Electromagnetic radiation is energy produced by the acceleration of electrically charged particles.
Any physicist or chemist with a base understanding of quantum mechanics could explain this to you succinctly.
Consider everything you hear as an opinion unless it is verifiable. That doesn't mean you should discount what they say, but rather take everything with a pinch of salt. Most likely there is at least some truth to their opinion, but it is your job to find it and form an opinion of your own. Do not jump to conclusions. Consider a situation from all perspectives, not just one. You don't have to form an opinion based upon one experience.
Also, do your own research and fact finding if you're not sure, and be mindful that many (if not all) sources are biased to a degree.
Okay but you're going to keep defining energy forms in terms of other energy forms. Eventually you'll end up needing to say "X is created by electromagnetic fields" and the circle will be complete.
There's a Feinman quote to this effect.
"It's important to realize that in physics today we have no idea what energy is."
Energy is just what we call our descriptions of how we use math to determine correlations we see. It's explanatory only in that scope. Nothing about physics explains why this physics we see instead of any other, why math exists in the way it does, how consciousness related to the world. Or so on.
Don't agree with it
I do this, but only on Veeky Forums. Whenever I hear something IRL, on the radio, or on TV I immediately disagree, and then come to my own conclusion after thinking for a while.
>How I develop better critical think skills? I always fine myself agreeing with the opinion that I last heard.
Try disproving every statement you hear (in environments where such things are acceptable, of course) regardless of whether you agree with it or not. You'll be shit at first, but as you start getting into quality arguments (happens occasionally around here), you'll start getting better at arguing your points. It will also help you expand your views, because you'll understand other positions better. What I'm saying is that you should play the devil's lawyer as often as possible, in your head if it is not the appropriate time for discussion. I'd also tell you to look up formal logic (it's actually very helpful to construct your arguments as connected sets of premises and conclusions) and to get connected with a debate club, if possible (helped me heaps). And finally, don't fall for cheap rethoric and appeal to emotion (these tend to be abundant in low-level discussions, and particularly in politics, as these things move the masses), don't start considering your values 'right' or 'absolute', and finally, don't be an arrogant tosser who refuses to even try understanding the opposition's view.
>Can you be more specific?
on thinking, forming opinions, answering questions
the "process" at arriving at conclusion and where to go after
I'll take playing Devil's Advocate for $200, Alex
I think most of that is unfortunately what people mean by innate intelligence. I can't explain to you how to draw better conclusions. You just have to practice being skeptical and thinking about relationships between ideas. The more willing you are to admit that you're wrong, the more you'll notice that you can replace your bad ideas with better ideas.
neither over- nor under- rated post
>disprove everything
>formal logic
ok i disproved everything and all of the tools i had to disprove things with…now what
Try this on for size.
>Peace symbol
I recently drew this symbol in pic related on a pillar outside my college's Humanities building.
Shortly after, I realized that the people I had just said goodbye to inside the building, and had given the hand gesture peace sign to, saw me draw it on the pillar.
I know that more than one of the girls who saw me probably thought the symbol was upside down, or incorrect.
So all 'combination 'N' and 'O' (Nuclear Disarmament)' aside, and all nazi conspiracy/christian upside down cross aside, tell me;
What do you think, OP? Does it really matter what direction the peace symbol is facing?
Could have just posted a pic of Buddha
Are you retarded
>I recently drew this symbol in pic related on a pillar outside my college's Humanities building.
why are you defacing private/public property?
It's thanks to people like you that we can't have nice things.
Is this is a test?
>The idea that reality is not real, or that what you sense and feel is not authentic, is something that I am skeptical of.
Holy fuck, how retarded is bill nye? hurr durr im skeptical of skepticism. nice """science""" fucking idiot. what a dip.
philosophy is the practice of bullshiting harder whenever reality proves your pet theory on human experience wrong again
Study philosopy.
Specifically deductive and inductive arguments.
Also look up fallacious arguments.
After that you can tackle abductive reasoning which is used in a scientific world view.
You disproved your initial axioms of logic? How? With new axioms? And then you just have an infinite series of axioms all the way down?
This is a great example of how you think something is stupid, but you have never even learned the first thing about what you're talking about.
Get this. Just do it.
>having a theory of human experience
>not philosphy
No user, philosphy is the practice of attempting to understand things. Now show me where on the brain the bad professor touched you.
Isn't it one thing to practice thinking critically, and reading why and where it's purpose lies?
Thinking critically should come naturally when a person perceives something that not only do they not fully comprehend, but to agree with.