Hey Communists
Victims of gommunism ;_:
Any ideology that kills QTs is my enemy
Fuck off Virginia
t. Louisiana
>upset for brutal tyrant family
how many innocent families lost their lives due to the tsar? nigger had it coming
why didn't they just convince Nicholas ii to become a low level political Commissar?
brainwashing people is a lot easier than you think
Really? So Alexei had to see his family get brutalized in front of him because his dad was a faggot? Fuck off, stupid commie.
>being this mad over a monarchy
You have reached new levels of cuck.
Get made about the countless Russians who were starved to death due to him. Then more who were brutally murdered for standing up to his atrocities.
I'm surprised at how austere they look. Shouldn't they be dressed lavish as fuck?
And the back drop.... ?
All pale in comparison to communist atrocities.
>literally giving a shit
Might happen after the Romanovs apologize for all the Communist families (thousands) they murdered.
I get mad about them. But the kids didn't have shit to do with their father, you retarded cunt.
>he thinks you can have a revolution and let the heirs survive
are you being le serious
Which one is suppose to be qt?
Communists did nothing wrong.
Maybe you shouldn't have declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary with a military that got BTFO by the Japanese only a few years earlier.
Positively evil, my man.
When God and honor reigned, you would keep them as political prisoners or exile them. Godless commies are pure genocidal evil
Same reason why dynasties begin their dynasty by murdering all members of the previous dynasty. So the old dynasty can never reclaim it's thrown.
but if you convince Nicholas to become a communist he won't want to overthrow anything.
He will want to build communism.
romanovs deserved worse
You deserve worse
I always felt these kind of threads are made ironically by lefties to celebrate their killings, but why? this is literally inhumane
inhumane people getting their own medicine is justice
Because they're bloodthirsty faggots, and yet too much of a pussy to do any actual killing nowadays. So they resort to baiting people like this.
I think doing it with Nick is justifiable, but why the families? you just look like deranged psychopath doing it
Lol. That's what Russians do.
Hell... That's what the Chinese did for centuries. Not only did they kill of traitors direct family, but extended family. And anyone who was their friend or owed them money etc etc.
People always deny or justify genocides all the time on this board yet no one calls them deranged psychopaths. But heaven forbid we talk about a royal family.
extreme times bring extreme actions, those executioners were probably drunk with rage from watching their families/friends suffer or starve to death at the hands of the tsar
also this , i don't understand that double standard. it's like killing low people is fine with Veeky Forums but killing high up people is totally unacceptable
most are just arguing about statistics, here people post photos of woman and children with ''do they deserve it?'' or ''do you think she cares about her cousins who are killed in glorious proletariat revolution?''
I understand the situation and since its russians we're talking about here, savagery is probably expected
its celebrating of it which is disgusting
Most of the righties are too ignorant to know that Emperor Nicholas II would have worked them to death in the Gulag. He believed that the only legitimate form of government was Imperialism, and all others were just variations of Anarchism. Since Anarchists were automatically traitors and sent to the Gulags, all these right-wing Republicans would have frozen to death in Siberia. Funny to hear them defend him.
>''do you think she cares about her cousins who are killed in glorious proletariat revolution?''
kek I made that thread about Victoria Louise of Prussia
Not even a communist I was just genuinely curious if anybody knew of any writings that discussed what she thought of the Russian revolution and specifically how she felt about her relatives being victims of it.
Victoria Louise kind of a qt.
i expected nothing less Veeky Forums
>Kind of
Also one of her descendants is a total loli
Mein Gott
You're the kind of person a man wants as his enemy
I think it was the Emperor Alexander I who ordered Russians to become Communists on pain of death if they defied him
Nope LOL
Daily reminder that communists are concentrated evil edgelords who hate every fiber of your existence and deserve nothing but death. You can't even attempt to reason with them.
russian civilization only even fucking existed because with the monarchy, for the first fucking tme in russian history, they weren't pushed north of the volga by a combination of camelniggers who simply couldn't handle the cold.
but I gues the oppression of a monarchy is so much worse than being genocided by a foreign race, right?
t. Robspierre
Robespierre didn't kill any heirs
False dichotomy.
I didn't say Robespierre I said Robspierre. Different guy.
>if they were poor peasants they wouldn't be qt's
>any ideology that kills upper class men who can enhance their appearance is an enemy of mine
it's not a false dichotomy. it's literally the history of russian civilization. for 700 years they were nomads that were forced to seasonally retreat behind teh volga to survive. for 700 years, camel raiders would raid their lands and take the only things they could, which was women and cattle, since the land was cold and barren
russians couldn't settle until a feudal lord was capable of organizing armies to defend static patches of land
do you fucking idiot leftists think that everything that you don't understand is some sort of buzzword?
this is literally european history 101 as taught in fucking high school.
goddamned retards.
The false dichotomy is in assuming that the choice is between being owned the Russian monarchy forever or being genocided, you bloody mong. They weren't genocided after getting rid of them, so it's demonstrably wrong. Russia continued to exist after the Romanovs were gone.
They were genocided by the Jews Lenin and Trotsky.
such a nice family
without CIVILIZATIONAL ORGANIZATION to organize a STANDING ARMY, they would have continued to be genocided
that's not a dichotomy, you limp dicked idiot. that's reality.
the REALITY of invasion creates the necessity of feudal organization.
you don't immediately transition from nomadism into industrial society. fucking impossible. without a form of society more advanced than nomadic pastoralism, they were going to all get killed.
it's not afalse fucking dichotomy. russia ITSELF formed as the result of the csars.
>Comrades, we must purge ourselves of this brutal regime so that we may impose our own even more brutal regime in its place
Are Russians actual retards?
>there is only one means to shorten, simplify and concentrate the murderous death throes of the old society and the bloody birth pangs of the new, only one means – revolutionary terrorism
You are a bourgeois liberal faggot ignorant to the permanent violence by the ruling. Also you get offended when you see violence but as long as Fox News hides it you are happy. Literally cucked by capitalism.
Do you guys believe that you would be some kind of nobility under these people's rule? I don't get this.
Are you guys into BDSM or something? It's the only explanation for defending these ruthless tyrants.
Don't get me wrong Communism absolutely sucks but this is even worse.
>it's not a false dichotomy. it's literally the history of russian civilization. for 700 years they were nomads that were forced to seasonally retreat behind teh volga to survive. for 700 years, camel raiders would raid their lands and take the only things they could, which was women and cattle, since the land was cold and barren
Source? This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read in a while.
This is the kind of bias every middle class person has.
All these college kids vying for communism think that they'd get their own life plus more for free. They have no concept of their life getting worse.
Similarly, people who defend the Tsars believe that they wouldn't be one of the Peasants, or serfs. They could not imagine it.
The moral of the story is that one should be glad that one was not born in Russia at any point in human history.
Same goes for China and South America.
>The moral of the story is that one should be glad that one was not born in Russia at any point in human history.
But it's nice here and the food is great
I shouldn't be glad then since I'm South American.
Well, be glad you're not a Hue Monkey, then.
You're one of the lucky ones
google russian ethnogenesis
it's the origin of the russian people as surely as hte origin of polynesians is people crossed the ocean in lots of small boats and some of them survived
stop being a retard
human history is not pleasant. what the csar did was historically necessary and there was no more a way around it than there was a necessity for strict marriage and monogamy and punishment for adultery for the last 2k years of european history
you don't like it? boo hoo. kill yourself
>The Tsar needed to fire an artillery barrage into a group of protestors
>The Tsar needed to delay the abolishment of Serfdom 50 years to appease the Lords of the Manors
>The Tsar needed to Jew the Serfs so that they began their freedom in debt
>You're one of the lucky ones
Are you implying that some people are starving in Russia?
> russian ethnogenesis
I googled that and I found absolutely no useful information. First of all, there were no "russians" back then. Many slavic tribes occupied the land and there were very few settlements next to the Volga river. By the time Moscow was founded most "camel raiders" (whatever the fuck that is) were defeated and forced to retreat to the east. You're just making shit up.
yes. he did. without industrial power, governments keep the peace only through violence.
history 101
there are no people in current history called the "peaceful nigger bone-in-nose people of the kuwutumbo" either. because groups that didn't organize militarily have all been killed.
the heart of russia is in the volga because that is wher they gathered.
I bet you can't find sources saying that chinese bronze age culture is in the shang, either, right? or that in the feudal age the disparate groups that became the han were founded around the northwest. I bet you can't find that. because you're an idiot. not because facts dont exist, though.
I guess not, but aren't imports fucked?
I saw some picture on /int/, and a box of tea was like 87 USD
>and a box of tea was like 87 USD
How big was that box?
Show me those fucking facts then, retard. What camel archers are you taling about? When did that ever happen?
Like 100 bags, and it was cheap Lipton shit
are you stupid? read basic history about the region
you might as well next ask for proof that polnesians made it to the pacific in dinghies
I'm not going to "prove" that to you either, because it's commonly accepted and there's genetic and archeological evidence for the path they took
wait wait, next, you'll ask me to "prove" that eskimo ethnogenesis arose from crossing the bering straight, and then staying in alaska, where it was cold, so they needed to live a certain way
wow, how am I gonna PROVE THAT?
>le let the children live! meme
It's literally the stupidest thing you can do and as Julius Caesar found out clemency is how you fuck yourself up. Augustus' method of removing all of his enemies ended up in 40 years of peaceful governance.
Read some Machiavelli you faggots.
I'm convinced that Veeky Forums is simultaneously one of the smartest and dumbest boards at the same time, kind of like a real history department
some people have encyclopedic and photographic memories and can draw salient connections
the other half are people that are just way too stupid for STEM and wanted to do something easy
people on this board deny that molecular genetics exists or try to discuss, as above, russian history without even know basic facts of the pre-feudal landscape of russia, let alone the principles of emergent feudal institutions
like, these people are straight up stupid.
I bet you they get A's in their undergrads too, and so they feel smart and entitled, because the classes are full of mexicans who can't speak english and fratboys who can't spell
>Are Russians actual retards?
they're a horse people who were only very recently, and very imperfectly, tamed
they're still smarter than everyone else on the planet who isn't western euro or east asian. so the fact that we're letting people into our country who are less intelligent by a good 20 iq points, that should frighten you tremendously
I dunno what you're talking about. You can get a box like that for 7-10 usd.
For all the bad rep Brazil gets internationally atleast we weren't stupid enough to kill our most prestigious family.
>why the families
Politics, now the tsarists can't really back up any "legitimate" heir.
>When God and honor reigned, you would keep them as political prisoners or exile them.
If that had been efficient, it would still be the case today. But it failed multiple times.
>people think the death of some individuals can compare to the plight of the masses
>deposing based Dom Pedro II, the most succesful leader South America ever had
>thus allowing power hungry short sighted idiots to bring Brazil down over decades and decades
>"lel at least we didn't kill him and his family"
I guess.
100 years later while Putin is a quasi dictator what difference does it make how "legitimate" they are anyway?
appointing king kwame of the Gambia is about as legitimate
>Same goes for China
Calm down friend, it had its bad moments but it had its good times too.
Yeah because the revolution could have foreseen Putin amirite ?
I'm not saying killing the children makes your revolution 100% foolproof, but leaving the Czarists without anyone to put on the throne buys you a shitload of time.
If they didn't kill the children it would have backfired something like 10 years later.
no I mean why can't some third cousin three times removed living in Lichtenstein claim the throne is what I'm asking and not be considered be "legitimate"?
...well, throughout history...
blame leftists for assassinating Alexander which made him go all reactionary
Why didn't Georgie boy give them asylum, brehs?
No lie
I wonder what her pussy smelled like.
...because remember, this is Veeky Forums.
blood and iron and salty milk
Finding this third cousin is gonna be hard
And most likely at this degree of separation there will be multiple candidates, which will lead to infighting